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How much can I sell my FB group for?

How much can I sell my FB group for?

Selling a Facebook group can be a great way to make some extra money if you’ve built up a large, engaged community. However, determining the right price to sell your Facebook group for can be tricky. In this article, we’ll walk through the key factors to consider when deciding how much to charge for your Facebook group.

Size of the Group

The number of members in your Facebook group is one of the biggest drivers of its potential value. All else being equal, a group with 100,000 engaged members is going to sell for a lot more than a group with only 1,000 members. Here’s a quick rundown of typical price ranges based on group size:

Group Size Typical Price Range
Less than 1,000 members $100 – $500
1,000 – 10,000 members $500 – $2,500
10,000 – 50,000 members $2,500 – $15,000
50,000 – 100,000 members $15,000 – $50,000
100,000+ members $50,000+

As you can see, once you get into the tens of thousands of members, the potential value of your group increases substantially. But keep in mind these are just rough estimates. The quality of the group also matters tremendously.

Engagement Levels

Buyers aren’t just looking at total group members – they want to see that those members are actively participating and engaged. Some metrics to look at here include:

  • Average number of posts/comments per day
  • Average number of likes/reactions on posts
  • Percentage of members posting actively
  • Open and click-through rates on announcements

A group with 1,000 highly engaged members can be worth more than a group with 10,000 mostly inactive members. Make sure to showcase metrics that speak to the level of member participation.

Quality of Discussions

In addition to quantity of engagement, buyers will look at the quality of discussions in your group. Things like:

  • How on-topic are the posts and comments?
  • Are members generally positive and constructive?
  • Does the group seem to attract industry experts and influencers?
  • Are discussions insightful and knowledge-building?

Low-quality groups full of spam, negativity, or off-topic discussions will sell for much less. Show that your group attracts valuable industry conversations.

Value Provided to Members

What value does your Facebook group provide to its target audience? Groups built around things like:

  • Industry networking
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Peer support
  • Educational resources
  • Business/lead generation

Typically provide high value to members. That makes them more attractive to buyers. Be clear about the core benefits members get from your industry/niche group.


The demographics and target audience of your group also impact its value. For example, a group of professional women in tech or entrepreneurs may be seen as more valuable than a general interest group. Break down key stats like:

  • Age range
  • Gender split
  • Locations
  • Occupations/industries

Certain demographics are highly coveted by advertisers and partners, so highlight valuable member segments.

Revenue Streams

Existing and potential revenue streams also boost a Facebook group’s value significantly. Things like:

  • Sponsored posts
  • Affiliate promotions
  • Product sales
  • Membership subscriptions
  • Advertising
  • Partnerships

Show that there are clear ways to monetize the group after purchase. Outline any current revenue-generating activities already implemented.


A Facebook group’s brand and any external assets associated with it also impact the price. Things that matter:

  • Does the group have a strong brand identity and reputation?
  • Website traffic and email list size
  • Social media followers
  • YouTube subscribers, podcast downloads, etc.
  • Conference/events business

The more developed the branding, traffic channels and assets outside Facebook, the more valuable the group. Discuss any external sites, channels, events, products etc.

Admin Team

The admins running a Facebook group are a huge part of its value. Things buyers will assess include:

  • How many admins are managing the group and content?
  • What level of expertise and influence do the admins have?
  • Will admins stay on to continue managing it after sale?

Larger, more qualified admin teams are better. Discuss team size, backgrounds, role distribution, and future plans.


The legal structure and compliance practices around your Facebook group also impact its value. Be transparent about:

  • How the group/assets are currently owned, registered or incorporated
  • Any trademarks, copyrights, or pending legal structures
  • Admin policies and content moderation practices

Proper legal protections and content policies reassure buyers and increase value. Consult a lawyer for guidance here.

Access and Transfer

Finally, buyers want a clear, smooth process for gaining access to manage the Facebook group after purchase. Things to clarify:

  • Who will officially transfer admin rights over to the buyer?
  • Will current admins stay on for a transition period?
  • How long will the transfer process take?
  • What is the contingency plan if Facebook doesn’t approve?

Having a clear post-sale transfer plan removes uncertainty for buyers and can increase your group’s value.

Setting a Price

With all of these factors in mind, you’ll need to set an asking price for your Facebook group. Some tips on arriving at a fair price:

  • Research sale prices for comparable groups. What have similar sized or themed groups sold for?
  • Consider what you would pay if you were the buyer. What’s the maximum value you’d get from it?
  • Factor in the time and money invested to grow the group. Price it based on a reasonable return.
  • Get objective outside opinions from those familiar with the industry.
  • Start higher, you can always go down. But don’t undervalue all your hard work!

Selling a Facebook group is a big decision, so take your time arriving at an optimal asking price. And remember, everything is negotiable, so build in room for discussions with serious buyers.

Finding Buyers

Once you’ve settled on a price, it’s time to find potential buyers for your Facebook group. Some options to consider:

  • Directly approach companies in your niche who would benefit from owning the group.
  • List the group for sale on marketplaces like Flippa or Exchange Marketplace.
  • Promote the sale opportunity to your group members and see if any are interested.
  • Hire a broker or M&A advisor to help connect with buyers.
  • Network online and offline to find relevant investor groups or entrepreneurs.

Cast a wide net and be proactive in pitching your Facebook group for sale. Get the word out through your industry connections and contacts.

Negotiating the Sale

Once you have interested buyers, it’s time to negotiate the deal. Here are some tips:

  • Shop multiple offers against each other if possible. Competition creates leverage.
  • Share traffic, engagement, revenue, and cost figures transparently.
  • Offer a commission structure where you keep a % of future revenues.
  • Be flexible on price within reason, but know your bottom line.
  • Request a portion of the sale be contingent on performance goals.
  • Negotiate an earn-out clause if buyers need more time to fund the purchase.
  • Get legal advice and review all the terms closely before signing.

With strategic negotiations, you can often maximize both the sale price and the value you get from the deal. Don’t be afraid to push for creative terms if needed.

Closing the Sale

Once terms have been agreed to by both parties, it’s time to close the deal. Be sure to:

  • Have a thorough purchase contract reviewed by lawyers on both sides.
  • Agree to a closing timeline and transition plan for transferring assets.
  • Setup an escrow account for smooth transfer of funds on closing.
  • Verify all contingencies are met before releasing control of accounts and assets.
  • Communicate the change in ownership transparently with your members.

Make the final transition as organized and transparent as possible. This ensures minimal disruption to members, and builds trust with the new owners.

Keys to Success

Selling a Facebook group can be highly lucrative, but there are a few key tips to ensure success:

  • Build up your group first. Rapid growth early on maximizes value.
  • Engage members. Active participation is worth 10x a raw member count.
  • Monetize intelligently. Revenue streams should enrich the group.
  • Be patient. Only sell once your valuation aligns with the return expected.
  • Vet buyers thoroughly. Ensure your legacy is in good hands.
  • Transfer thoughtfully. Work closely with new admins for a smooth transition.

With the right preparation and approach, selling your prized Facebook group can provide a major payoff for all your hard work while still allowing the community to thrive under new owners.


Determining the potential sale price for your Facebook group involves assessing a wide variety of factors. While the size of the group matters, the level of engagement and quality of the discussions are even more important. Solid demographics, revenue streams, branding, and administration also boost value. Do thorough research on comparable sales and get objective input before setting an asking price. Be ready to negotiate with serious buyers who recognize the potential in your community. With the right approach, selling your Facebook group can be well worth the effort.