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How much do content moderators make at Telus International?

How much do content moderators make at Telus International?

Content moderation is a vital job in the modern digital world. Moderators review user-generated content on social media, discussion forums, and other online platforms to ensure it complies with platform policies and local laws. This helps maintain safe digital spaces and protects platform providers from liability for illegal or harmful content.

Telus International is a major provider of content moderation services, working with many of the largest technology and social media companies. But how much do the people performing this difficult and often traumatic job make? This article will provide an in-depth examination of content moderator salaries at Telus International.

The Role of a Content Moderator

Content moderators work for third-party companies like Telus International that are contracted by social media platforms and other sites to filter and approve user-generated content. The job involves reviewing posts, images, videos, and comments to identify objectionable material such as:

  • Graphic violence
  • Hate speech
  • Pornography
  • Harassment
  • Spam
  • Disinformation

When moderators encounter such content, they will delete or flag it for removal based on the platform’s policies. They have to make quick judgement calls on whether the content violates policies or local laws.

Moderators typically work in shifts to provide 24/7 coverage and often have quotas of posts to review per hour. It is stressful and demanding work that requires being exposed to highly disturbing content like graphic violence, child exploitation, rape, torture, racism, and animal cruelty.

The job often leads to psychological issues for moderators who are not provided proper support and tools to handle the trauma. Many moderators only last a few months or years before quitting for their mental health.

Salaries for Content Moderators at Telus International

Telus International employs content moderators around the world to serve the needs of major technology companies. But how much are these essential workers paid by Telus?

United States

In the US, Telus International content moderators typically earn between $16 to $18 per hour according to Glassdoor data. This equates to an annual salary of around $33,280 to $37,440 for a full-time worker.

By comparison, the average annual salary for content moderators in the US is $42,380 according to Indeed. So Telus salaries seem to be at the lower end of the scale.


Canadian content moderators at Telus earn approximately CAD $17 to $20 per hour based on reports. This works out to an annual salary range of CAD $35,360 to $41,600 for a full-time moderator.

Overall average pay for content moderators in Canada appears to be around CAD $39,000 per year. Again, Telus seems to offer lower compensation compared to the broader industry average.


In the Philippines, Telus International pays content moderators approximately PHP 33,000 to PHP 47,000 monthly. This equals $620 to $880 USD per month, or $7,440 to $10,560 USD annually.

By comparison, the average salary for call center workers in the Philippines is approximately PHP 404,000 annually. In US dollars this equals roughly $7,500 annually.

So Telus salaries for content moderators in the Philippines seem to be on par with general call center worker pay in the country.


Exact wage data for European content moderators working for Telus International is not readily available. However, typical pay is estimated to be around £8.50 to £10.00 per hour. This would equate to £16,000 to £19,500 annually, or approximately $18,500 to $22,000 USD per year.

How Salaries Compare to Cost of Living

While the actual wage numbers paid by Telus International provide useful salary information, it’s also important to consider how this compensation compares relative to the cost of living in each country and region where moderators are employed.

United States

In the US, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Full-time annual earnings at this rate would be approximately $15,080. The salaries paid by Telus to US content moderators, ranging from $33,280 to $37,440, are clearly well above this federal minimum wage level.

However, the actual livable wage can vary greatly across different states and cities in America. According to some estimates, the average livable wage across the US for a single adult is around $20 per hour. That would equate to $41,600 annually for a full-time worker. Based on these estimates, the salaries paid by Telus are likely below the livable wage needed to cover basic necessities in many parts of America.


Canada does not have one national minimum wage. But the current minimum wage rates across Canadian provinces range between around CAD $11.75 to CAD $16.00 per hour. For a full-time year at CAD $11.75 per hour, total minimum wage earnings would be CAD $24,440 annually.

The median after-tax income for individual Canadians is approximately CAD $33,800. Telus moderator salaries ranging from CAD $35,360 to $41,600 would be comparable or slightly higher than this national median income level. However, incomes much higher than this are generally needed to afford the cost of living in expensive cities like Toronto or Vancouver.


Minimum wage rates in the Philippines vary by region but range from approximately PHP 320 to 537 per day. For full-time minimum wage work this would equate to PHP 106,400 to PHP 188,400 per year or $1,980 to $3,500 USD annually.

Average annual salaries in the Philippines across all jobs are around PHP 297,000 or $5,540 USD. The PHP 403,000 to 564,000 per year ($7,500 to $10,500 USD) incomes earned by Telus content moderators are well above general minimum wages and average salaries across the Philippines.


Minimum wage requirements vary significantly across European countries. But on average, national minimum wages in Europe are approximately €1,000 to €1,500 per month. For a full year, this equates to €12,000 to €18,000, or around $13,000 to $19,500 USD annually.

Average salaries across European countries are around €25,000 annually or $27,000 USD per year. The estimated £16,000 to £19,500 per year ($18,500 to $22,000 USD) earned by Telus moderators is comparable or slightly lower than broader European average salary levels.

Benefits Provided to Telus International Content Moderators

In addition to base pay rates, the overall compensation package and benefits offered can be major factors in job desirability and employee satisfaction. What benefits does Telus International provide its content moderators with?


Telus International content moderators are typically provided standard company healthcare benefits including:

  • Medical insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Vision insurance

However, some moderators have complained that the coverage provided still leaves them with high out of pocket medical expenses, especially for mental health services.

Paid Time Off

The paid time off allowance for Telus International content moderators appears to be approximately two weeks of vacation and sick days per year. Moderators have reported that it can be difficult to actually obtain approval to take vacation.

Mental Health Services

Telus International has received scrutiny over the years for not providing sufficient mental health support to content moderators. However, the company has recently expanded offerings including:

  • Access to counselors and therapists
  • Mindfulness and meditation workshops
  • “Resiliency” classes

But some moderators still report difficulty getting adequate ongoing mental health support, given the severe psychological impacts of the job.

Other Benefits

Other benefits reported by employees include tuition assistance, employee assistance programs, life insurance, retirement plans, and regular performance bonuses.

Factors Impacting Salaries for Content Moderators

Salaries for content moderators can vary based on a number of factors, even within the same company like Telus International. What impacts how much these workers are paid?

Experience and Tenure

More experienced content moderators who have worked for Telus International longer typically earn higher salaries. For example, in the Philippines, senior or supervisor level moderators may earn PHP 50,000 to PHP 60,000 per month compared to entry level pay of PHP 30,000 to PHP 35,000.

Cost of Living

Salaries are adjusted based on the local costs of living where moderators are employed. For example, moderators in expensive cities or countries get higher base pays than those in regions with lower costs of living.

Client Accounts

Moderators working on certain high profile client accounts may also have higher base wage rates. For example, moderators reviewing content for major platforms like Facebook or YouTube.

Language Skills

Moderators who are bilingual or have language skills suited to the content they are reviewing may also be paid slightly higher base salaries by Telus International.

Job Performance

Higher performing moderators who maintain high accuracy levels and meet or exceed efficiency quotas get priority for pay increases and bonuses.

How Salaries Have Changed Over Time

Have the salaries earned by Telus International content moderators increased much over the years? Unfortunately, pay increases do not seem to have kept pace with the rising cost of living in most regions.

United States

In discussions from 2015, Telus International content moderators in the US reported earning around $15 per hour. Current salaries only seem to have increased $1 to $3 per hour over the past 7+ years.


Salaries around CAD $15 per hour were also reported in 2015 for Canadian moderators. Pay rises since then equate to gains of just CAD $2 to $5 per hour.


Telus International established its first moderation facilities in the Philippines in 2016. Initial pay was around PHP 25,000 to PHP 30,000 monthly. Current salaries are only PHP 3,000 to PHP 7,000 higher per month.


In 2018, entry level Telus International moderator pay in Europe was estimated to be around £7 to £8 per hour. Top wages have only increased by £1 to £2 hourly in the years since.

How Telus Salaries Compare to Big Tech Platforms

Most major technology platforms like Meta (Facebook), Reddit, and Twitter do not directly employ their own content moderators. They contract out the work to vendors like Telus International.

However, some moderators are directly employed by tech giants at higher salaries. For example, Meta’s median salary for content reviewers based in the US is reportedly around $65,000 annually. This is nearly double the $33,000 to $37,000 Telus International pays its US moderators.

YouTube moderators employed by Google also have higher reported wages of around $75,000 per year. And Pinterest pays around $68,000 annually for its US content reviewers.

The big tech platforms clearly pay far higher salaries for content moderation work compared to outsourcing vendors they contract with.

The Debate Over Content Moderator Pay

There is ongoing debate around whether companies like Telus International adequately compensate content moderators considering the nature of their work.

Arguments That Pay Is Too Low

Critics argue technology giants should not be outsourcing the traumatic work of content moderation to third parties at extremely low costs. Even the higher pay rates at vendors like Telus International are seen as too low by many.

The poor compensation contributes to high turnover, difficulty retaining experienced moderators, and lack of applicants interested in the work. It also forces moderators to work long hours and high volumes to earn a decent living.

Additionally, moderators are taking on psychological harm to maintain safe online spaces. Critics believe their pay should reflect the value they provide to massively profitable technology companies.

Arguments Defending Current Wages

Others argue that current salaries paid to moderators are fair and reasonable for the skills required. Monitoring content for policy violations does not call for higher education or specialized abilities.

Additionally, wages are on par with similar low-skilled outsourced labor like call center work in lower income regions where many moderators are employed. The job provides stable incomes to people in developing countries.

Lastly, technology firms already pay outsourcing companies like Telus International large contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually. If salaries increased significantly, it could drastically inflate costs.

Trends and Future Outlook for Content Moderator Pay

What does the future hold for the salaries earned by content moderators employed by companies like Telus International?

Pressure to Increase Wages

There is growing pressure on technology firms to take more financial responsibility for content moderation and increase vendor salaries. As more details come to light about moderation practices and low pay, public scrutiny will likely continue mounting.

Pay transparency laws may eventually force outsourcing companies to disclose moderator pay rates and job details. The increased transparency could place pressure on vendors to raise compensation.

Automation Advancements

Developments in artificial intelligence moderation tools may allow automation to handle more basic content screening. This could reduce headcount needs for human reviewers. However, human moderators would still be needed for complex judgement calls.

If the workload for human reviewers decreases due to AI automation, it could give vendors like Telus International latitude to increase hourly pay rates while keeping overall labor costs contained.

Unionization Potential

Some content moderators have pushed to unionize for collective bargaining power over wages and working conditions. If these unionization efforts gain momentum, it could force outsourcing firms to come to the table to negotiate and agree to higher moderator pay.


Current salaries for content moderators at Telus International seem relatively low, especially factoring in the challenging nature of the work. Pay varies across regions but provides incomes ranging from minimum wage levels up to approximately median national incomes.

Compensation has also not increased significantly over the years, lagging behind rising costs of living. Public scrutiny and pressure for firms like Telus to raise moderator pay continues mounting. But only time will tell if significantly higher salaries become the norm any time soon.