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How much does a website like Facebook cost?

How much does a website like Facebook cost?

Creating a social media website like Facebook is no small feat. Facebook is one of the largest and most complex websites in the world, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2021. Replicating even a fraction of Facebook’s functionality requires massive investments in development, infrastructure, operations, marketing and more.

In this article, we’ll break down the major cost components involved in building and launching a Facebook-like social network. We’ll look at upfront costs like development and design, as well as ongoing expenses for servers, bandwidth, maintenance, advertising and staff. While every project is different, this analysis should provide a realistic baseline for budgeting your own Facebook-inspired platform.

Development and Design

The most fundamental upfront cost for any new website is development and design. This includes:

  • Front-end development – Building the interfaces and experiences users see and interact with.
  • Back-end development – Creating the behind-the-scenes functionality like databases, APIs, messaging systems and more.
  • Full-stack development – Handling both front-end and back-end systems.
  • UX and UI design – Crafting intuitive, aesthetically-pleasing designs across web and mobile apps.
  • Project management – Coordinating timelines, requirements, resources, communications and more.

For a website like Facebook, you need expertise across all of these areas. The exact cost will depend heavily on the scale and complexity of your platform, but as a general benchmark, building an initial viable product (MVP) with core social features would likely cost **at least $500,000 – $1 million+ in development and design fees alone**.

This estimate is based on typical rates of:

  • Full-stack developers – $60-$150/hour
  • UI/UX designers – $50-$125/hour
  • Project managers – $50-$100/hour

With a team of at least 5-10 expert developers, 2-3 designers, 1-2 project managers, and 6-12+ months of initial development, you quickly arrive at a bare minimum MVP cost of around $500k. Expanding the platform’s capabilities would require additional resources and budget.


Once your social network MVP is built, you need the infrastructure to launch it at scale. This means servers, networking, storage, databases and more.

Key infrastructure costs include:

  • Servers – Physical machines or virtual private servers to host the website and process traffic. These typically run $50-$500 per month each.
  • Cloud computing – Services like AWS, Azure or GCP that provide flexible, pay-as-you-go access to computing resources. Prices vary by usage.
  • Bandwidth – The network capacity to handle your site’s traffic. This can cost $0.10-$0.40 per GB of data transfer.
  • Load balancers – Distribute traffic across servers. Around $20-$100 per month each.
  • Backups – Automated systems to backup databases and files. Can run $50+ per terabyte per month.
  • CDN – Content delivery networks to cache data globally. Typically $0.10-$0.30 per GB served.

Most social platforms require high-availability infrastructure with built-in redundancies. Completely redundant infrastructure for a Facebook-scale MVP could easily cost **tens of thousands of dollars per month** after factoring replication across multiple data centers.

Ongoing Operations

In addition to upfront development and launch costs, running a social network comes with considerable monthly expenses:

  • Staff – Your team will minimally need engineering, community management, marketing and content expertise. Depending on salaries and team size, this can amount to **$50,000 – $500,000+ in monthly staffing costs**.
  • Moderation – Monitoring user-generated content for policy violations, risk, hate speech, NSFW material, etc. Combining technology and human review, this can cost upwards of **$500,000+ per month** at scale.
  • Customer support – Handling user inquiries via email, chat, phone. Figure **$10,000 – $100,000+ per month** for a decent-sized team.
  • Legal/compliance – Ensuring adherence with regulations around security, privacy, accessibility and more. Budget at least **$10,000 – $50,000+ per month**.

Other recurring expenses like infrastructure, payment processing, insurance and office space should be factored in as well.

User Acquisition

Driving user adoption is critical for any social product. Marketing and advertising costs to acquire users can be substantial:

  • Influencer marketing – Paying relevant influencers to promote your platform. Rates vary based on audience size and can reach **$1,000+ per post**.
  • Paid ads – Running ads across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. These average around **$5-$10 per click** but add up quickly.
  • PR – Public relations firms to gain earned media exposure. Typically **thousands per month** on retainer agreements.
  • Paid acquisition – Buying users outright via signup bonuses, competitions, etc. This can cost **$1-$10+ per user** depending on incentives.

For a Facebook competitor, marketing budgets in the **hundreds of thousands or low millions per month** are not unreasonable during growth phases.


In total, building a Facebook-like social network platform can easily cost **tens of millions of dollars or more**. This includes:

– **$500k – $1 million+** in upfront development costs

– **Tens of thousands per month** in infrastructure expenses

– **Hundreds of thousands per month** in staffing and operations

– **Hundreds of thousands to millions per month** in marketing and user acquisition

These costs will vary based on your product’s specific scope and scale. But it’s clear that launching a competitive social media site requires massive capital and patience to build the user base over time. The good news is that cloud computing and flexible staffing models allow you to scale your spending with the growth of your community.

Cost Category Typical Range
Development $500k – $1 million+ (upfront)
Infrastructure Tens of thousands per month
Operations Hundreds of thousands per month
Marketing Hundreds of thousands to millions per month

While not cheap, many founders and investors still find the potential benefits worth these massive costs. After all, the next great social platform could easily be valued in the billions – just look at Facebook’s rise to a nearly $1 trillion company. But differentiating from an entrenched leader like Facebook takes time, determination and deep pockets.

Want to Start Your Own Social Network?

If you’re serious about launching a Facebook competitor, the experienced team at Anthropic can help. We’ve built some of the most sophisticated artificial intelligence systems powering products at companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft and others.

By combining our world-class engineering talents with proven growth marketing strategies, we can partner with you to create the next big thing in social technology.

Get in touch to schedule a consultation!