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How many hashtags should I put in Facebook reels?

How many hashtags should I put in Facebook reels?

Hashtags are an important part of any social media strategy, especially on visual platforms like Facebook Reels. Using relevant hashtags allows your content to be discovered by people who are interested in that topic or searching for that hashtag. But using too many hashtags or irrelevant ones can work against you. So what’s the sweet spot when it comes to hashtag quantity for Facebook Reels?

Why Use Hashtags on Facebook Reels?

Here are some of the key benefits of using hashtags on your Facebook Reels:

  • Increased discoverability – Using relevant hashtags makes it easier for your content to be found by people searching or browsing those tags.
  • Reach new audiences – People who don’t already follow you can find your reels through shared hashtags.
  • Trending opportunities – Jumping on trending hashtag challenges or topics can expand your reach.
  • Branding – Creating branded hashtags allows people to identify and engage with your content specifically.

Clearly hashtags are an important tool on Facebook Reels. But you don’t want to go overboard because that can have negative effects.

Recommended Number of Hashtags for Facebook Reels

Most experts recommend using 2-5 hashtags per reel as a best practice. Here are some guidelines on number based on reel type:

Standard Reels

For regular reels where you are simply creating fun or informative content, 2-3 hashtags are recommended. This keeps your caption clean while still allowing for discoverability.

Trending Topic Reels

If creating reels related to trending topics or hashtag challenges, you can use 3-5 relevant hashtags. The higher number increases the chance of your content being seen by people following that viral topic.

Branded Content Reels

For reels focused on your brand, products or services, 1-2 branded hashtags in addition to 1-2 standard hashtags is ideal. This connects your brand identity with the content.

Placement of Hashtags

Where you place your hashtags also matters. Avoid putting all the hashtags in the first comment, as this looks spammy. Instead, strategically place them throughout the first 2-3 comments.

You can also include relevant hashtags in the reel caption itself so they are visible right away. Just be sure they flow naturally in the text.

Types of Hashtags to Use

Not all hashtags are created equal. Using the right mix of hashtags improves the effectiveness of your Facebook Reels strategy.


These are broad hashtags like #reels, #reelit, #reelsinstagram, etc. They can help expand your reach as they are searched often. But use them sparingly.


Niche hashtags related to your content topic, industry or audience are very valuable for discovery by your target users. Prioritize these.


Create 1-2 hashtags unique to your brand. Using these consistently builds branding and awareness.


Jump on hashtags tied to trending topics, challenges or events. But avoid forced connections that feel inauthentic to your brand.


If your content is location-specific, use 1-2 local hashtags like city, neighborhood, venue, etc.

Tips for Choosing Hashtags

Here are some tips for selecting the right hashtags to use on your Facebook Reels:

  • Research hashtags used by competitors or industry leaders in your niche.
  • Use Meta Business Suite or other tools to identify high-volume niche hashtags.
  • Search hashtags and make sure they are actively used on Facebook before including them.
  • Avoid excessive use of single-word generic hashtags like #reels #video #instagramreels
  • Study your analytics to see which hashtags drive the most engagement and conversions.
  • Use a mix of hashtags – don’t use more than 1-2 from any category per reel.

Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some final do’s and don’ts for hashtag strategy on Facebook Reels:


  • Be strategic – Place hashtags where they fit naturally within your content and captions.
  • Be consistent – Find what works and stick to those branded and niche tags.
  • Be authentic – Use hashtags that truly align with your content, brand and audience.


  • Overdo it – More is not always better when it comes to hashtags!
  • Be generic – Avoid excessive use of broad, generic hashtags that anyone can use.
  • Force it – Don’t use irrelevant hashtags just to try and game the algorithm.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key tips to remember:

  • Use 2-5 total hashtags per reel for optimal results.
  • Strategically place hashtags in caption and comments rather than cramming together.
  • Prioritize niche and branded hashtags over generic ones.
  • Research relevant hashtag opportunities but focus on quality over quantity.
  • Be consistent and strategic rather than using as many random hashtags as possible.

Focusing on intentional, high-quality hashtags aligned with your content and audience is the best practice for Facebook Reels success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I use the maximum of 30 hashtags on Facebook Reels?

No, using the maximum 30 hashtags is not recommended or necessary. As we’ve discussed, 2-5 well-chosen hashtags are ideal for most reels. Cramming in 30 will look spammy and not enhance reach.

What’s a good hashtag mix for my niche?

Aim for a mix like:

  • 1-2 Relevant niche hashtags
  • 1 Branded hashtag
  • 1-2 Popular general hashtags like #reels

Adjust this formula according to the specifics of your content and audience.

Should I repeat the same hashtags on every reel?

Consistency is good, but not total repetitiveness. Keep your core branded and niche hashtags in your regular content mix, but also incorporate new relevant hashtags as appropriate for each specific reel.

What hashtag strategies work best to gain followers?

Using niche and branded hashtags allows you to connect with your target audience and build a following organically over time. Trending hashtags can also provide follower spikes but won’t convert as strongly.

How often should I refresh my hashtags?

Periodically analyze your hashtags every 2-3 months to see which are performing best and identify any new relevant options. But avoid changing your core hashtags too frequently.


Hashtags continue to be an important tool for discovery on visual platforms like Facebook Reels. But more does not equal better when it comes to hashtag quantity. Carefully curating a targeted mix of 2-5 quality hashtags aligned with your content, brand and audience will provide the best results. Place them strategically in captions and comments for optimal visibility.

With some research and consistent effort, your hashtag strategy can help attract your ideal viewers and maximize the impact of your Facebook Reels. Just remember – intentional beats random!