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How many followers do you need to create a username on Facebook?

How many followers do you need to create a username on Facebook?

Getting a username on Facebook is a great way to establish your personal brand and make it easier for people to find you. But in order to get a username, you first need to meet a certain follower threshold. So how many followers do you need before you can create a Facebook username? Let’s take a closer look.

What is a Facebook Username?

A Facebook username is essentially your personal URL on the platform. It appears after the slash in your profile link – for example:

Usernames make it easier for people to find and remember your profile. Instead of your cryptic numerical ID, they can type in your customized username to access your page. This helps build name recognition and brand awareness.

Usernames also give your profile a more professional look and feel. They make it seem like you have your own niche and space carved out on Facebook.

Requirements for Getting a Username

Facebook has some specific requirements you must meet before you can create a personalized username:

  • Your account must be public.
  • You must have at least 50 friends.
  • Your account must be at least 14 days old.

However, the biggest and most important requirement is that you need a minimum number of followers. This threshold ensures that usernames are given to accounts that are already established on Facebook.

How Many Followers Do You Need for a Username?

According to Facebook’s policies, you need at least 250 followers to be eligible for a username. This means 250 people must be following your public updates through your profile on their News Feed.

Getting to 250 followers requires actively engaging with other Facebook users. Post interesting updates, react to friends’ posts, join Groups, and participate in communities. The more you interact, the more followers you’ll accumulate.

You can check how many followers you currently have by going to your public profile and scrolling down to the “Followers” box below your cover photo.

Tips to Gain Followers

Here are some tips to quickly gain followers on Facebook so you can unlock a username:

  • Add friends liberally. Search for people you know and send them friend requests.
  • Join interest-based Facebook Groups and be an active participant.
  • Engage with trending hashtags using relevant content.
  • Ask questions and give advice to get more comments and reactions.
  • Go live and invite friends to watch your video in real time.
  • Promote your profile on other social networks.
  • Run Facebook ads targeting followers of your niche.
  • Offer discounts or deals for people who follow you.

How to Create a Facebook Username

Once you’ve surpassed 250 followers, here are the steps to create your username:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile.
  2. Click your name in the intro section.
  3. Click “Add @username” and enter your desired username.
  4. Click “Check Availability” to make sure it hasn’t been taken.
  5. If available, click “Apply Changes” to set your new username.

Facebook will let you know if the username you requested is taken. You may have to get creative and try variations until you find something unique.

It’s important to choose a relevant username that reflects your brand or identity on Facebook. Avoid anything too obscure or random.

Claiming Your Username on Other Networks

Once you’ve set your username on Facebook, it’s a good idea to claim it on other major platforms too. This helps strengthen your consistent brand image across social media.

Here are some networks where you should claim your username:

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn

On each platform, set up a profile using your Facebook username. Then complete the verification process to officially register that name to your account.

You may run into availability issues if someone else has already taken your username. But with some creativity, you can usually find a similar version that’s still available.


Getting a custom username is a milestone for establishing your brand on Facebook. To unlock this feature, you need a minimum of 250 followers on your public profile.

Strive to actively engage the Facebook community through likes, comments, shares, and Groups. Post regularly and respond to interactions. Offer value to others through useful content.

Once you’ve hit the 250 follower threshold, claim your unique username to make your Facebook identity more memorable. Extend this to other social platforms for consistency.

A customized username helps make your social media presence stand out. It looks much more professional than a random string of numbers and makes it easier for your audience to find you.