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How many hashtags can I use on Facebook?

How many hashtags can I use on Facebook?

Hashtags allow you to categorize and track conversations on Facebook. When you use a hashtag in a post, the hashtag becomes clickable. When people click on a hashtag, they’ll see other posts that include the same hashtag. This makes it easy to find related content.

Using hashtags on Facebook can help increase engagement and reach for your posts. But how many hashtags should you use to maximize effectiveness without being annoying? Here’s a look at Facebook’s hashtag guidelines and best practices.

Facebook’s Guidelines on Hashtags

Facebook doesn’t impose a specific limit on how many hashtags you can include in a post. However, they do recommend using no more than two hashtags. Their rationale is that using a lot of hashtags makes the post text difficult to read.

Facebook’s Help Center says:

“For readability, don’t use more than 2 hashtags in a post.”

So according to Facebook’s official guidance, one or two hashtags per post is ideal.

Why You Should Limit Hashtags

There are a few reasons why you’ll want to limit your hashtag usage on Facebook:

Avoids looking spammy

Lots of hashtags in a row can look spammy and desperate. It gives the impression you’re just trying to get attention rather than posting quality content.

Improves readability

Too many hashtags clutter up the post text. It can make it difficult for people to read your update and understand the point you’re trying to get across.

Prevents shadowbanning

Using excessive hashtags is sometimes viewed as a form of keyword stuffing. If Facebook’s algorithm thinks you’re trying to “game” the system, your reach could be restricted through shadowbanning.

Looks unprofessional

Lots of hashtags look messy and amateur. It’s better to keep your posts looking polished and professional.

So in summary – stick to one or two relevant hashtags per post for the best results.

When to Use Extra Hashtags

Generally it’s best to limit hashtags to one or two per post. However, there are some circumstances where using more hashtags can be beneficial:

Forgive posts

For giveaways and contests, using extra hashtags helps get the word out and attract entries. Include several relevant hashtags like #giveaway, #contest, #sweepstakes.

Trending topics

If you’re posting about a hot trending topic, include relevant trending hashtags. This helps put your content in front of people following that hashtag.

Location tags

When promoting local events or businesses, include location hashtags like #Chicago, #NYC, #Texas.

Industry hashtags

For industry-related posts, use industry hashtags like #socialmedia, #realestate, #marketing.

Awareness days

On awareness days like #WorldCancerDay or #InternationalWomensDay using multiple related hashtags can help spread awareness.

The key is to ensure extra hashtags are relevant and add value for your audience. Don’t go overboard.

Optimal Number of Hashtags on Facebook

Based on Facebook’s guidelines and best practices research, here are some recommendations on optimal hashtag amounts:

Post Type Recommended # of Hashtags
Regular posts 1-2
Giveaways/contests 4-5
Trending topics 2-3
Location tagging 2-3
Industry posts 2-3
Awareness days 3-4

As you can see, the general rule of thumb is:

– 1-2 hashtags for most posts
– Up to 5 hashtags for special cases like contests

Aim to use the minimum amount needed to get your message across and reach your audience. Resist the urge to over-hashtag.

Where to Place Hashtags

Where you position hashtags in your posts can also impact effectiveness:

At the end

Putting hashtags at the end of your post is the most common placement. This avoids interrupting the flow. But it also means some people may not notice them.

In the middle

You can put highly relevant hashtags in the middle of your text to call attention to them. Just be sure it’s not too distracting.

In a comment

Mentioning extra hashtags in your first comment lets you get them in there without cluttering up the main post.

In the bio

Listing key hashtags in your bio ensures they’re on every post you share. But over-hashtagging the bio looks spammy.

Test different placements to see what works best for your audience and gets you the highest engagement.

Tips for Using Hashtags Effectively

Here are some tips to use hashtags effectively on Facebook:

Place them at natural breaks in your post.

Don’t just awkwardly stick hashtags anywhere. Put them at the end of a sentence or paragraph.

Use relevant hashtags.

Make sure the hashtags relate to your post content. Irrelevant hashtags are pointless.

Leverage trends and events.

Research trending topics and include those hashtags when appropriate.

Use branded hashtags.

Create unique hashtags related to your brand that people will want to share.

Watch the frequency.

Avoid using the same hashtags in every single post. Mix it up.

Check performance.

See which hashtags drive the most engagement and focus on those.

Keep it short and simple.

Opt for short hashtags without odd characters or punctuation.

Facebook Hashtag Limit – The Verdict

While Facebook doesn’t enforce a hard limit, their recommended best practice is:

Use 1-2 hashtags per post for optimal results.

Only use more hashtags for specific purposes like giveaways or leveraging trends. Avoid excessive hashtags that clutter up your posts.

Stick to relevant hashtags and monitor performance to see which ones resonate most with your audience. Well-timed, strategic hashtags can increase engagement – but used improperly, they can have the opposite effect.

Hashtag thoughtfully and selectively for maximum impact on Facebook.