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How much do you make from Chipotle fundraisers?

How much do you make from Chipotle fundraisers?

Chipotle fundraisers have become a popular way for groups and organizations to raise money quickly and easily. With a Chipotle fundraiser, groups earn back 33% of event sales, which can add up to a significant amount of fundraising dollars. But how much can you really make from a Chipotle fundraiser? Here is a detailed breakdown of how Chipotle fundraisers work and how much money you can expect to earn.

How Do Chipotle Fundraisers Work?

Hosting a Chipotle fundraiser is easy. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Contact your local Chipotle restaurant and tell them you want to host a fundraiser.
  2. Work with the restaurant to pick a date and time (fundraisers are typically held in the evening or weekends when the restaurant is busy).
  3. Promote your fundraiser to your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. and encourage them to come to Chipotle during your scheduled time.
  4. During the fundraiser, guests just pay for their meal as normal. They do not need to provide any special coupon or mention your group.
  5. After the fundraiser, Chipotle will donate back 33% of the total event sales to your group.

That’s it! Chipotle handles all the logistics – you just need to get the word out about your fundraiser and get people to attend.

How Much Does Chipotle Donate?

For every fundraiser, Chipotle donates back 33% of total sales from the event. This includes food, drink, and merchandise purchases during the designated timeframe.

So for example, if your 2-hour fundraiser brought in $1000 total sales, your group would earn back $330 (33% of $1000) as a donation from Chipotle.

The 33% Donation Rate

It’s important to understand Chipotle’s 33% donation rate only applies to total event sales, not total profit. Here’s a breakdown:

  • If an item costs $10, Chipotle may only profit $3-$4 on that item after food costs.
  • But with the fundraiser, they donate 33% of the full $10 sale, not just their profit.
  • So for every $10 item sold, they potentially donate $3.30 from that sale to your group.

In short, the 33% donation comes “off the top” of total sales, before their own costs and profits.

How Much Money Can You Raise?

The amount of money you raise from your Chipotle fundraiser depends on a few factors:

1. Location of the Restaurant

Busier locations with more traffic will naturally bring in more sales during your event timeframe, earning you more money. Try to partner with the highest volume Chipotle near you.

2. Time of Day/Week

Evenings and weekends tend to be busier times for restaurants. Late night on a Friday or Saturday will likely have the most customers and highest fundraiser sales.

3. Length of Fundraiser

Most Chipotle fundraisers last 2-3 hours. More hours = more opportunity for sales. Consider a longer event if permitted.

4. Number of Attendees

The most important factor is spreading the word and getting people to your fundraiser! The more attendees you can drive to the restaurant during your event, the more money you’ll raise.

How Many People Should You Expect?

It’s hard to estimate turnout, but here are some benchmarks:

  • 10 attendees – $150-$200 in sales
  • 25 attendees – $300-$400 in sales
  • 50 attendees – $600-$800 in sales
  • 100 attendees – $1200-$1500 in sales

These are conservative estimates assuming an average of $10 spent per attendee. Higher spending will increase your totals.

How Much Could Your Group Raise?

Let’s put it all together and estimate how much money your group could raise from a successful Chipotle fundraiser.

Imagine your event gets 75 attendees spending an average of $15 each over a 3 hour dinner period on a Friday night. That would equal:

  • 75 attendees x $15 per person = $1,125 in total sales
  • 33% of $1,125 = $370 donation!

And that’s a decent estimate for a medium-sized, well-promoted fundraiser. With the right location, time, and promotion, you could potentially drive 100+ attendees and raise $500+. Or host monthly Chipotle fundraisers throughout the year for recurring revenue.

Tips to Maximize Your Proceeds

Here are some tips to drive maximum attendance and sales at your Chipotle fundraiser:

Pick a Good Date

Avoid major holidays or dates with bad weather. Friday and Saturday nights are ideal.

Promote Early and Often

Get the word out via social media, emails, posters, word of mouth. Follow up with reminders.

Offer Incentives

Encourage support with raffles or rewards for top attendees.

Have Merchandise Available

T-shirts, bracelets or other gear will incentivize higher spending.

Bring the Energy

Make it fun! Have music, games, costumes – anything to create excitement.

Should You Host a Chipotle Fundraiser?

In summary – Chipotle fundraisers offer an easy, proven model to generate hundreds of dollars in profits for your group or organization. And you don’t have to sell any physical items.

With the right planning and promotion, many groups earn $500, $800, or even $1000+ from a single Chipotle fundraiser event. This revenue can be truly transformative for school clubs, sports teams, youth groups, churches, and non-profit organizations.

Compared to other restaurant chains, Chipotle is generous in donating 33% of total sales. And their food is popular with most demographics, bringing in consistent turnout and sales.

Just a few hours of your time organizing a Chipotle fundraiser can pay dividends for months or years after. Additional events will compound your earnings over time. Don’t wait – contact your local Chipotle and start planning your profitable fundraiser today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request a Chipotle fundraiser?

Contact the manager of your nearest Chipotle and request a “fundraiser night”. Provide your organization name, ideal date/time, and fundraising goal. They will work with you to confirm details.

Can we make food to sell too?

No, you cannot sell any outside food – only Chipotle products. Your customers must order and purchase food directly from the restaurant.

How far in advance should we plan?

Contact your Chipotle at least 2-3 weeks before your desired date. Popular nights book up quickly at many locations.

Do people need to show a flyer or coupon?

No, guests do not need any coupon or proof that they are supporting your fundraiser. As long as they purchase food during your event time, the sales apply.

Does online ordering count?

Yes, online and app orders placed for pickup during your fundraiser hours still count towards your total donations.

When do we receive the donation check?

Chipotle sends donation checks out each month. So allow at least 4-6 weeks after your event to receive your check.


Chipotle fundraisers provide a proven, mutually beneficial partnership between your group and restaurant. With the right planning, promotion, and execution, your next Chipotle fundraiser can earn your organization hundreds of dollars or more. Chipotle offers a simple fundraising model with no upfront costs, no sales requirements, and generous 33% donations – certainly an appealing option for any nonprofit, school group, or sports team looking to generate critical revenue. Reach out to Chipotle today to start planning your next successful fundraiser event!