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How many invites can you send on Facebook to like a page?

How many invites can you send on Facebook to like a page?

Facebook allows Pages to send invites to people to like their Page. However, there are limits on how many invites a Page can send out to get more Page Likes. Understanding the invite limits can help Pages effectively grow their audience on Facebook.

Facebook Page Like Invite Limits

Here are the key limits to know about sending invites for Facebook Page Likes:

  • Pages can send invites to like their Page to up to 500 different people per day.
  • There is no limit to the number of invites that can be sent to a specific person. However, after 3 invites, the person will not receive additional notifications.
  • After a person likes the Page, invites can no longer be sent to that person.
  • Invites expire after 7 days if the recipient has not liked the Page.
  • When invites expire or a person likes the Page, the invite count resets allowing Pages to send a new invite.
  • Pending invites sent but not liked or expired do not count against the 500 invites per day limit.
  • All unpaid Pages have the same 500 invites per day limit.

In summary, while Pages can continuously re-invite people who have not yet liked their Page, there is a cap of 500 unique people that can be invited per day. The ideal strategy is to invite those most likely to appreciate and engage with your Page rather than arbitrarily sending out invites. Focus on quality over quantity when building your Facebook audience.

Who Can You Invite to Like Your Facebook Page?

Facebook allows Pages to invite two main groups of people to like their Page:

  1. Friends of people who already like your Page
  2. People who have interacted with your Page or content

When you go to send invites on your Page, Facebook will show friend suggestions of people connected to your existing Page likers. You can browse through the suggestions and select people to invite.

Facebook may also show you people who have visited your Page or engaged with your posts but have not yet liked your Page. For example, this could include people who have commented on your Page’s posts or clicked on links to your website from Facebook.

Inviting friends of existing Page likers can be effective as these people already have a connection liking your content. Similarly, inviting previous visitors draws from people who have already shown interest.

How to Send Invites for Page Likes

Here are the steps to send invites to like your Facebook Page:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click “Invite Friends” on the left sidebar
  3. Select friends to invite from the list of suggestions
  4. Choose “Invite as Page” and select your Page from the dropdown menu
  5. Write an optional custom message to include with the invites
  6. Click “Send Invites”

The invites will then be sent out to the selected recipients. People who accept the invites will Like your Page.

Here are some tips for sending effective Facebook Page Like invites:

  • Customize the message for each recipient – personalized invites have higher response rates
  • Invite friends who are most likely to be interested in your Page based on interests and demographics
  • Only invite friends who you think will engage – low quality likes won’t benefit your Page
  • Follow up by sharing why your Page would be valuable to the person you invited
  • Monitor your daily invite limit so you can keep inviting throughout the week
  • Track invite conversions to see which friends are responding positively

Advertising to Get More Facebook Page Likes

In addition to invites, Pages can get more likes through Facebook advertising. Some key options include:

Page Like Campaigns

Run an ad campaign with an objective of getting more Page Likes. You can show the ads to targeted audiences likely to be interested.

Like Button Ads

Place a Page Like button in your Facebook ads. People who see the ad can like your Page directly without needing to go to your Page.

Lead Ads

Use Lead Ad forms to collect people’s contact information. You can then follow up with them to invite them to like your Page.

Advertising allows you to reach a broader audience beyond just the friends of current likers. Plan out a monthly advertising budget to consistently attract new followers.

Growing Your Facebook Community

Attracting Facebook likes is just the start. To build a thriving community on your Page, you need to continue engaging new followers. Here are some tips:

  • Create valuable content your audience wants to see
  • Post consistently to stay top of mind
  • Respond to all comments and questions on your posts
  • Send updates and messages to all of your followers
  • Run contests and giveaways to increase engagement
  • Use Facebook Live videos to humanize your brand
  • Analyze your metrics to optimize your content strategy

Putting in the work to not just acquire fans but activate them as well will ensure your Facebook community provides lasting value for your business.


Growing your Facebook Page starts with inviting relevant people to Like your Page and become fans. While there are limits to how many invites you can send per day, there are tactics like advertising that allow you to continue finding potential new page likers. Avoid spamming people with invites, but do be persistent reaching out to those most likely to appreciate your page. Combine inviting with great content and community engagement and your Facebook Page will thrive.