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How much do Facebook groups sell for?

How much do Facebook groups sell for?

Selling Facebook groups has become a lucrative business for many entrepreneurs and marketers. Facebook currently has over 1.4 billion daily active users, making it the largest social media platform in the world. This massive user base presents a huge opportunity for those looking to monetize Facebook groups. But how much are Facebook groups actually selling for these days? Let’s dive into the details.

The Rising Popularity of Buying and Selling Facebook Groups

In recent years, the market for buying and selling Facebook groups has absolutely exploded. There are a few key reasons for this:

– Facebook’s continued growth – More users means more potential value for group owners.

– Ability to monetize – Facebook now offers numerous monetization options for group owners including advertising, affiliate marketing, online courses, virtual events, and more.

– Less saturation – Compared to other social platforms like Instagram or YouTube, there is far less competition on Facebook groups right now.

– Strong engagement – Groups allow for very targeted, highly engaged audiences ideal for monetization.

– Passive income potential – Many group owners earn thousands per month passively just from established groups.

As Facebook group owners have realized the income potential, a thriving marketplace has emerged to buy and sell established groups.

Factors That Determine a Facebook Group’s Value

There are a number of key factors that determine how much a Facebook group can sell for:

– Number of members – More members means a higher value. 50K+ member groups can sell for thousands.

– Engagement rate – Highly engaged groups with lots of comments and reactions sell for more.

– Relevance of the niche – Large groups in evergreen, high-demand niches sell for higher prices.

– Monetization strategies – Groups already generating revenue through ads, affiliate marketing, etc. sell for more.

– Loyalty of members – Tight-knit communities with loyal memberships retain their value.

– Post frequency – Active groups with multiple posts per day tend to sell for more.

– Length of establishment – Older, well-established groups typically sell for higher prices.

– Quality of members – Groups with authentic members and less bots/spam have higher values.

– Transferability – Groups where moderation and admin tasks are streamlined and transferable sell for more.

Let’s explore actual price ranges for Facebook groups based on size and other attributes.

Price Ranges for Facebook Groups

Here are typical price ranges you can expect to buy or sell Facebook groups for based on key characteristics:

Groups with 10,000+ Members

For larger groups with over 10,000 members, prices usually range from:

– $500 – $1,500 for a 10K-20K member group
– $1,500 – $3,000 for a 20K-50K member group
– $3,000 – $7,000+ for a 50K-100K+ member group

Larger groups with high engagement and monetization potential can sell for over $10,000. A 100K+ member group could sell for $15,000-$20,000+ in some cases.

Groups with 1,000-10,000 Members

For mid-sized groups with 1,000-10,000 members, common price ranges are:

– $100 – $300 for a 1K-3K member group
– $300 – $700 for a 3K-5K member group
– $500 – $1,500 for a 5K-10K member group

Well-engaged groups at the higher end of mid-sized could sell for $2,000+. But most prices will be on the lower half.

Groups Under 1,000 Members

Smaller groups with less than 1,000 members will usually sell for under $100. Common prices are:

– $20 – $50 for a 100-500 member group
– $50 – $100 for a 500-1,000 member group

Overall engagement matters more than size for groups this small. Tiny but highly engaged groups still retain value.

Newly Created Groups

Brand new groups without members will sell for very cheap, usually just $10-$20 to transfer ownership. Their value is solely based on the niche and name, without any established presence.

Buying new groups can be risky but also high reward if grown well. The low buy-in price makes it attractive for some entrepreneurs.

Factors That Increase Value

While the above provides general ranges, many factors can significantly increase a group’s value and selling price:

– High member engagement – Comments and reactions suggest loyal members.
– Existing monetization – Earning revenue adds to the value.
– Desirable niche – Certain niches like investing or parenting tend to sell quicker.
– Valuable assets – Content libraries, courses, tools etc. boost value.
– Well-organized – Easy to navigate and manage groups retain value.
– Established history – Older groups show staying power.

Conversely, poor engagement, outdated or spammy posts, and disorganization can decrease a group’s value.

Where and How to Buy or Sell Facebook Groups

If you decide you want to buy or sell a Facebook group, here are the most common marketplaces and platforms used:

Facebook Group Marketplaces

There are dozens of Facebook groups dedicated specifically to buying and selling groups. Some popular examples:

– Facebook Group Owners – Buy and Sell
– Facebook Group Buy Sell Trade
– Facebook Groups Buy Sell Trade

Simply join these groups and browse listings or post about a group you want to buy or sell. Transactions are completed privately.

Online Marketplaces

Dedicated sites like:


These let you list groups for sale and allow buyers to browse and purchase digitally. Some also provide group valuations.

Freelance Platforms

Sites like Fiverr and UpWork have dedicated gigs for buying and selling groups. You can create a listing or browse available groups. All transactions handled through the platform.

Word of Mouth

Letting your network of other marketers and entrepreneurs know you want to buy or sell a group can lead to deals. Personal referrals can find buyers faster.

Is Buying or Selling Facebook Groups Worth It?

At first glance, buying or selling a Facebook group may seem appealing. But is it really worth it? Here are the pros and cons:

Potential Advantages

– Lucrative income stream – Well-run groups can generate thousands per month.
– Buy groups ready-to-monetize – Fast way to start earning from a group without building it yourself.
– Expand your reach – Growing or buying multiple groups allows you to reach a wider audience.
– Low cost of entry – New and small groups can be bought for less than $100.
– Sell your hard work – Cashing out lets you earn from your efforts building a valuable group.

Potential Disadvantages

– No guarantee of success – Not all groups can easily be monetized, even large ones.
– Risk of banning – Buying or selling groups is against Facebook Terms of Service.
– Labor intensive – Managing and moderating groups takes considerable time and effort.
– No long-term equity – You don’t own the group, Facebook could shut it down at anytime.
– Need marketing skills – Requires expertise in sales funnels and ads to maximize revenue.

Mitigating the Risks

If you do decide to buy or sell a Facebook group, there are some best practices that can help mitigate risks:

– Vet groups thoroughly – Inspect engagement, posts, admins, revenue numbers, and member loyalty.
– Start small – Don’t spend thousands upfront. Test with smaller sub $500 groups first.
– Have a monetization plan – Map out how you will generate revenue before buying a group.
– Add value – Grow the group, improve engagement, fix problems the old owner ignored.
– Stay compliant – Carefully follow Facebook’s terms and community standards.
– Have an exit strategy – Plan how you would recoup your investment if the group fails or gets banned.

Evaluating Worthwhile Facebook Groups to Buy

Not all Facebook groups are worth buying. Here are the most important criteria to look for when evaluating groups:

Engagement Levels

Engagement is by far the most important factor in a group’s value. Look for consistent commenting, reactions, and sharing on posts. Low engagement suggests an inactive userbase.

Member Loyalty and Passion

Evaluate the depth of member connections in the group. Frequent off-topic posts and personal updates indicate loyal users passionate about the niche.

Post Frequency and Quality

Post cadence shows how well the group is currently maintained. Relevant posts published daily is ideal. Outdated or spammy content is a red flag.

Clear Monetization Opportunities

Look for groups where obvious monetization strategies could work well. Existing ad revenue or affiliate programs are a good sign.

Valuable Assets

Assets like established content libraries, courses, files, tool access or exclusive deals add value to a group. This gives you more monetization options.

Well-Organized and Easy to Manage

Look for clean navigation, structured units and auto-moderation settings to save you time managing it.

Evaluating groups on these criteria takes time and diligence. But it helps avoid buying a low-quality group that won’t earn you a return.

Optimizing Facebook Groups for Sale

If you already run one or more Facebook groups but now want to sell, here are some tips to optimize them before listing:

prune low value members

Remove inactive members and obvious bots or spam accounts. Buyers want an engaged community.

Boost engagement

In the weeks before selling, post more consistently and engage directly with members in comments.

Organize and clean up

Delete outdated posts. Organize units. Create navigation menus. Make the group as turnkey as possible for the next owner.

Implement monetization

If not already monetized, add affiliate links, Facebook ads, or promote an online course to show revenue potential.

Transfer assets

Put any valuable content, courses, or tools you’ve created for the group in shared Google Drive folders that can be transferred over upon sale.

Document processes

Write down admin procedures, post schedules, rules, moderation workflows, and member engagement tactics so the buyer can easily replicate your success.

Taking these steps helps ensure you get maximum value selling your Facebook group by showcasing it in the best light for potential buyers.

How Much Are Facebook Groups Worth Realistically?

Based on the group’s niche, engagement, size, assets, revenue potential and other factors outlined earlier, most Facebook groups realistically sell for:

Below $500

The vast majority of groups on the marketplace are priced under $500. There is simply too much supply of groups and not enough vetted buyers willing to spend over that amount.

$500 – $2,000

Well-established groups in the 10,000+ member range with decent engagement start to sell in this more premium range for buyers more focused on quality.

$2,000 – $5,000

Large groups of 50,000+ members with significant assets and income potential can command these higher prices from investors willing to buy at scale.


The most premium groups of over 100,000 members with extremely high engagement and existing monetization sometimes sell for five-figure sums, but this is less common.

Most buyers and sellers have unrealistic expectations. In reality, small to mid-sized groups with average engagement will only sell for a few hundred dollars in most cases. Quality vetting is key.

Actionable Tips for Buying and Selling Groups

Here are some final, actionable tips for successfully buying and selling Facebook groups:

For Buyers:

– Cast a wide net, look at dozens of potential groups before choosing one.
– Thoroughly vet engagement, revenue numbers, assets before buying.
– Start with cheaper groups under $500 to test and learn before spending thousands.
– Have a monetization plan and skills in place first.
– Be prepared to add value through better management.

For Sellers:

– Clean up low-value members and organize content before listing.
– Consider waiting to sell an untapped high-potential group you can grow more first.
– Document your processes and assets to transfer over.
– Highlight revenue streams and opportunities to prospective buyers.
– Be flexible on pricing, particularly with lower value groups.


Selling Facebook groups can be extremely lucrative, but tricky to navigate. Most groups will realistically only sell for a few hundred dollars, with a small percentage selling for thousands. With proper vetting and expectation setting, both buyers and sellers can thrive in this emerging digital marketplace. Patience and gradually building up expertise here tends to pay off much more than spending big upfront.