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How many Facebook business pages can I have?

How many Facebook business pages can I have?

Facebook business pages allow businesses and organizations to establish an official presence on Facebook separate from personal profiles. With a business page, you can promote your products or services, engage with customers, and build your brand. But how many Facebook business pages can you have for your business?

The short answer

Facebook allows each business to have up to 50 active business pages at one time. So if you are a business owner, you can create and manage up to 50 different Facebook pages for your various brands, locations, or initiatives. However, each page must represent a real business or organization and comply with Facebook’s terms of service.

Facebook’s business page limit

According to Facebook’s policies, each business or organization is allowed to have up to 50 active Pages at one time. This limit applies globally across all of your Facebook business pages.

Some key things to know about Facebook’s 50 page limit:

  • The limit is per business, not per person. If multiple people manage your business pages, they would all share the same 50 page allowance.
  • All active and inactive pages count toward the limit. You cannot have more than 50 pages total.
  • If you try to create more than 50 pages, Facebook will not allow additional pages to be created.
  • There is no way to increase the limit. 50 pages is the maximum Facebook allows.

This policy prevents businesses from abusing Facebook Pages and oversaturating users’ feeds. It encourages focusing your efforts on fewer high-quality pages rather than many unnecessary pages.

What counts as a business page?

Any Facebook Page created for a business, organization, brand, public figure, or initiative counts toward the 50 page limit. This includes pages for:

  • Brick-and-mortar store locations
  • Online shops or brands
  • Restaurants, cafes, or bars
  • Franchises or branches
  • Subsidiaries or sister companies
  • Events, concerts, or festivals
  • Causes or fundraisers
  • Clubs, groups, or teams
  • Public figures, artists, or influencers
  • Campaigns or initiatives

Essentially any Page that represents or promotes a business, organization, or public persona counts toward the 50 page maximum.

Pages that don’t count toward the limit

Some types of Facebook Pages are exempt from the 50 page limit:

  • Individual personal profiles – Your own personal Facebook profile does not count as a Page.
  • Private or hidden Pages – Pages that are unpublished or visible only to certain audiences are not counted.
  • Deleted Pages – Once you permanently delete a Page, it no longer counts toward your limit.
  • Fake or duplicate Pages – Pages that violate Facebook’s policies may not be included.
  • Pages you admin but don’t own – Pages you manage but did not create are tied to their original owner.

So you can be an admin on more than 50 Pages owned by multiple businesses without exceeding any limits.

Who can create Facebook business pages?

Any official representative of a business or organization can create and manage Facebook Pages on its behalf. This includes owners, employees, contractors, or agencies. Some key requirements:

  • Pages must represent real organizations that comply with Facebook’s policies.
  • Individuals can only create Pages for businesses/organizations they are affiliated with.
  • Page creators must use their personal Facebook accounts to verify identity.
  • Page admins are responsible for adhering to Facebook’s terms of service.

Facebook may ask for verification to ensure Pages are legitimate. Authorization could include a confirmation code sent to a business email or documentation proving your official affiliation.

Should you create multiple Pages?

Here are some pros and cons of having multiple Facebook business Pages:

Pros Cons
– Target different locations or audiences – More difficult to manage
– Segment content and messaging – Can seem fragmented to followers
– Grow visibility in more interest areas – Divide your audience and reach
– Customize branding for initiatives – Require more resources to maintain

Some best practices if managing multiple Pages:

  • Have a strategy and purpose for each additional Page.
  • Make sure branding and messaging are consistent across Pages.
  • Cross-promote your Pages to retain a unified presence.
  • Use Facebook tools like Publishing to efficiently manage content.
  • Monitor analytics across Pages to track growth and engagement.

How to manage multiple Facebook business Pages

Here are some tips to effectively manage multiple Facebook business Pages:

Use a business manager account

Add your Pages to a Facebook Business Manager account. This allows you to control, post, and analyze as the Pages’ parent company.

Create contributor roles

Assign roles like Editor or Advertiser to control page access across your team members.

Use Facebook’s publishing tools

Publishing allows you to easily share content across multiple Pages at once.

Install Facebook Business Suite

Facebook’s mobile app allows you to efficiently manage messaging, notifications, and more.

Analyze cross-page insights

Use Facebook Analytics to track metrics across all your Pages in one place.

Promote and interlink your Pages

Cross-promote your Pages in each Page’s About section with descriptions and links.

Create conversion funnels

Use Facebook tools to create integrated funnels driving traffic between your Pages.

Manage customer messaging

Unified inboxes and automated messaging can handle conversations at scale.

Facebook Page limit exceptions

In some limited cases, Facebook may allow certain businesses to exceed the 50 page limit, such as:

  • Large global brands opening location-based Pages in many countries.
  • Franchises or associations coordinating hundreds of local Pages.
  • Holding companies managing Pages for multiple subsidiary brands.

However, these are evaluated case-by-case and require advanced approval from Facebook. Most businesses should plan to operate within Facebook’s standard Page limit.

Page restrictions for banned or disabled accounts

If your personal Facebook account or a Page you manage gets banned or disabled due to violations, additional restrictions may be placed on your Pages, such as:

  • Preventing new Pages from being created
  • Restricting access to existing Pages
  • Removing admin roles on Pages you do not own

So it’s important to ensure you and your Pages remain in good standing by following Facebook’s terms, policies, and best practices.


Facebook allows each business or organization to have up to 50 active Pages at one time. This overall limit applies globally to all current and past Pages associated with your business. Certain Page types like personal profiles do not count toward the 50 page maximum. To effectively manage multiple Pages, utilize Facebook’s business tools for publishing, analytics, messaging, and more. With proper strategy and execution, having multiple Facebook Pages can help expand your business’s visibility, audience, and engagement.