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How many views do you need to make money on Facebook?

How many views do you need to make money on Facebook?

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world. For content creators and businesses, it offers immense potential to build an audience and make money directly from the platform. But how many views on Facebook do you actually need to start earning an income?

Can you make money from Facebook videos?

Yes, you can absolutely earn money from videos posted to Facebook. There are a few main ways to monetize Facebook videos:

  • Facebook Ad Revenue Share: If you join the Facebook Partner Program, you can earn a cut of the ad revenue generated from ads displayed before or during your videos.
  • Sponsorships: You may be able to find sponsors willing to pay you directly to promote their brand, products or services in your videos.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Insert affiliate links into your video descriptions to earn commissions when viewers click through and make purchases.
  • Fan Funding: Facebook offers the ability for Pages to add a “Support” button where fans can donate one-time tips or set up monthly recurring payments.

The amount you can earn will depend on factors like video view counts, engagement, audience quality, niche, and more. But Facebook video monetization provides multiple income stream options.

How many views do you need to make money on Facebook?

There isn’t a definitive threshold for the number of Facebook views needed to start making money. In general, the more views your videos get, the more money you can make. However, even videos with smaller view counts can earn decent income through strategies like affiliate marketing.

Here are some general benchmarks for monetizing with different Facebook video view counts:

  • 1,000+ views: You can potentially earn a few dollars per 1k views with Ad Revenue sharing. Affiliate links in the description can also drive sales.
  • 10,000+ views: More significant earning potential from Ad Revenue share. Fan funding and sponsorships become viable.
  • 100,000+ views: At this point you can expect to earn $100-$500 per 100k video views from Ad Revenue share. High sponsorship and fan funding income.
  • 1,000,000+ views: Videos with 1 million+ views can earn $1,000-$5,000 from Facebook Ad Revenue alone. Major earning potential from sponsorships.

Keep in mind these are rough estimates and your earnings per view can end up higher or lower based on multiple factors.

Tips for making more money per Facebook video view

Here are some tips that can help maximize your earnings per 1,000 video views on Facebook:

  • Optimize video content for highest watch time. Longer average watch times result in more ad impressions and higher RPM.
  • Use Facebook ad targeting tools to reach your ideal audience. A highly engaged and relevant audience will increase monetization.
  • Include affiliate links to products that align with your video content and niche. The more clicks and sales you drive the more you earn.
  • Boost viewer retention by consistently publishing quality content. A loyal audience generates more income long-term.
  • Promote your videos across other platforms like Instagram and YouTube to maximize viewership.

Other Facebook monetization methods

While video views are one of the primary drivers for making money on Facebook, you can also earn income through other means including:

  • Facebook ad campaigns – Promote posts, pages, events and more to reach new audiences.
  • Facebook Marketplace – Sell products directly to people in your local community.
  • Facebook in-stream ads – Get paid for including short ads in the middle of your videos.
  • Facebook subscription groups – Offer exclusive perks and content to fans for a monthly fee.
  • Facebook selling tools – Use checkout features to sell products directly on Facebook.

Diversifying your monetization strategy beyond just video views can help maximize your Facebook income.

Mistakes to avoid

When trying to monetize your video views and Facebook presence, here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Spamming links and low-quality content – This will cause viewers and Facebook to tune out.
  • Focusing solely on view counts rather than engagement – Highly engaged viewers are most valuable.
  • Uploading too infrequently – Posting consistently helps build a loyal audience.
  • Using clickbait titles and thumbnails – While these grab attention, they won’t convert to income long-term.
  • Over-optimizing for revenue over audience experience – Put your fans first to earn their support and viewership.

Facebook monetization requirements

To access Facebook monetization features like Ad Revenue Sharing and Fan Funding, Pages must meet the following requirements:

  • 10,000+ total page likes
  • Content fits within Facebook’s ad policies and guidelines
  • Page and account are in good standing, with no restrictions or violations
  • Age-gating enabled on any adult content per Facebook’s policies
  • Content exclusively owned with proper licensing and copyright

Meeting these requirements makes your Facebook Page eligible for monetization features, but does not guarantee income. Your earnings potential still depends heavily on your viewership and content strategy.


It’s possible to earn money from Facebook video views once you consistently hit 1,000+ views per video. Maximizing watch time, relevant targeting, affiliate links, and fan loyalty can help increase income. Avoid spammy behavior and keep providing value for your audience. With smart optimization and by leveraging multiple monetization features, Facebook offers real money making potential for content creators.