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How much does Facebook pay content creators?

How much does Facebook pay content creators?

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the second quarter of 2022. With such a massive user base, Facebook presents a major opportunity for content creators to build an audience and monetize their content.

How Facebook Pays Content Creators

There are several ways content creators on Facebook can earn money:

  • Advertising revenue from videos – Content creators can monetize their videos by allowing Facebook to place ads on or near their content. Facebook will then pay them a percentage of the ad revenue.
  • Stars – Fans can purchase “Stars” during Facebook Live videos and give them to creators as a form of tipping or donation. One star is worth $0.01 USD.
  • Subscriptions – Fans can pay a monthly fee to subscribe to a creator’s content.
  • Badges – Fans can purchase badges during live streams to show support for creators. A portion of badge sales go to the creator.
  • Facebook Gaming Creator monetization – Gaming creators can earn money from their gaming live streams via ads, stars, subscriptions and more.
  • Paid online events – Creators can host paid virtual events that fans can buy access to.
  • Branded content – Brand sponsorships and collaborations allow creators to earn money from branded posts and influencer marketing.
  • Facebook Fan Subscriptions – A way for creators to offer exclusive, paid content to loyal fans.

The amount a creator earns depends on factors like number of views/followers, type of content, audience engagement, partnerships, and more. On average, content creators on Facebook tend to earn:

Average Facebook Creator Earnings

Content Type Average Earnings
Facebook video creators $5,000 – $20,000 per month
Top Facebook gaming creators $3,000 – $10,000 per month
Nano influencers (1,000 – 10,000 followers) $500 – $2,500 per branded post
Micro influencers (10,000 – 50,000 followers) $1,000 – $5,000 per branded post

Factors That Impact Facebook Creator Earnings

There are several key factors that impact how much money content creators can earn on Facebook:

Number of Followers/Fans

Generally, the more followers or fans a creator has, the more money they can earn. Creators with larger audiences tend to have higher engagement rates, more branded partnership opportunities, and greater potential to convert followers into paying subscribers or customers.

For example, a gaming creator with 500,000 followers will likely earn significantly more than a creator with 5,000 followers.

Video Views and Engagement

For video creators specifically, earnings are largely dependent on video views and engagement metrics. Videos that achieve more views and higher engagement in terms of reactions, comments, and shares have greater earning potential.

Facebook pays creators 55% of ad revenue generated from in-stream ads on video views. The actual ad rates will depend on factors like content type, audience demographics, demand, etc. Top video creators can earn anywhere from $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views.

Consistency and Quality of Content

Creators who post high-quality, consistent content on a regular basis tend to build more loyal followings and generate greater viewer interest. This leads to better engagement and potential monetization over time.

For example, a creator who posts short funny videos daily may earn more over the long run compared to someone who only posts sporadically.

Facebook Creator Monetization Programs

Facebook offers content creators access to special monetization programs once they reach certain follower milestones. These include:

  • Facebook Level Up – Provides creators access to additional monetization tools once they cross key followers & engagement thresholds.
  • Facebook Reels Play Bonus Program – Pays eligible creators bonuses for top performing reels content.
  • Facebook Black Creator Program – Provides Black creators with training, mentorship opportunities and funding to create content.

Accessing these special programs can significantly boost a creator’s earning potential on the platform.

Top-Earning Content Creators on Facebook

Here are some examples of high-earning creators on Facebook across different content formats and genres:


  • Markiplier – 15 million followers, estimated earnings of $1.5 million per year
  • Jacksepticeye – 9 million followers, estimated earnings of $1 million per year
  • DanTDM – 18 million followers, estimated earnings of $1.8 million per year


  • Lilly Singh – 15 million followers, estimated earnings of $5 million per year
  • Cameron Dallas – 20 million followers, estimated earnings of $2.5 million per year
  • King Bach – 18 million followers, estimated earnings of $2 million per year


  • Jason Derulo – 27 million followers, estimated earnings of $750,000 per year
  • Shakira – 57 million followers, estimated earnings of $1 million per year
  • Rihanna – 96 million followers, estimated earnings of $1.5 million per year

As these top creators demonstrate, Facebook offers significant monetization potential for content creators in all genres and verticals.

Tips to Earn More as a Facebook Creator

Here are some tips creators of all types and sizes can use to maximize their earning potential on Facebook:

Leverage All Monetization Tools Available

Earn revenue from ads, subscriptions, stars, badges, Facebook Gaming and more. Diversify monetization strategies.

Engage Your Audience and Community

Respond to comments, interact on Lives, post exclusive content for engaged fans. Building a connection leads to more monetization.

Collaborate with Brands and Other Creators

Partnerships open up branded content opportunities. Collaborations also help cross-promote to new audiences.

Analyze Performance Data and Pivot

Use Facebook analytics to see top performing content and formats. Double down on what works and improve underperforming areas.

Post High-Quality, Consistent Content

Good content leads to organic growth and loyal fans. Stay consistent with posting and production quality.

Apply to Facebook Monetization Programs

Getting accepted into programs like Facebook Level Up gives access to more money-making features.


In summary, top content creators on Facebook can earn anywhere from several thousand to several million dollars per year based on factors like follower count, content strategy, consistency, and monetization methods leveraged. While Facebook creator earnings vary widely, the platform provides plenty of tools for motivated creators to monetize their audience and make meaningful income. Consistently producing high-quality, engaging content for a specific niche is key to building a loyal community that can be converted into fans, subscribers and customers over the long term.