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How many types of reactions are there on Facebook?

How many types of reactions are there on Facebook?

Facebook reactions allow users to quickly respond to posts with emojis representing different emotions. Since launching reactions in 2016, Facebook has expanded the options available to users. Currently, there are 6 main types of reactions on Facebook.

The Original Reactions

When Facebook first introduced reactions in February 2016, there were only 5 options:

  • Like – a thumbs up icon showing you like the post
  • Love – a heart icon showing love for the post
  • Haha – a laughing emoji showing the post is funny
  • Wow – a surprised emoji for excitement about the post
  • Sad – a crying emoji expressing sadness over the post

These original reactions were designed to expand the ways users could interact beyond just liking a post. The idea was to give more emotional nuance to reacting.

Care Reactions

In May 2017, Facebook rolled out another reaction – Care. This reaction features a hugging emoji and expresses caring, comfort and support.

According to Facebook, the care reaction was added in response to user requests for a way to react with more empathy and compassion. It proved particularly popular for posts discussing tragic events or personal struggles where users wanted to show the poster they cared.

Angry Reaction

In February 2016 when reactions launched, Facebook notably did not include an angry reaction. This was a deliberate decision by Facebook executives to promote more positivity on the platform. However, by March 2021, Facebook gave in to long-standing user requests and launched an angry reaction.

The angry reaction features a fuming red emoji face. Facebook stated that the angry reaction would give users “more ways to share their reaction to posts during COVID-19.” The pandemic undoubtedly saw an increase in frustrating and upsetting content posted.

Laughing Reactions

In April 2021, Facebook rolled out another two reactions – laughing loudly and crying laughing. These built on the existing laughing reactions to offer more nuanced laughing emotions.

The loudly laughing reaction shows a head tilted back laughing emoji. The crying laughing reaction features a face with tears of laughter running down it. Both reactions represent finding something extremely funny or hilarious.

Pride Reactions

On the occasion of Pride Month 2022 in June, Meta introduced a new temporary reaction on Facebook – Pride. This rainbow flag reaction allowed users to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community.

The rainbow Pride reaction joined the rainbow Pride button and stickers already available to users. It provided a new way for people to react and stand in solidarity with the community during Pride Month.

Summary of Current Reactions

As of October 2022, there are 6 main reactions regularly available on Facebook:

  • Like
  • Love
  • Care
  • Haha
  • Wow
  • Sad
  • Angry

And 2 additional laughing reactions:

  • Laughing loudly
  • Crying laughing

So in total there are currently 8 reaction options on Facebook posts. Here is a summary table of the reactions:

Reaction Icon Meaning
Like Thumbs up Like the post
Love Heart Love the post
Care Hugging emoji Care about the post
Haha Laughing emoji Post is funny
Wow Surprised emoji Excited by the post
Sad Crying emoji Sad about the post
Angry Angry emoji Angry about the post
Laugh loudly Head tilted back laughing Post is hilarious
Crying laugh Face with tears of joy Post is utterly funny

Specialized Reactions

In addition to the standard reactions above, Facebook occasionally rolls out specialized temporary reactions tied to specific events or commemorations. These have included:

  • Pride – rainbow flag for Pride Month celebrations
  • Thankful – a heart hands emoji during Thanksgiving in the US
  • Palm and candles – for Diwali celebrations
  • Piñata – during Cinco de Mayo and Mexican Independence Day
  • Streamer – for Lunar New Year

These kinds of specialized reactions allow users to share connections to cultural moments happening around the world through reacting.

Skin Tone Modifiers

Alongside the standard reaction emojis, users can also modify certain reactions with different skin tones. Skin tone modifiers are available for the following reactions:

  • Like
  • Love
  • Care
  • Haha
  • Wow
  • Sad

This allows users to respond in a more personalized way if they choose. The skin tone modifiers help reactions be more inclusive reflecting the diversity of Facebook’s user base.

Availability of Reactions

It’s important to note that not all reactions are available to all users all the time. Here are some details on availability:

  • The angry reaction is not available to all users. Facebook has not rolled it out globally yet.
  • The laughing loudly and crying laughing reactions are only visible to users who have reacted that way. Other users will just see the generic haha reaction.
  • Specialized reactions are only available for limited time periods around the events they are associated with.

Using Reactions on Facebook

Using reactions on Facebook is very straightforward for users:

  1. Click on the post you want to react to – this expands it.
  2. Move your mouse over the like button below the post.
  3. A pop-up will appear with the available reactions.
  4. Click on the reaction you want to use.
  5. The reaction will be posted and displayed below the content.

You can change your reaction at any time by clicking into the reactions pop-up and choosing a different one. You can also remove your reaction by clicking on your chosen reaction again.

Reacting in the Facebook App

The process is very similar in the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Tap on the post to expand it.
  2. Press and hold the like button below the post.
  3. A reaction selector will pop up – tap your chosen reaction.
  4. Your reaction will display below the post.

To change or remove your reaction, press and hold the like button again and pick a new reaction or tap the same reaction to remove it.

Uses of Facebook Reactions

Facebook reactions have become central to how users interact with posts. Key uses of reactions include:

  • Rapidly showing your view of a post to the poster and other readers.
  • Joining emotional conversations and expressing empathy for posters.
  • Reacting humorously to funny posts and memes.
  • Acknowledging exciting life updates from friends and family.
  • Participating in viral Facebook trends by reacting to popular posts.

For page owners, reactions can provide useful feedback on how followers are responding to their content. The distribution of different reactions can show if posts are hitting the right emotional notes.

Controversies Over Reactions

Facebook’s rollout of expanded reactions has not been without controversy. Some of the debates have included:

  • Whether adding a Dislike button would promote negative behavior.
  • If angry reactions would increase toxic content.
  • Whether the Like button should be replaced entirely.
  • How reactions could spread misinformation if users focus on emotions rather than accuracy.

Overall, Facebook maintains that reactions have enhanced users’ ability to express themselves and connect on the platform. The positives have been seen to outweigh the risks.

The Future of Reactions

Given the popularity of reactions so far, Facebook is likely to continue expanding and evolving them over time. Some potential future additions could include:

  • New localized cultural reactions tailored to specific countries and events.
  • Upgrades to skin tone modifiers for more reactions.
  • Animated or video reactions to make them more dynamic.
  • AR filters that let you react with your face on video posts.

Facebook will also keep adapting which reactions are available when, possibly rotating some out at times. There is certainly more innovation to come in enhancing self-expression through reactions.


Facebook reactions have transformed how users interact with posts and each other on the platform. What began as a simple Like button has grown into a rich range of emotional responses. There are currently 8 standard reactions available, with the potential for specialized reactions tied to events.

Reactions enable quicker, more nuanced engagement between people. They allow users to move beyond just liking content to expressing a range of sentiments. For Facebook, expanding reactions increases the time users spend interacting and the data received on how posts perform.

There is still robust debate around the impacts of reactions on discussion quality and misinformation. However, overall reactions appear to have enhanced the participatory, expressive nature of Facebook without many downsides. Users can expect ongoing evolution of reactions as Facebook strives to perfect how people connect through emotional icons.