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How many invites does Facebook allow per day?

How many invites does Facebook allow per day?

Facebook allows users to invite friends and family to join the social network by sending invitation emails or messages. However, there are limits on how many invitations a user can send per day to prevent spamming and abuse. In this article, we will explore the invite limits imposed by Facebook and the reasons behind them.

Default Invite Limit

By default, Facebook allows users to send up to 100 invites per day. This limit applies to invites sent through Facebook directly by clicking the “Invite Friends” link and selecting people to invite. It also applies to invites sent through the Contacts import feature by uploading contact lists.

So in most cases, the average Facebook user is able to send up to 100 invitation emails or messages per day through the Facebook interface. If you try to exceed 100 invites in one day, you will receive an error message informing you that you have reached the daily invitation limit.

Invite Limits for Pages and Groups

Pages and groups on Facebook have different invite limits compared to personal profiles. Here are the specifics:

Facebook Page Invite Limits

Pages can send up to 2,500 invites per day. Page admins can invite people to like their page through invites on the page itself or through the page’s admin panel.

Facebook Group Invite Limits

For groups, there are two different invite limits:

– Groups with fewer than 10,000 members can send 5,000 group invites per day
– Groups with over 10,000 members can send 10,000 group invites per day

So larger groups are able to invite even more people to join per day. Group admins can invite members through the group interface or the group’s admin panel.

Reasons for Invite Limits

Facebook limits the number of invites per day to:

– Prevent spam: Mass sending invites to people you don’t know could be considered spam, so Facebook limits how many you can send.
– Limit viral growth: Facebook grew extremely rapidly in its early days through word-of-mouth invites. Limits prevent too-viral growth.
– Encourage quality invitations: Restricting invites encourages users to be more selective about who they invite.
– Avoid cluttering inboxes: Flooding thousands of inboxes per day with invites could annoyance people and get reported as spam.
– Reduce server loads: Processing mass invites puts strain on Facebook’s servers, so limiting them helps manage server load.

Increasing Your Invite Limit

While most users will never hit the default 100 invite daily limit, some power users want to be able to send more. Here are some ways to increase your daily invite limit:

– **Use Groups and Pages**: As mentioned above, groups and pages have higher limits, so make use of them.
– **Invite over time**: You don’t have to invite 100 people in one day. Spread out invites over weeks and months.
– **Take invite breaks**: Don’t send invites every single day. Take breaks of a few days between invite campaigns.
– **Invite selectively**: Add friends who you really want on Facebook rather than just inviting everyone. Higher quality invites are preferable.
– **Request limit increases**: If you manage a large Facebook presence, you can request higher invite limits by contacting Facebook support. But this is not guaranteed.

So be strategic about how you spread out and select invites if you want to grow your Facebook reach over time. But keep in mind the reasons for the limits.

Invite Limit Bypass Methods

Some users have tried to find ways to bypass Facebook’s invite limits in order to send more. However, most common bypass methods are either outdated, risky or ineffective. Here are some that people attempt, and why they often don’t work:

– **Spam programs**: Automated bots that spam invites can work but will likely get accounts banned due to violating Facebook’s policies.
– **Upload large contact lists**: Facebook limits contacts import to about 5,000 at time, so this has minimal effect.
– **Multiple accounts**: Creating extra accounts to get more invites violates Facebook’s rules and could result in bans.
– **Invite tricks**: Tricks like deleting and re-adding friends to re-invite don’t work anymore.
– **Third-party apps**: Apps promising unlimited invites often don’t work as advertised or could be malicious.

The risks and downsides of these bypass methods outweigh any small boost in invites they provide. It’s best to stick to the official invite limits set by Facebook.

Consequences of Exceeding Limits

If you do manage to find ways to send excessive invites beyond the Facebook limits, here are some consequences you may face:

– **Account ban**: Repeated spammy behavior could get your Facebook account disabled.
– **Feature restrictions**: Facebook may restrict your ability to invite or contact people.
– **Security warnings**: Friends may get notifications about unsolicited contact from you.
– **Declined invites**: People dislike getting spammed so will likely decline invites.
– **Friends unfollowing you**: Excessive notifications may cause friends to unfollow you or restrict what they share with you.

So while you may be able to bypass invite limits briefly, the long-term results are increased restrictions and reduced engagement from friends. It’s better to stick within the limits.


The number of Facebook invites per day that you can send depends on whether you are using a personal profile, page or group. Personal profiles have a limit of 100 invites per day. Pages can send 2,500 invites daily. Groups can send between 5,000 and 10,000 invites per day depending on group size.

These invite limits are imposed by Facebook to prevent spammy behavior, manage growth and server loads, and encourage meaningful invites. While some power users want higher limits, the risks of trying to bypass limits outweigh the benefits. It’s best to spread out invites selectively over time and utilize pages and groups when possible.

Sticking within the official Facebook invite limits each day results in more real engagement and growth versus trying risky bypass methods just to spam more invites. So focus on the quality of invites rather than the quantity. If you need higher limits for legitimate purposes, request an increase through Facebook support.