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How much do you get paid for Facebook Reels?

How much do you get paid for Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels is a new short-form video feature on Facebook that allows users to create and share short multi-clip videos up to 60 seconds long. Reels was first launched by Instagram in August 2020 as a competitor to TikTok, and Facebook adopted the format for its main app in 2021.

One of the main questions creators have about Facebook Reels is: How much can you actually make from them? Here is a detailed look at how Facebook Reels payouts and monetization work.

Do You Get Paid for Facebook Reels?

Yes, it is possible to earn money from Facebook Reels through the Reels Play bonus program. This program pays eligible creators each month based on the views and engagement their Reels receive.

To start earning money from Reels, you first need to meet the eligibility requirements:

  • Have at least 600,000 total minutes viewed across all your Reels in the last 30 days
  • Have at least 5 active Reels
  • Comply with Facebook’s monetization policies and terms of service

Once you meet the thresholds, you can apply for the Reels Play bonus program in Facebook Monetization Manager. If approved, you’ll start receiving payouts each month.

How Much Does Facebook Pay for Reels?

Facebook has not publicly disclosed an exact pay rate for Reels. However, based on reports from creators, it appears the payout is around $0.01 to $0.03 per view currently.

The amount you earn per view can vary based on factors like:

  • Your Reels’ retention rate (how long people watch)
  • Engagement level (likes, comments, shares)
  • Video duration
  • Overall performance of Reels content compared to others

Facebook may also offer bonuses for top-performing Reels. One creator reported earning $35,000 in bonus money alone for a popular Reel.

In general, longer Reels with strong engagement metrics seem to earn on the higher end of the payout rate. But specific earnings metrics are not disclosed by Facebook.

How Does Facebook Reels Bonus Pay Work?

If you meet the eligibility requirements listed above, you can receive a monthly Reels Play bonus payment. This includes both a fixed bonus amount each month, as well as a performance-based bonus.

According to Facebook, the fixed monthly bonus amount is determined by factors like your region and Reels viewership. The performance bonus is based on the views and engagement your individual Reels receive.

Facebook makes the monthly Reels Play bonus payments within the first 2 weeks of each month. Your bonus earnings show up as “Reels Play Bonus” in your Facebook Creator Studio earnings dashboard.

To continue receiving bonus payments every month, you need to keep producing Reels consistently and meet the minimum viewership thresholds.

Other Ways to Make Money from Facebook Reels

In addition to the Reels Play bonus program, creators can also earn money from Reels through:

In-Stream Ads

If your account is in good standing, you may see in-stream ads placed between your Reels. You can earn a 55% revenue share from these ads.

Facebook Stars

Fans can support creators by purchasing and sending virtual Stars during Facebook Live streams and on Reels. You earn 1 cent per Star received.

Product Tags

Add tags for products featured in your Reels to enable shopping links. If viewers make purchases, you can earn commissions.

Sponsorships & Brand Partnerships

Popular Reels creators can work directly with brands to create sponsored videos and be paid a sponsorship fee.

Tips to Maximize Your Reels Earnings

Here are some tips to help you earn more money from your Facebook Reels:

  • Engage consistently with your audience through likes, comments, messages, and live streams.
  • Understand your audience interests and create Reels aligned to them.
  • Find popular audio and music tracks to enhance your Reels.
  • Use relevant hashtags and captions to improve discoverability.
  • Create a mix of entertaining, helpful, inspiring, or educational content.
  • Optimize your captions, hashtags and profiles for SEO to rank higher.
  • Consider promoting your best performing Reels for more reach.
  • Analyze your metrics to refine and improve over time.

Facebook Reels Monetization Requirements

To be eligible to earn money directly from your Facebook Reels, you need to meet these requirements:

  • Be 18+ years old
  • Have at least 100,000 followers
  • Have an authentic profile and content that complies with Facebook’s policies
  • Agree to Facebook’s monetization terms and pay any applicable taxes
  • Connect an Ad Breaks account to insert mid-roll ads
  • Enable Star support if you want to earn money from Stars

You may also need to submit a valid government ID and tax information depending on your region’s requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do Reels have to be to get paid?

Facebook Reels can be between 15 seconds to 60 seconds long. There are no hard rules on length to get paid, but longer Reels tend to have higher retention and engagement. Many top creators stick to 30 seconds as an optimal length.

Can you go live on Reels?

No, Facebook Reels does not support live streaming capability at this time. To live stream video, you would need to use Facebook Live separately.

Do all Reels views count towards bonus?

No, only public views of your Reels from people who are not your Facebook friends count towards the bonuses. Private or internal views don’t help with monetization requirements.

How many total Reels do I need to make money?

To be eligible for the Reels Play bonus, you need at least 5 active Reels in the last 30 days. But to earn meaningful income, regularly posting new Reels is recommended.

Can I use copyrighted music?

No, using unlicensed copyrighted music in your Reels can lead to removal of your content and loss of monetization privileges. Stick to free commercial use and creative commons music.


Earning money from Facebook Reels is a new opportunity for creators. While exact pay rates are unpublished, top performers can comfortably make thousands per month. The key is consistently creating engaging Reels optimized for watch time and virality. With the right strategy, creativity, and persistence, it is possible to build a lucrative income stream on Facebook Reels.