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How many Facebook accounts?

How many Facebook accounts?

Facebook is one of the largest and most popular social media platforms in the world. As of October 2022, Facebook reported having over 2.96 billion monthly active users worldwide. With so many users, it raises the question – how many Facebook accounts exist in total? Let’s take a closer look at the data to find out.

Total Number of Facebook Accounts

According to Facebook’s own public statistics, there are over 2.90 billion monthly active Facebook accounts as of September 2022. This refers to the number of accounts that logged into Facebook and took an action (like posting, commenting, or liking) in the last 30 days.

However, this does not represent the total number of Facebook accounts that exist. Many accounts are inactive or abandoned, but still exist on Facebook’s platforms. Estimates for the total number of Facebook accounts range from 3.5 billion to over 4 billion. Here are some key statistics:

  • As of 2021, there were over 3.51 billion total Facebook accounts according to data website Statista.
  • A 2021 article from The Newswheel estimated there were over 3.5 billion total Facebook accounts.
  • Business analytics firm NapoleonCat estimated over 3.7 billion total Facebook accounts as of 2022.
  • Some estimates from 2021 and 2022 put the total number of Facebook accounts at over 4 billion.

The exact total number of Facebook accounts is proprietary information that only Facebook has access to. But based on independent estimates and Facebook’s own public user statistics, it’s reasonable to estimate there are between 3.5 and 4 billion total Facebook accounts worldwide as of 2022.

Growth of Facebook Accounts Over Time

The number of Facebook accounts has grown steadily over the years. Here is a timeline showing the growth in total Facebook accounts over time:

Year Total Facebook Accounts
2008 100 million
2009 200 million
2010 500 million
2011 800 million
2012 1 billion
2017 2 billion
2019 2.7 billion
2022 3.5 – 4 billion (estimated)

As you can see, the total number of Facebook accounts has exploded over the past decade and a half since Facebook’s founding in 2004. User growth was especially rapid in the early years as Facebook expanded beyond its initial college-only userbase.

Multiple Accounts per User

It’s important to note that many individual users have multiple Facebook accounts. There are a variety of reasons why a person might have more than one account:

  • Separate accounts for personal and business use
  • Old accounts that have been abandoned but not deleted
  • Multiple personal accounts to segregate friends/family
  • Fake or spam accounts created for misuse
  • Accounts created to get around Facebook bans or restrictions

Facebook estimates that duplicate and fake accounts represent approximately 5% of worldwide monthly active accounts. So the total number of unique individual users is lower than the total number of accounts.

Geographic Breakdown of Accounts

Facebook’s user base and accounts are not evenly distributed worldwide. Some countries and regions have much higher Facebook usage and account numbers than others.

As of 2022, the top 5 countries with the most Facebook accounts were:

  1. India – 370 million
  2. Indonesia – 170 million
  3. USA – 170 million
  4. Brazil – 150 million
  5. Philippines – 94 million

Developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America have seen rapid Facebook adoption over the past decade. In fact, over 80% of Facebook’s user base comes from outside the U.S. and Canada.

Here is a geographic breakdown of Facebook accounts by region as of 2022:

Region Accounts
Asia-Pacific 1.2 billion
Europe 380 million
North America 260 million
Rest of World 1.1 billion

Active Usage Varies by Account

It’s important to distinguish between total Facebook accounts and active accounts. Not all accounts represent engaged users.

Many accounts are inactive, abandoned, fake, or rarely used. Facebook’s monthly active user statistic gives a better sense of actual usage and engagement.

Looking at monthly active usage, Europe and North America have the highest engagement per account. Asia-Pacific accounts have lower average engagement. So the number of accounts does not directly correlate with Facebook activity.


In summary, expert estimates put the total number of Facebook accounts at around 3.5 to 4 billion worldwide as of 2022. This number has rapidly grown over the past decade as Facebook expanded globally.

The total accounts represent a mix of active users, inactive and abandoned accounts, duplicate accounts, and fake accounts used for banned purposes. There is no way to determine the exact number of accounts, but Facebook has hundreds of millions of engaged monthly users spread across many billions of accounts.