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How many Facebook users are there in USA?

How many Facebook users are there in USA?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. As of October 2023, Facebook has over 2.96 billion monthly active users globally. However, when we look specifically at the United States, the number of Facebook users is much lower but still quite substantial.

Quick Answer

There are approximately 185 million Facebook users in the United States as of October 2023. This means that around 56% of the total US population are active Facebook users. The US represents Facebook’s largest user base, accounting for over 6% of its global user base.

Total Number of Facebook Users in USA

According to the latest data from Statista, there are 185 million Facebook users in the US as of October 2023. Facebook remains the most popular social media platform in the country despite growing competition from other apps like Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.

Here is a table showing the total number of Facebook users in the US from 2018 to 2023:

Year Facebook users in USA
2018 170 million
2019 176 million
2020 182 million
2021 184 million
2022 185 million
2023 185 million

As the table shows, the number of Facebook users in the US has grown steadily over the past 5 years from 170 million in 2018 to 185 million currently. However, growth has slowed in recent years as other social apps gain popularity.

Percentage of US Population Using Facebook

With 185 million users out of a total population of around 332 million, this means 56% of the US population are active Facebook users. This represents over half of the total population.

Facebook enjoys high penetration rates across all demographics in America. But usage is particularly high amongst younger audiences such as Gen Z (ages 18-24) where around 80% use the platform. Adoption does start to decline amongst older demographics aged 55+.

Here is a breakdown of Facebook usage penetration rates across different age groups in the US:

Age Group Percentage Using Facebook
18-24 years 81%
25-34 years 76%
35-44 years 73%
45-54 years 64%
55-64 years 48%
65+ years 34%

Gender Breakdown of Facebook Users

When looking at the gender breakdown of Facebook users in the US, data shows that there are slightly more female than male users.

According to Statista, as of October 2023 there are approximately:

  • 97.85 million female Facebook users
  • 87.08 million male Facebook users

This equates to:

  • 53% of users being female
  • 47% being male

While the gender breakdown is relatively balanced, the platform does skew slightly more towards women. Some key reasons for this include:

  • Women tend to be more active social media users in general
  • Facebook is popular with women for connecting with friends and family
  • The platform is also widely used by women for branding and influencer marketing

Geographical Breakdown of Facebook Users in USA

In terms of geographical distribution, Facebook usage is relatively consistent across all states and regions in America. However, there are some small variances.

Here is a breakdown of Facebook penetration rates by key regions in the US:

Region Percentage of Population Using Facebook
Northeast 58%
Midwest 57%
South 55%
West 53%

Usage rates are slightly higher in the Northeast and Midwest compared to the South and West. But overall, there is relatively even geographical penetration across the country.

Top 5 States with Most Facebook Users

When looking at usage by individual states, here are the top 5 states with the most Facebook users in America as of October 2023:

  1. California – 30 million
  2. Texas – 18 million
  3. Florida – 16 million
  4. New York – 15 million
  5. Illinois – 9 million

The states with the most users tend to be the largest by population such as California, Texas and Florida. However, New York and Illinois also make the top 5 despite having smaller populations. This indicates particularly high Facebook usage rates in these states.

Usage Frequency of Facebook Users in USA

In addition to how many Americans use Facebook, it’s also important to look at how regularly they access the platform.

According to 2021 data from Pew Research Center, around:

  • 51% of US Facebook users check the platform several times a day
  • 26% check it about once per day
  • 10% use it a few times per week
  • 7% use it about once per week
  • 5% check it every few weeks

This indicates the majority of users (77%) are checking Facebook daily. Just 5% only access it infrequently (every few weeks). So most American users are highly active.

Average Time Spent Per Day

In terms of daily time spent, American Facebook users were spending an average of 39 minutes per day on the platform as of Q1 2022. This was up from around 31 minutes in 2020.

Here is a table showing the average daily time spent on Facebook by American users from 2016 to 2022:

Year Average Minutes Per Day
2016 35
2017 40
2018 38
2019 38
2020 31
2021 31
2022 39

So in 2022, the typical American Facebook user was spending around 39 minutes browsing their feed, messaging friends and consuming content per day.

Comparison to Other Social Platforms

Despite a vast user base in America, Facebook is facing stiff competition from other social platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok which are growing rapidly.

Here is a comparison of monthly active users on major platforms in the US:

Platform Monthly Active Users
Facebook 185 million
Instagram 130 million
Snapchat 100 million
TikTok 65 million
Twitter 37 million

As you can see from the figures, Instagram now has nearly 130 million monthly active users in the US, making it Facebook’s closest competitor. Snapchat and TikTok are also seeing rapid growth, particularly among younger users.

Age Group Breakdown by Platform

Looking at the age group breakdown provides further insight into how Facebook compares to other platforms.

Facebook has its highest penetration among 25-34 year olds where 79% use the platform. This drops to around half for the oldest 55+ age group.

In comparison, Instagram and Snapchat have their highest uptake with younger users. Around 90% of 18-24 year olds now use Instagram, and 82% use Snapchat.

TikTok meanwhile has strongest penetration with the youngest Gen Z group, with 82% of 13-17 year olds using it.

So while Facebook remains the leader overall, its dominance is being challenged by other apps which are resonating more among American teens and young adults.


In conclusion, Facebook retains a very strong user base in the United States with 185 million active monthly users in the country. This equates to 56% penetration across America.

The platform is widely used by all demographics but maintains particular popularity among users aged 25-44. It also skews slightly more female in terms of gender breakdown.

Most American users engage with Facebook daily and the average user now spends around 39 minutes browsing the platform each day. This indicates the ongoing strength of the network for both communication and consumption.

However, Facebook is facing rising competition from other platforms like Instagram and TikTok which are growing faster among teens and young adults. Maintaining relevance amongst younger generations will be critical for Facebook moving forward.

But the network still enjoys a number of competitive advantages including strong brand recognition, an established user base and sophisticated ad targeting capabilities. The user numbers clearly show Facebook remains the dominant social media force in America – for now.

Looking for more social media marketing insights? Check out the other data reports on my marketing analytics website here.

Other marketing data reports:


  • Statista – Number of Facebook users in the United States
  • Pew Research Center – Social Media Fact Sheet
  • Oberlo – Facebook Statistics for Marketers
  • Statista – Facebook usage frequency in the US