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How many comments a day on Facebook?

How many comments a day on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q3 2022. With so many people using Facebook daily, an immense number of comments are made on the platform each day. But just how many comments are posted on Facebook in a single day?

A Look at Facebook’s Comment Volume

Facebook does not provide official statistics on the total number of comments made daily across its platform. However, some estimates can be made based on available data about Facebook’s size and engagement levels:

  • Facebook had 2.93 billion monthly active users as of September 30, 2022.
  • There were around 2 billion daily active users on average in March 2022, according to Facebook.
  • The average user spends 58 minutes per day on Facebook as of Q3 2022.
  • There are over 100 billion friend connections on Facebook.
  • Engagement levels defined as likes, comments, shares per post vary by type of content and page size, but tend to range from hundreds to thousands of engagements per post.

From this, we can estimate that the number of comments made per day across Facebook is likely in the billions. A reasonable estimate based on Facebook’s size and typical engagement levels would be around 5-10 billion comments per day on average.

Factors That Influence Facebook Comment Volume

Several factors account for the immense volume of commenting activity happening daily on Facebook:

  • Large and active user base – With billions of users, many of whom are highly active, this provides a massive foundation for comments.
  • Commenting is easy and encouraged – Facebook is designed to make commenting very simple for users, and commenting is an ingrained part of the Facebook experience.
  • Prevalence of public content – Much of the content on Facebook is posted publicly, which enables commenting at large scale.
  • Engagement incentives – Features like notifications encourage users to interact with content, stimulating commenting.
  • Group conversations – Many comments happen in the context of group discussions about shared content.
  • Pages and public figures – Comments are spurred by content from brands, media, celebrities and other public pages.

The combination of a massive engaged user base with features and content optimized for commenting facilitates billions of comments daily. Both user-to-user comments and comments on public pages and posts add up at enormous scale.

How Comments per Post Vary by Type of Page

While an average Facebook post may get hundreds or thousands of comments, the number of comments per post can vary dramatically based on the type of page it is posted from. Some key differences:

  • Individual users – Personal posts by average users tend to get lower comment volume, often just a few comments from friends.
  • Celebrities – Public figures with millions of fans can get tens of thousands of comments on a single post.
  • Brands – Brand pages see highly variable comment volume based on post content and fan base size, ranging from a few to thousands.
  • Media companies – Media outlets posting news stories and videos can see hundreds or thousands of comments depending on the post topic and level of controversy/engagement.
  • Groups – Specialized groups focused on certain interests or topics can generate posts with hundreds of comments from active group members.

While averages hold at macro scale, comment volume for an individual post depends heavily on the nature and fan base of the page posting it. Viral posts can sometimes exponentially outperform typical comment volume.

Breakdown of Facebook Comments by Type

Not all Facebook comments are equal. Some broad categories of Facebook commenting activity include:

  • Replies to friends – Direct conversations and inside jokes between Facebook friends.
  • Reactions to news – Commentary about current events and news articles shared on Facebook.
  • Debates and arguments – Heated discussions about controversial topics.
  • Organization/event planning – Coordinating groups, events, fundraisers.
  • Consumer feedback – Reviews, questions and feedback for brands.
  • Personal updates – Comment conversations about life events and personal content.
  • Spam – Unfortunately a portion of comments are unwanted spam and bot activity.

Many comments are meaningful conversations and engagement between friends and family. But a significant amount also stem from responding to public content, sometimes leading to arguments or spamming as well. The broad uses of Facebook translate into a diverse mix of comment types.

How Commenting Varies Across Demographics

Facebook commenting activity is not distributed equally across all demographic groups on the platform. Some key demographic differences include:

  • Age – Younger users tend to comment more actively than older users.
  • Gender – Women are somewhat more likely to engage in commenting than men.
  • Region – Developed regions like North America and Europe see higher commenting volumes than developing parts of the world.
  • Income – Higher income users in developing nations tend to comment more frequently.
  • Personality – Extroverted, outgoing personalities are more prone to commenting versus introverted ones.

In general, younger, more affluent, extroverted women in developed nations tend to drive higher volumes of Facebook commenting activity globally. But commenting behavior ultimately reflects users’ personal habits and cultural norms.

Commenting Trends and Statistics

Some interesting statistics and trends around Facebook commenting activity:

  • An estimated 488 million comments are posted on Facebook daily according to Hubspot data.
  • The average post gets around 227 comments globally based on Brandwatch data.
  • 49% of Facebook users said they comment on others’ posts at least once per week according to Pew Research Center.
  • Facebook posts with at least 80 comments see a jump in reach compared to posts with fewer comments.
  • Video posts tend to get 2-3x more comments than link or photo posts.
  • The most commented post ever is Facebook’s update of its relationship status to “In a Relationship” with the word “Mobile” in 2010, with over 1 million comments.

These statistics illustrate the massive scale of commenting activity across Facebook, as well as highlighting some best practices for driving higher comment volume.

Tips for Increasing Facebook Comments

For brands, public figures, media outlets and other pages looking to spark more commenting and engagement on their Facebook posts, some helpful tips include:

  • Post interesting visual content like photos and videos.
  • Ask direct questions to followers in the post content.
  • Run commenting contests or promotions to incentivize it.
  • Interact extensively with existing comments by replying.
  • Post contentious, debatable topics to spark discussion.
  • Write posts with a conversational, informal tone to make them more engaging.
  • Time posts around peak commenting periods, like weekday mornings in the relevant time zone.

Leveraging these best practices can help increase the number of relevant, quality comments on Facebook page posts.


Facebook’s vast scale and active user base generates a staggering volume of commenting activity day in and day out. While it’s hard to pin down an exact number due to limited data, reasonable estimates put the total number of comments per day on Facebook in the range of 5-10 billion. Factors like an engaged global audience, ease of commenting, public content and commenting incentives drive this immense daily volume. Commenting varies by demographics and page type, but overall stems from diverse personal, news, organizational, entertainment and commercial conversations happening across the platform. For organizations looking to boost engagement, tactics like visual content, questions, promotions and lively tone can help increase relevant commenting on their Facebook posts.

Key Facebook Comment Statistics 2022 Estimates
Total comments per day 5-10 billion
Average comments per post 227
Most comments on a single post 1 million+
Percentage of users commenting weekly 49%
Comment volume lift from 80+ comments 2x reach