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How much do Instagram ads cost in Germany?

How much do Instagram ads cost in Germany?

Instagram advertising costs vary depending on several factors like ad objective, targeting options, placement, and more. On average, the cost per click (CPC) for Instagram ads in Germany ranges from $0.25 to $0.75 while the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) ranges from $2 to $8.

Factors that influence Instagram ad costs in Germany

Here are some of the key factors that impact the cost of Instagram ads in Germany:

Ad objective

Different ad objectives like awareness, consideration, conversions etc. have different costs. Brand awareness campaigns tend to have lower costs while conversion campaigns have higher costs.


Narrow targeting based on demographics, interests, behaviors etc. costs more than broader targeting. Geographic targeting also impacts costs.

Ad placement

Ads placed in the Instagram feed have lower costs than ads placed in Instagram Stories or Reels which have more prominent placement.

Ad format

Video ads usually have higher CPMs than image ads on Instagram.

Ad quality

High quality ads with striking visuals tend to have better engagement and lower CPC/CPM.

Landing page experience

Optimized landing pages with good user experience tend to convert better resulting in lower CPC.


Higher competition for keywords/audiences can drive up advertising costs.

Ad budget and running time

Larger ad budgets and longer running times unlock lower CPMs on Instagram.

Average Instagram ad CPM in Germany

Here are some average Instagram ad CPM benchmarks in Germany by industry:

Industry Average CPM
Retail $5.50
Travel $6.80
Technology $4.20
Automotive $7.50
Consumer Packaged Goods $4.00
Media & Entertainment $3.20
Finance $9.50

As evident, CPMs vary significantly based on industry verticals even within the same country. Finance, travel and automotive verticals have some of the highest CPM benchmarks in Germany.

Average Instagram ad CPC in Germany

Some average CPC benchmarks for Instagram ads in Germany are:

  • All industries average: $0.45
  • Retail: $0.52
  • Travel: $0.61
  • Technology: $0.38
  • Automotive: $0.65
  • CPG: $0.35
  • Media & Entertainment: $0.28
  • Finance: $0.82

Again, the click costs vary across verticals based on competition and other factors. But overall, CPCs are lower than CPMs for Instagram ads in Germany.

Factors that lower Instagram ad costs in Germany

Here are some tips to help lower your Instagram ad costs in Germany:

Refine targeting

Leveraging interests, behaviors and detailed demographics to narrow your targeting can improve relevance and lower CPC/CPM.

Test different placements

Trying both feed and stories ads can help find the right balance of visibility and cost efficiency.

Split test ad creatives

Testing different images, videos, copy etc. can help identify top performing assets to lower costs.

Analyze competition

Researching competitors’ ad strategies can reveal opportunities with lower competition and costs.

Optimize landing pages

Fast loading, mobile-friendly landing pages can improve conversions and decrease CPC.

Offer promotions

Running special discounts or offers can increase take rate and performance of ads.

Ways to estimate Instagram advertising costs in Germany

Here are some ways businesses can estimate their potential Instagram advertising costs in Germany:

Use Instagram’s ad cost estimator

Instagram’s own free ad cost estimator provides CPM and CPC estimates based on targeting and placements.

Review Instagram ad benchmarks

Checking industry benchmarks for CPM and CPC can provide average costs expectations.

Analyze competitor ad spend

Researching competitors’ estimated ad spend and impact can provide a sense of potential costs.

Work with an Instagram marketing agency

Agencies often provide complimentary cost estimates based on goals, assets, targeting etc.

Conduct small scale tests

Start with a small test budget and extrapolate results to estimate larger scale costs.

Strategies for lowering overall Instagram ad costs

In addition to the above tactics, brands can also employ these strategies to lower overall Instagram advertising costs in Germany:

Set up converted tagging

Using converted tags to optimize towards lower funnel objectives over time.

Use Instagram’s slate ad format

Leveraging Instagram’s multi-image slate ads can drive higher reach and lower CPM.

Focus on video marketing

Video ads garner more engagement which can compensate for their higher costs.

Re-target engaged users

Re-targeting those who already know your brand can convert them faster and cheaper.

Maintain strict budgets

Monitoring daily/monthly spend to avoid overspending and optimize for efficiency.


Instagram advertising costs in Germany can vary quite a bit based on factors like objectives, targeting, placements and more. On average, CPMs range from $2 – $8 and CPCs range from $0.25 – $0.75 across industries. Lowering costs requires refined targeting, testing, promotions and working with Instagram’s optimized formats. With the right strategy, Instagram presents a cost-efficient platform to engage German audiences.