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How many posts to Facebook in a day?

How many posts to Facebook in a day?

Determining how often to post on Facebook is an important consideration for any social media strategy. Posting too frequently can be seen as spammy and turn off followers. Not posting frequently enough means missing opportunities to engage your audience. So what is the ideal number of Facebook posts per day? There is no single answer, as the optimum Facebook posting frequency depends on factors like your industry, audience size, and campaign objectives. However, there are some best practices you can follow.

How Many Posts Per Day Does Facebook Allow?

Facebook does not impose a hard limit on how often users can post. However, they do try to limit the visibility of accounts that post too frequently. According to Facebook, if you post more than 50 times a day from one account, your distribution reach will be reduced. This means fewer people will see your posts in their News Feed. So while you can technically post as often as you want, going over 50 posts per day is not recommended.

Industry Benchmarks for Facebook Posting Frequency

Research from Socialinsider looking at over 1.2 million Facebook pages found that the average posting frequency across all industries was 2.2 posts per day. However, ideal posting frequency varied significantly based on niche. Here are some industry benchmarks:

Media & News:

8.1 posts per day

Software & Technology:

5.6 posts per day


4.1 posts per day


3.5 posts per day


2.5 posts per day


1.7 posts per day

Manufacturing & Construction:

1.5 posts per day

So if you are in a fast-paced industry like media or tech, you may be able to sustain a higher posting cadence. Slower industries like manufacturing may want to stick to just 1-2 posts daily. Consider what is typical for your niche.

Post Frequency Based on Number of Fans

In addition to industry norms, the size of your Facebook audience should factor into your posting strategy. Larger pages tend to post more frequently. Here are some benchmarks based on your page’s number of fans:

Number of Fans Average Posts Per Day
1,000 – 10,000 1
10,000 – 100,000 2
100,000 – 1 million 3
1 million+ 5+

As you can see, pages with over 1 million followers post upwards of 5 times per day. When you have a huge audience, you need more content to satisfy them.

For smaller pages with under 10,000 fans, posting just once a day is fine. You have a more targeted audience looking for your specialized content. Too much could overwhelm them.

Consider Your Campaign Goals

Your objectives for Facebook should also inform your posting frequency. Here are some common goals and ideal posting frequencies:

Driving website traffic:

Post 1-2 times daily

Building brand awareness:

Post 3-4 times daily

Lead generation:

Post 4-6 times daily

Promoting an event:

Post 8-10 times leading up to event

Ecommerce sales:

Post 2-4 times daily

If your primary goal is growing brand affinity, you’ll want to post engaging content several times a day. But for something like website clicks, one good post per day will suffice. Match cadence to objectives.

When to Post on Facebook

In addition to frequency, make sure you’re posting at the optimal times. According to Sprout Social, the best times to post on Facebook are:

  • Wednesdays at 11 AM and 1-4 PM
  • Fridays at 12 PM and 1-4 PM
  • Saturdays at 12 PM and 1-4 PM

Weekday evenings after work hours are also prime Facebook engagement time. Avoid early mornings and Sundays.

You can use Facebook Insights to determine when your audience is most active on the platform. Adjust your posting schedule around those peak hours.

Tips for Managing Your Posting Frequency

How can you make sure you’re posting frequently enough, but not going overboard? Here are some tips:

Use an editorial calendar:

An editorial calendar allows you to plan and space out content over time. This helps avoid scrambling to post at the last minute or overloading followers.

Schedule posts in advance:

Use Facebook’s native scheduling tool or a social media management platform like Hootsuite to schedule posts ahead of time. This makes it easier to stick to your planned posting cadence.

Analyze what posts resonate:

Check Facebook Insights to see which of your posts drive the most engagement. Then create more content aligned to those topics to fill out your schedule.

Test different frequencies:

Start by posting 1-2 times per day for a month. The next month, increase to 3-4 times per day. See which cadence delivers the best results.

Use evergreen content:

Mix in evergreen posts like lists, how-tos and thought leadership that aren’t dated. This takes pressure off creating a new post daily.

Repurpose content:

Turn one post into many by repurposing content across text, images, video, live video, etc.


Team up with influencers, employees and industry experts to guest post on your page. This provides fresh content without overburdening your team.


While there are general benchmarks for daily Facebook posting, you must test frequencies and find what works for your unique audience and goals. Start by posting 1-2 times per day if you have under 10,000 fans and increase gradually as you grow. Pay attention to when your followers are most active. Use scheduling tools, evergreen content, repurposing and collaborations to maintain your cadence without burning out. Analyze engagement data and be willing to adjust over time. This will help you find the sweet spot for posts per day that keeps your community engaged.