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How many times should I post on Facebook?

How many times should I post on Facebook?

Determining how often to post on Facebook is an important consideration for any business or individual looking to build their online presence. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are several factors to take into account when developing a Facebook posting strategy.

Why Posting Frequency Matters

Posting frequently enough to stay top of mind without overwhelming your audience is key to success on Facebook. Post too little and you miss opportunities for engagement. Post too much and you risk annoying your audience. Finding the right balance for your business takes some trial and error.

Overall, more frequent posting leads to higher reach and engagement. But increased posting frequency is subject to the law of diminishing returns. At a certain point, more posts yield little extra benefit. Each business needs to find the optimal posting cadence for their audience.

How Often Do Businesses Post on Facebook?

Studies consistently show that most businesses post 1-3 times per day on Facebook. According to Sprout Social data, the average business posts 1.5 times per day. Here is a breakdown of their findings:

  • 38% of businesses post 1 time per day
  • 35% of businesses post 2 times per day
  • 15% of businesses post 3 times per day
  • 5% of businesses post 4 times per day
  • 7% of businesses post 5+ times per day

Keep in mind that these averages encompass businesses of all sizes and industries. Posting frequency often correlates with company size and resources. Larger brands tend to post more frequently than smaller businesses.

Optimal Posting Frequency by Industry

While cross-industry averages provide a baseline, posting frequency often varies significantly by industry and audience. Research from Rival IQ in 2019 uncovered the following optimal posting frequencies by industry:

Industry Optimal Posts Per Day
Retail 2
Media & Publishing 5
Software 2
Education 3
Financial Services 1
Healthcare 1

Take these benchmarks as starting points, not hard rules. Monitor your own audience’s response to different posting frequencies to optimize for engagement.

Tips for Determining Your Optimal Posting Frequency

Consider the following factors when deciding how often to post:

  • Industry averages: Use your industry benchmarks as a guideline.
  • Competitor analysis: Look at posting frequency for leading competitors in your space.
  • Business size: Larger brands can handle more frequent posting than smaller businesses.
  • Audience research: Survey followers or examine social media comments to learn their preferences.
  • Post types: Vary promotional and non-promotional content for best frequency.
  • Engagement tracking: Monitor performance at different frequencies to identify the optimal rate.
  • Resources: Match posting frequency to the staff resources you have available.

Best Practices for Posting Frequency

Keep these best practices in mind when developing your Facebook posting strategy:

  • Aim for 1-2 posts per day for most small businesses
  • Test higher frequencies (3-5 posts daily) for short periods to measure impact
  • Monitor audience complaints about overposting
  • Vary promotional and non-promotional messages
  • Schedule posts in advance for consistent frequency
  • Space out posting times; avoid posting multiple times within an hour
  • Adjust frequency based on engagement and competitor analyses

How to Choose Posting Times

Once you’ve set your optimal overall posting frequency, you need to determine the best times to post your content. Posting when your audience is most active will maximize reach and engagement. Here are some tips for choosing posting times:

  • Identify peak usage hours – look at when your audience engages most
  • Post around midday and during the evening commute
  • Avoid early mornings, nights, weekends
  • Adjust for time zones of key markets
  • Use Facebook Analytics to find your optimal times
  • Consider testing different posting times
  • Schedule in advance to post consistently

How Message Type Impacts Optimal Frequency

The type of content you share also affects optimal posting frequency. For example, promotional messages and updates should be less frequent than community content. Guidelines suggest the following mix:

  • 20% promotional content
  • 30% community content
  • 50% updates, curated content, etc.

This blend helps avoid overselling. Make sure your posting frequency aligns with the recommended ratio based on your audience preferences.

Tips for Managing High Posting Frequencies

Posting to Facebook multiple times per day takes significant effort. Here are tips for managing higher posting frequencies:

  • Schedule posts in advance using social media management tools
  • Develop content calendars to organize future posts
  • Curate and repurpose existing content alongside new content
  • Collaborate with influencers and employees to create content
  • Consider hiring social media specialists to handle posting

Signs You Are Posting Too Much

How do you know if you have crossed the line from optimal frequency to overposting? Watch for these signs:

  • Decreasing engagement rates on posts
  • Increase in hidden posts or audience complaints
  • Repeating similar content frequently
  • Re-sharing old posts too often
  • Posting multiple times an hour
  • Reporting drop-offs from posting overload
  • Seeing competitors with higher engagement rates

If you notice these issues, try decreasing your posting frequency for a trial period to see if engagement improves. Your audience will let you know if you’ve gone overboard.

Tools to Help Manage Posting Frequency

Fortunately, a number of social media management tools can help you master your optimal Facebook posting frequency. Tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Buffer allow you to:

  • Schedule posts in advance
  • Analyze performance at different frequencies
  • Collaborate with team members on content
  • Track engagement and follower feedback
  • Monitor competitor posting patterns

These capabilities help take the guesswork out of determining your ideal posting cadence and timing.

Key Takeaways

Finding the right Facebook posting frequency takes experimentation. Keep these recommendations in mind as you develop your strategy:

  • Post 1-3 times daily for most businesses
  • Adjust frequency based on industry benchmarks and audience
  • Monitor competitor posting patterns
  • Measure engagement at different frequencies
  • Use management tools to schedule and analyze
  • Watch for overposting warning signs from audience
  • Let audience feedback guide your posting approach

With careful testing and optimization, you can discover the ideal posting times and frequencies to meet your Facebook marketing goals.


Determining optimal Facebook posting frequency requires balancing audience engagement with available resources. While there are general industry benchmarks for guidance, brands achieve the best results when they tailor posting cadence and times to their specific audience’s preferences. Testing different frequencies, monitoring competitor actions, and leveraging social media management tools allow you to hone in on your ideal approach. With a data-driven strategy for posting frequency, you can maximize the impact of your Facebook marketing.