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How many items can you have for sale on Facebook Marketplace?

How many items can you have for sale on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to buy and sell items directly on Facebook. It has become an increasingly popular platform for individuals and small businesses to list their products. However, Facebook does limit the number of items each user can have listed for sale at one time. In this article, we’ll take a look at Facebook’s item limits and other key rules for selling on Marketplace.

The Basics of Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace was launched in 2016 as a way for users to easily buy and sell items through their Facebook app or desktop site. It provides an alternative to platforms like Craigslist, eBay and Etsy. Facebook users can list items for sale in Marketplace and interested buyers can contact sellers through Facebook Messenger.

Marketplace has grown quickly in popularity. According to Facebook, over 1 billion people visit Marketplace each month. It’s particularly popular for selling used and handmade items, vehicles, and housing rentals and sales. Facebook does not charge any listing fees or take a commission on sales like some other sites.

Facebook Marketplace Item Limit

Facebook limits users to a maximum of 500 active listings at any given time. If you try to create a new listing when you’ve already reached the 500 item limit, you’ll receive an error message telling you that you can’t add any more listings until you delete some existing ones.

This item limit applies to active listings only. Once an item sells and you mark it as sold in Marketplace, it will no longer count towards your limit. Listings also expire after 30 days if they are not marked sold, so over time as listings expire or are deleted you can continue adding new items.

Why Does Facebook Limit Listings?

Facebook instituted a 500 item limit to help reduce spam and abuse on Marketplace. Limiting the number of active listings makes it harder for people to use Marketplace for commercial purposes, which is against Facebook’s policies. The limit aims to keep Marketplace focused on individuals and very small businesses.

The item cap also helps improve the Marketplace experience for buyers. Too many listings from a single seller could overwhelm buyers and make it harder for them to find relevant items.

Who Can Sell on Facebook Marketplace

Only individual Facebook users can list items for sale on Marketplace. Businesses are prohibited from selling in Marketplace unless they create an individual Facebook profile and follow all of Facebook’s policies.

To use Marketplace, you must:

  • Have a personal Facebook account in your real name
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Have a history of following Facebook’s terms of service

Business pages and accounts are restricted from buying or selling in Marketplace. Facebook may delete listings and disable accounts if it determines you are using Marketplace for commercial purposes.

Limits for Businesses and High-Volume Sellers

If Facebook identifies you as a business or high-volume seller, additional restrictions apply beyond the standard 500 item limit:

  • Businesses are limited to 100 active listings at a time
  • High-volume sellers are limited to 500 listings per month

Facebook defines a high-volume seller as someone who sells more than 15 items per month or earns more than $2,500 in sales in a year. These sellers are required to provide tax information to keep selling on Marketplace.

Other Facebook Marketplace Rules

In addition to limits on the number of items, there are some other key Marketplace rules to be aware of:

  • No prohibited, illegal or unsafe items – this includes weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, recalled items, etc.
  • No selling services or intangibles like loyalty points
  • No pre-orders or fundraising – items must be currently available for sale
  • No deceptive or misleading posts
  • No selling babies, pets or livestock

Facebook provides a full list of prohibited content in its Commerce Policies. Follow these rules to avoid having your listings removed or being banned from Marketplace.

Tips for Managing Your Facebook Marketplace Listings

Here are some tips to effectively manage your item listings within Facebook’s limits:

  • Delete sold listings right away so they don’t occupy your 500 available slots
  • Renew popular listings shortly before they expire if you still wish to sell the item
  • Avoid listing small batch items individually – group similar items into one listing
  • Stagger new listings over time instead of adding everything immediately
  • Prioritize your most valuable and unique items that are likely to sell faster

Using Additional Facebook Accounts

Some high-volume sellers get around Marketplace item limits by using multiple personal Facebook accounts. However, this violates Facebook’s policies if you are representing the same business across accounts.

Facebook prohibits:

  • Coordinating sales or listings across multiple accounts
  • Using accounts registered with false personal information
  • Having multiple accounts manage ad campaigns or assets for a business

If Facebook discovers you are using multiple accounts deceptively, you risk having your listings removed, your assets restricted, and your accounts disabled.

Selling Without Limits on Other Platforms

If you reach Facebook’s selling limits, you may want to also list your items on other platforms that have higher or no limits. Some popular alternatives include:


  • Up to 10,000 active listings allowed
  • Sellers pay insertion fees and commissions on sales


  • Up to 5,000 active listings
  • $0.20 USD listing fee per item


  • No specific item limit but flagging excess posts is encouraged
  • Free listings in most categories

Amazon Marketplace

  • Individual seller limits vary by account and performance
  • Seller fees and commission rates apply

Each platform has its own fees, audience, and rules. Listing your items across multiple sites can help you maximize your selling opportunities.

Setting Up a Facebook Shop

If your business has outgrown selling in Marketplace, you can create a dedicated Facebook Shop instead. Shops allow you to sell items directly from your business Page or Instagram profile.

Key advantages of Facebook Shops include:

  • No item limits
  • Use your business name and branding
  • More advanced ecommerce features like custom domains
  • Sell products across Facebook and Instagram
  • Ability to run product ads

Visit Facebook’s Shops setup guide if you are interested in launching a Shop for your business.


Facebook Marketplace limits each user account to a maximum of 500 active listings at one time. This policy aims to reduce spam and keep Marketplace focused on individual sellers rather than large businesses.

High-volume sellers may face additional restrictions on total monthly listings. Make sure to closely follow all other Facebook selling policies too. Managing your listings carefully within the limits and selling high demand inventory can lead to successful Marketplace sales.