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How many views does it take to go viral on FB reels?

How many views does it take to go viral on FB reels?

Going viral on Facebook Reels is the dream for many content creators and brands looking to grow their audience and reach on the platform. With Reels being a relatively new format on Facebook, many are wondering just how many views are needed to consider a Reel as properly “viral”.

What constitutes a viral video?

There is no definitive view count that officially qualifies a video as viral. Generally, a video can be considered viral when it receives an exceptionally large number of views in a short timeframe, significantly more than what is typical for that content creator or that type of content.

For example, if a content creator normally receives around 1,000 views per video, but then one specific video gets 900,000 views over the span of a few days, that video has likely gone viral. The 900,000 views happened at a much faster rate compared to the norm for that account.

Likewise, if a brand new content creator with no following posts a video that quickly generates 500,000+ views, that too indicates a viral moment, even if the overall view count is lower.

Viral benchmarks for Facebook Reels

While there are no absolute view requirements for a Facebook Reel to be considered viral, looking at engagement benchmarks can give a general idea:

  • 1 million+ views – This view count definitely suggests a video has gone viral, especially within just a few days. Even 500,000+ views could qualify as viral depending on the account.
  • 100,000+ views – For smaller accounts with less than 50,000 followers, a Reel hitting 100,000 views or more has likely gone viral for that creator.
  • 50,000+ views – For medium-sized accounts with 50,000 to 500,000 followers, a Reel getting 50,000+ views shows significant viral potential.
  • 10,000+ views – For larger accounts with more than 500,000 followers, a Reel generating 10,000+ views represents engagement above the norm.

These view count thresholds serve more as general guidelines than hard and fast rules. A Reel’s view count should also be considered relative to the size of the account posting it. 50,000 views on a Reel from an influencer with 50 million followers is less significant than 50,000 views from a small account with only 5,000 followers.

Other key indicators of a viral Facebook Reel

In addition to the view count, there are other signals that a Reel has gone viral:

  • Rapid increase in followers and account engagement
  • High shares, comments, and likes relative to the account’s usual activity
  • Getting featured or shared on other large pages or accounts
  • Driving large amounts of traffic to the creator’s website or landing pages

Monitoring these metrics in conjunction with view counts will give the clearest picture of whether a Reel has crossed into viral territory. A video with 500,000 views might seem an obvious viral hit based on views alone. But if it led to no follower growth, low comments, and minimal sharing from others, the lack of engagement undercuts the argument that the Reel truly “went viral.”

Typical view sources for viral Reels

When a Reel goes viral, where do all those views come from? A truly viral Reel will get views from a diverse range of sources:

  • Follower feed views – The creator’s own followers still drive a portion of views.
  • Reels tab – Getting featured on the Reels tab opens up content to many new viewers.
  • Hashtag views – Getting views via trending or high-reach hashtags boosts reach.
  • Re-shares – When others repost or embed the Reel, driving incremental views.
  • Explore page – Appearing on users’ Explore pages exposes the Reel to broader audiences.
  • External shares – Getting shared outside Facebook on other platforms extends reach further.

A truly viral Reel will tap into several or all of these sources to accumulate its high view count. This contrasts with a Reel that might get 100,000 views but 90% come just from the creator’s own followers, which limits its viral potential.

View source Viral potential
Follower feed views Low – limited reach
Reels tab High – expands reach significantly
Hashtag views High – expands reach significantly
Re-shares High – expands reach significantly
Explore page Very high – exposes to many new users
External shares High – expands reach beyond Facebook

Best practices for creating viral Reels

While going viral involves some luck and unpredictable timing, creators can take steps to maximize their chances of creating viral Reel content:

  • Optimize hashtags – Include a mix of high-reach hashtags along with niche ones relevant to the content.
  • Engage viewers – Ask questions, run polls, encourage comments to boost engagement.
  • Post consistently – The more content, the more chances of going viral.
  • Monitor trends – Create Reels about trending topics and current events.
  • Experiment with formats – Try different effects, transitions and text/sticker elements.
  • Promote outside Facebook – Share Reels on other platforms like Instagram and YouTube.
  • Analyze performance – Look at which Reels get the most engagement and why.

While not foolproof, being strategic with content, posting frequency, and promotion will improve any creator’s odds of landing that coveted viral Reel.


Going viral is the peak of social media success. For Reels, hits in the hundreds of thousands or millions of views represent the viral echelon, especially when growth happens quickly. Yet it’s important to weigh factors beyond just view counts too. Follower growth, comments, shares and external engagement also signal if a Reel has truly broken out beyond one’s core audience.

Any creator can strive for a viral hit by optimizing their content and marketing tactics. But at the end of the day, viral fame involves a great deal of luck and timing. With persistence and commitment to producing engaging content, any creator can hope for that one special Reel that lifts their brand to new heights.