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How many times does Facebook let you change your name?

How many times does Facebook let you change your name?

Facebook allows users to change their name on their profile a certain number of times before requiring verification of identity. The exact limit on name changes has fluctuated over time as Facebook has adjusted its policies. Here is an overview of Facebook’s name change rules and limits over the years.

Facebook’s Original Name Change Policy

When Facebook first launched in 2004, the platform placed no limit on how many times a user could change their name. Users could edit their name as often as they wanted with no restrictions. This open policy on name changes existed through the 2000s as Facebook grew rapidly in popularity. However, as the user base expanded, Facebook began seeing instances of abuse of the unlimited name change ability. Some users would change their names repeatedly to impersonate others or mislead people. To cut down on this behavior, Facebook introduced its first name change limit in late 2009.

2009: Facebook Limits Users to One Name Change Every 60 Days

In December 2009, Facebook updated its name policies to limit users to one name change every 60 days. This meant users could only alter their name on their profile twice per year. If attempting to change their name for a third time within a 60 day period, users would receive an error message stating:

“You have already changed your name twice in the past 60 days. Please try again later.”

The 60 day limit was Facebook’s first attempt to balance users’ desire for name flexibility with the need to minimize abuse. While two name changes per year may seem restrictive, it was reasonably accommodating for circumstances like marriage name changes or adopters altering their names after an adoption process. This 60 day limit remained Facebook’s official name change policy through the early and mid 2010s.

Mid 2010s: Facebook Expands to One Name Change Every Year

In the mid 2010s, Facebook updated its name change limit again to further expand users’ ability to rebrand their profiles. Under the new rules implemented around 2014/2015, users were allowed one name change every 12 months. This gave users flexibility to alter their name once per year instead of once every 60 days previously. The error message displayed on additional name change attempts within 12 months now read:

“You have already changed your name once in the past year. Please try again later.”

This annual limit gave users more latitude to modify their names for major life events and circumstances. Overall, Facebook saw that the vast majority of name changes were legitimate and not attempts at impersonation or misrepresentation. The annual limit allowed the platform to accommodate legitimate reasons for name changes while still deterring potential abuse.

Current Name Change Limit: One Change Every 60 Days

Facebook’s current policy as of 2023 allows users to change their name once every 60 days, reverting to the original 2009 limit. Some time around 2021, Facebook updated its systems and returned to a 60 day restriction rather than an annual limit.

Currently, trying to edit your name before 60 days produces the message:

“You have already changed your name twice in the past 60 days. Please try again later.”

It appears Facebook determined its processes for reviewing name changes and moderating impersonation/misuse improved enough over the years that a tighter 60 day limit became feasible again. The ability to change your name up to twice per year remains a reasonable policy to enable major life event name changes while preventing abuse.

Exceptions to the Name Change Limit

While the limit of one name change every 60 days applies in most cases, Facebook does make certain exceptions if users can provide verification:

  • Legal name changes: If you provide legal documentation of an official name change, such as a marriage certificate or court order, Facebook will allow you to exceed the standard name change limit.
  • Reclaiming original name: If you changed your name at some point in the past and want to revert to your previous real name, Facebook may allow you restore your original name with official ID.
  • Name corrections: If your existing Facebook name contains an unintentional error, providing identification can let you fix the mistake and correct your name.

The 60 day limit is not meant to prevent legitimate name changes that can be properly verified. By providing proof of circumstances like a legal name change, users can bypass the standard restriction if necessary.

Why Does Facebook Limit Name Changes?

Facebook limits name changes to balance user convenience with safety. Here are some of the specific reasons Facebook imposes a limit:

  • Prevent impersonation and misrepresentation: Unlimited name changes make it easier for users to impersonate others or mislead people about who they are.
  • Maintain connection authenticity: Friends get used to a specific name over time. Frequent changes make it harder to maintain connection legitimacy.
  • Discourage “username squatting”: Excessive changes can allow users to squat preferred names and prevent others from claiming them.
  • Manage abuse reporting: Changing names repeatedly makes it harder to track and act on abusive behavior.

While Facebook recognizes legitimate reasons for wanting to change names, it needs to impose reasonable limits to uphold safety and trust across its billions of users.

Tips for Changing Your Name on Facebook

Here are some tips to manage name changes successfully within Facebook’s limits:

  • Plan timing carefully around major life events like marriage or adoption.
  • Double check to avoid errors needing correction.
  • Use your one yearly change thoughtfully as you won’t get another for 12 months.
  • Provide documentation if you need an exception to the standard limit.
  • Consider starting a new account if you want a completely fresh profile and name.

With forethought and care, most users can work within Facebook’s name change allowance. But the limits are there to support trust and safety for everyone.

Facebook’s Name Policy Going Forward

Facebook has continued to adjust its name change limits over the years to find the right balance. It’s possible the rules may change again in the future as Facebook evaluates any new potential for abuse versus users’ naming needs. But the overall principles are unlikely to change. Any name policy will aim to:

  • Enable enough flexibility for major life events.
  • Prevent excessive changes that undermine authenticity.
  • Limit impersonation, misrepresentation and username squatting.
  • Manage reporting and moderation feasibility.

Facebook will likely continue optimizing exactly how many changes, and how often, to permit. But expect reasonable limits to remain in place to keep the platform trustworthy and secure.


Facebook has limited name changes to 60 days since 2009, aside from a period of annual limits in the mid 2010s. The 60 day policy balances users’ needs and platform integrity. While you may not rename your profile endlessly, Facebook does allow for occasional refreshes and major event adjustments. But any social media platform serving billions requires some rules to maintain trust. With planning and understanding, Facebook users can work within the name change limits while still modifying their personal branding appropriately over time.