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How many followers do I need on my Facebook page to earn money?

How many followers do I need on my Facebook page to earn money?

Quick Answer

The minimum number of followers needed to earn money on Facebook is around 10,000. However, the amount of money you can earn will be quite small at that level. To earn a significant income, most experts recommend having at least 100,000 followers. The more followers you have, the higher your earning potential.

Facebook Monetization Options

There are several ways to monetize a Facebook page and earn money from your followers:

Facebook Ad Revenue

If you enroll your page in the Facebook monetization program, you can earn a share of revenue from ads displayed on your page. The more followers you have, the more ad views you’ll get, and the more money you can make. You need at least 10,000 followers to qualify for Facebook’s monetization program.

Affiliate Links

You can earn commissions by promoting affiliate products and services to your followers. This could include affiliate links to ecommerce sites, online courses, software, etc. The more followers you have, the more potential customers you’ll reach. You’ll need a decent following to generate significant affiliate income.

Sponsored Posts

Companies may pay you to create sponsored posts and content about their brand, products or services. Popular pages with engaged followers can earn thousands per sponsored post. You’ll need at least 50,000 very targeted followers to attract sponsorships.

Consulting / Coaching

Experts, coaches and consultants can sell their services to followers. The larger your audience, the easier it is to attract coaching clients. You may need 100,000+ followers to earn a substantial income solely from coaching.

Online Courses

You can sell online courses through your Facebook page. Courses are a great way to monetize your expertise and knowledge. A following of at least 20,000 targeted fans is recommended for earning a good income from online courses.

Merchandise / Products

You can design and sell custom branded merchandise like t-shirts, hats, mugs and other products featuring your page name or logo. A large, engaged following helps drive merchandise sales. You’ll need at least 50,000 very targeted followers.

How Many Followers Do You Need to Make Money on Facebook?


With 10,000 followers, you can qualify for Facebook’s monetization program and start earning ad revenue. However, the income will be very minimal at this level, likely less than $100 per month. You also won’t have enough followers yet to attract sponsors or generate significant affiliate sales.


At 50,000 followers you can begin unlocking more monetization options. You may be able to earn a few hundred dollars per month from ad revenue. Sponsored posts can generate some income as well, perhaps $50-$200 each. Merchandise sales are possible too, but revenue will still be relatively low.


100,000 followers is when things get more interesting. Ad revenue might climb to $500+ per month. Sponsored post rates will increase to $500-$1,000+ per post for a medium-sized business. Consulting/coaching services become viable at this level, potentially earning thousands per month. Affiliate income starts ramping up as well.

250,000+ followers

Once you surpass 250,000 engaged followers, you can start earning serious income from a Facebook page. Ad revenue can climb into the thousands per month. Sponsored post rates for large brands can exceed $5,000+ per post. High ticket coaching/consulting services become possible, potentially earning tens of thousands per month. Info products like online courses can sell very well too. Merch can generate thousands in revenue. The opportunities really open up at this level of following.

Tips for Growing Your Facebook Following

Here are some tips to gain more followers and build your audience on Facebook:

  • Post engaging, valuable content daily
  • Use relevant hashtags so people can find your posts
  • Run Facebook ads targeting your ideal audience
  • Leverage influencer marketing by having influencers share your page
  • Encourage current followers to like, comment, share and tag others
  • Go live frequently and interact with viewers
  • Use high quality visuals including photos and videos
  • Optimize your page for SEO so people find you in search
  • Partner with other brands/influencers for cross-promotion
  • Consider Facebook groups to connect with highly engaged followers

Growing a large, targeted following takes time and effort. But by consistently providing value and utilizing Facebook’s tools, you can build an audience that will allow you to turn your page into a lucrative income stream.

Maximizing Your Income From Facebook Followers

To generate the highest possible revenue from your Facebook followers, keep these tips in mind:

  • Diversify your monetization strategies – use a mix of ad revenue, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, coaching/consulting services, online courses, merchandising, etc.
  • Offer high-value content and services that followers will pay for
  • Closely analyze page analytics to understand your followers’ interests and needs
  • Be very targeted when promoting affiliate offers or selling services
  • Partner with brands that are a great fit with your audience and content style
  • Stay consistent – post regularly and interact with followers
  • Avoid over-promoting or pushing too many offers which may turn followers off
  • Provide ways for followers to contact you directly for coaching, consulting, partnerships
  • Continue growing your audience over time to increase income potential

With a thoughtful, diversified monetization strategy tailored to your audience, you can optimize your Facebook page to maximize your profitability from any size following.


While it’s possible to earn a bit of money from a Facebook page with just 10,000 followers, a much larger following is needed to generate meaningful income. Most experts recommend having at least 100,000 engaged followers before you can expect substantial earnings.

The best approach is to consistently provide value through your content while utilizing a variety of monetization strategies. With a mix of ad revenue, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, coaching/consulting services, online courses, and merchandising, you can optimize your income potential at any follower count. Patience and persistence are key – growing a profitable Facebook page takes time, but the long term rewards can be well worth the effort.