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How many violations does it take to get disabled on Facebook?

How many violations does it take to get disabled on Facebook?

Facebook has strict policies in place to ensure the safety and positive experience of users on their platform. Over 2 billion people use Facebook, so they rely heavily on artificial intelligence and user reports to identify content or behavior that violates their Community Standards.

When a user violates one of these policies, they may receive a warning, temporary restriction, or permanent disable of their account depending on the severity and frequency of violations. Facebook does not provide an exact number of violations that lead to permanent disabling, as each case is reviewed individually. However, through user reports and analysis of Facebook’s approach, we can get a general sense of how many violations or strikes it takes to get disabled.

What types of violations can lead to disabled accounts?

Facebook outlines several types of violations that could potentially result in account disabling if they persist repeatedly after warnings. These include:

  • Sharing hate speech, bullying, harassment, or threats of violence
  • Sharing graphic, sexually explicit, or violent content
  • Sharing misleading, false or dangerous misinformation
  • Impersonating others or otherwise being deceptive
  • Hacking, phishing, or spreading malware
  • Violating intellectual property rights
  • Evading previous restrictions on a violating account

The severity and details of the violation determine how quickly disabling occurs. For example, sharing graphic violence or child exploitation imagery even once would likely result in immediate disable, while harassment issues may require multiple violations before disable.

How many strikes result in account disabling?

Facebook does not share a specific number of “strikes” or violations that leads to disable, as each case involves different variables. However, based on user reports, guides, and analysis, we can summarize a general pattern:

  • 1st violation/strike: Warning from Facebook
  • 2nd violation/strike: Temporary restriction (such as 24 hour posting ban)
  • 3rd violation/strike: Longer temporary restriction (such as 3-7 day ban)
  • 4th violation/strike: Account disable warning
  • 5th violation/strike: Permanent disabling of account

Keep in mind this will vary depending on severity of violation and other factors. But in general, it takes around 4-5 “strikes” of policy violations to progress to permanent disable.

What are some examples of violations that lead to account disabling?

Here are some examples from users who have reported violations that eventually resulted in account disabling:

Hate Speech and Bullying

  • User engages in hate speech towards a protected group
  • User receives warning from Facebook to stop hate speech
  • User continues engaging in hate speech in comments and posts
  • After receiving 2 temporary bans, user’s account is disabled for persistent hate speech

Graphic Violence

  • User shares graphic violent imagery in a post
  • Post is immediately removed, user account temporarily restricted
  • User shares graphic violence again following restriction
  • Facebook disables user account completely


  • User creates account pretending to be a celebrity
  • User receives warning for impersonation and required to adjust name/info
  • User changes name but continues to post as impersonating celebrity
  • After repeated impersonation violations, account is disabled

As you can see, the number and types of violations play a big role, but generally around 4-5 strikes leads Facebook to permanently disabling an account.

How long are disabled accounts banned for?

When Facebook disables an account for policy violations, the account is typically banned permanently and indefinitely. Unlike temporary restrictions or bans, disabled accounts do not have a set duration after which they can be reinstated.

That said, in some cases users are able to submit appeals to Facebook to request reviewing a disabled account. If approved, Facebook may reinstate the account with a stern warning to avoid further violations. But there is no guaranteed path to getting a disabled account back – it is up to Facebook’s discretion.

Overall, if an account reaches the level of violations that warrant disabling, users should operate under the assumption that the disable is permanent, even if appeals are available.

Tips to avoid violations and account disabling

Here are some tips to avoid violations that could put your Facebook account at risk of being disabled:

  • Familiarize yourself thoroughly with Facebook’s Community Standards and follow them diligently.
  • Assume any hate speech, bullying, threats, graphic content, misinformation, etc. could lead to violation.
  • If you receive a warning or temporary ban, tread very carefully with future posting to avoid further issues.
  • Avoid posting content that you think could be controversial or problematic in any way.
  • Report other users who are violating standards instead of reciprocating violations.
  • Appeal disable immediately and emphasize that you will adhere firmly to standards moving forward.


In summary, there is no magic number of violations that lead to account disabling on Facebook. Strikes and violations are assessed case-by-case. However, based on user reports and Facebook’s approach, around 4-5 strikes involving policy breaches often leads to permanent disabling. Avoiding violations in the first place is the best way to keep your Facebook account active and in good standing.