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How much can I earn with a Facebook page with 1000 likes?

How much can I earn with a Facebook page with 1000 likes?

Having a popular Facebook page can be a great way to make money online. Once your page hits 1000 likes, you unlock various monetization features that allow you to generate revenue. However, how much money you can earn depends on several factors.

In this article, we’ll explore how Facebook pages with 1000 likes can make money, estimate potential earnings based on industry benchmarks, and provide tips for maximizing your income.

How Facebook Pages Make Money

There are several ways that Facebook pages can monetize their audience once they hit 1000 likes:

Facebook Ad Monetization

Once your page hits 1000 likes, you can enroll in Facebook’s ad monetization program. This allows you to place ads within your page feed and content. When people click or view these ads, you earn money. Rates vary based on your page niche, audience, and ad performance.

Affiliate Links

Including affiliate links to products and services within your page content is another way to monetize. For example, linking to products on Amazon and earning a commission on resulting sales. Most affiliate programs require a minimum number of followers, which 1000 likes satisfies.

Sponsored Posts

Popular pages can work with brands to create sponsored posts and content. This involves promoting a product or service within a custom post in exchange for a sponsorship fee. Sponsored posts work well for pages with engaged audiences in the 1,000 to 10,000+ like range.

Consulting and Freelancing Services

Some page owners leverage their audience to sell consulting, freelancing, or other services. For example, social media consulting, graphic design, influencer marketing, and more. An established page provides social proof for securing clients.

Merchandise Sales

Once you build a branded page with an engaged following, you can design and sell merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, and other products featuring your brand and page name. This turns your intangible brand into a physical product.


If you operate your page as a non-profit or to support a cause, you can solicit donations from supporters. Even small $5 or $10 contributions can add up with a 1000+ person audience.

Estimated Earnings Based on Industry Benchmarks

Earnings from a Facebook page with 1000 likes can vary greatly depending on your niche, content quality, and monetization strategies. However, here are some potential earning estimates based on industry benchmarks:

Ad Earnings

Facebook advertising rates are based on auction-style pricing. However, average earnings per 1000 impressions (CPM) can range from $1 – $10 depending on your niche and audience. With 1000 followers and moderate engagement, you may achieve 500,000 – 1 million impressions per month. This equals $500 – $10,000 in potential ad earnings.

Impressions Per Month CPM Rate Potential Earnings
500,000 $1 $500
1 million $5 $5,000
1 million $10 $10,000

Affiliate Earnings

Affiliate commissions vary greatly based on vertical, but tend to pay around 5% per sale on average. With 1000 engaged followers, you may be able to promote 5-10 affiliate offers per month and generate 10 or more sales. This results in $50 – $500 in potential monthly affiliate income.

Sponsored Posts

Average sponsored post pricing starts at around $100 for pages with 1000 likes and goes up from there as your audience grows. If you can secure 2-4 sponsored posts per month, you may earn $200 – $400.

Consulting/Freelancing Services

Consulting or freelancing rates vary based on services provided. However, the potential to earn $100 – $500 or more per month is certainly viable with a page audience of 1000 people to promote your services to.

Tips to Maximize Earnings

Here are some tips to help maximize your earnings potential from a Facebook page with 1000 likes:

Increase Engagement

Don’t just focus on getting more page likes. Really engage your existing audience by posting valuable content daily, responding to comments, asking questions, and running contests. High engagement makes your page more appealing to advertisers and sponsors.

Diversify Monetization

Combine various monetization models like ads, affiliates, merchandising, donations, etc. This creates multiple income streams and passive earning potential.

Analyze Performance

Use Facebook Insights and analytics to track your top performing content in terms of engagement and clicks. Then create more content focused on those topics to increase your reach and traffic.

Advertise Your Page

Invest a portion of your earnings back into Facebook and Instagram ads targeted to your niche. This expands your audience and increases monetization opportunities over the long-term.

Provide Value

Pages that provide real value through useful information, entertainment, or resources are best positioned for monetization. Focus on solving people’s problems or needs vs. hard selling.


A Facebook page with 1000 engaged likes can earn $500 per month or much more depending on your niche and monetization strategies. While earnings vary based on many factors, the potential is certainly there. By tapping into multiple income streams and optimizing your content, you can maximize your revenue potential and start earning money from your page. Consistent effort over time, analyzing performance, and reinvesting back into your page are key for long term success.

Many people have built full-time incomes from Facebook pages by scaling their audience and diversifying their earning models. With 1000 likes you have a solid foundation. Now focus on creating value, optimizing content, and executing multiple monetization strategies.