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How much data does a Messenger video call cost?

How much data does a Messenger video call cost?

Video calling has become an extremely popular way to communicate in recent years. Services like FaceTime, Skype, and Facebook Messenger allow you to not only hear the voice of the person you’re talking to, but also see their face in real-time video. This can make for a much more personal and engaging conversation than a regular phone call.

However, video calls use up a lot more data than regular voice calls. This is because video requires a lot more bandwidth to transmit all the visual information in addition to the audio. So how much data does a Messenger video call actually use up? Let’s take a closer look.

Data usage in Messenger video calls

The amount of data used in a Messenger video call can vary quite a bit depending on call quality, length of the call, and network conditions. However, as a general estimate, a Messenger video call will use up around 8-12 MB of data per minute.

This is based on Messenger video calls using 720p HD quality video at 30 frames per second. The exact bandwidth can range from 512 Kbps up to a few Mbps depending on your connection strength.

At 8 MB per minute, a 30 minute Messenger video call would use up around 240 MB of data. At 12 MB per minute, that 30 minute call would use up around 360 MB instead. So in general, you can expect a Messenger video call to use 250 – 400 MB of data for a 30 minute conversation.

The call quality and resolution you select in the app settings can also affect data usage. Lower quality video uses less data, while higher 1080p quality uses more. Voice-only Messenger calls use minimal data, less than 1 MB per minute.

Factors that affect data usage

There are a few key factors that can influence the amount of data used in a Messenger video call:

Video quality

Higher video resolution and frame rates use more data. A 720p HD video call will consume about twice as much data as a 480p SD quality video call.

Call duration

The longer the call, the more data used. A 5 minute video call will use far less data than a 60 minute call.

Number of participants

In group video calls with multiple participants, more data is required to transmit several video streams. A one-on-one call uses less data than a call with five people.

Network strength

A weak and unstable internet connection will force Messenger to resend data packets, increasing overall usage. Strong 4G or WiFi networks allow optimal data compression.

Data usage on mobile networks

When video calling over a mobile network, data usage can be impacted further:

4G uses less data than 3G

4G LTE networks can optimize video calling data better than older 3G networks. 4G is more efficient with higher quality video calling.

Mobile video quality

Messenger may default to slightly lower quality mobile video settings to save data usage on phones. But you can manually increase it for better video.

Network congestion

More congested cell towers require data to be resent, increasing usage. Congestion is common in crowded areas like stadiums or rush hour commutes.

Tips for reducing Messenger video call data usage

If you’re worried about going over your mobile data limits, there are a few ways to reduce Messenger video call data consumption:

Use lower video quality settings

In the Messenger settings, reduce the call resolution to 360p or 480p instead of using HD. This can cut data usage by more than half.

Limit call duration

Keep calls short and sweet if you need to conserve mobile data. A 5 minute call uses far less than 30 minutes.

Use WiFi for calls whenever possible

Making Messenger video calls exclusively over WiFi will prevent any mobile data usage. Find a stable WiFi network before making lengthy video calls.

Disable video when not needed

Use audio-only Messenger calls and enable video only when you really want to see the other person live. This prevents unnecessary video data costs.

Use data saver settings

Enable any “data saver” settings in Messenger or your Android/iOS device to optimize video call data further. This can help limit usage.

Estimating your data needs

To estimate how much data you’ll need for Messenger video calling each month:

1. Track how many calls you make per week and their average duration.

2. Calculate the total minutes based on the 12 MB per minute average usage.

3. Determine your monthly estimate based on 4-5 weeks per month.

For example, if you make two 30 minute Messenger video calls per week, that’s 60 minutes per week. At 12 MB per minute, your weekly usage would be 720 MB. Over 4 weeks per month, your estimated monthly usage would be 2,880 MB or about 2.8 GB.

It’s always smart to overestimate a bit so you don’t exceed your plan limits. But this gives you a good ballpark figure to work with. Monitor your actual usage each month and adjust your plan up or down accordingly.


In summary, a Messenger video call will use approximately 8-12 MB of data per minute depending on call quality. For a 30 minute video conversation, total data usage is likely between 250-400 MB. Usage can be higher on mobile networks and depends on many factors like video resolution, call duration, number of participants, network strength, and congestion levels.

To reduce Messenger video call data usage, opt for lower video quality settings in the app, limit call lengths, use WiFi instead of mobile data whenever possible, or disable video when you only need voice. Estimate your monthly needs based on call frequency and duration. Monitor actual usage and adjust your plan as needed.