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How many business pages can I have on Facebook?

How many business pages can I have on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to create and manage multiple business pages, which can be useful for managing different brands, locations, or subsidiaries. There is no specific limit on the number of Facebook business pages a user can have, but there are some guidelines around best practices.

Why Have Multiple Business Pages?

Here are some common reasons businesses choose to have more than one Facebook page:

  • Separate pages for different brands or divisions
  • Pages for each physical location or region
  • Pages for specific products, services, or events
  • Pages focused on different audiences or languages

Multiple pages allow businesses to customize content, messaging, ads, and more for each distinct audience. It also enables separate analytics and insights for each page.

Facebook’s Recommendations

Facebook recommends trying to consolidate pages when possible, especially when they have significant content or audience overlap. However, having multiple pages is acceptable in many circumstances.

Facebook notes that “there aren’t specific limits on the number of Pages a single individual can administer or be an admin of. However, Pages that are duplicative or redundant may be removed.”

Guidelines for Managing Multiple Pages

When managing multiple Facebook business pages, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Each page should represent a distinct brand, location, product line, etc.
  • Customize content for each page’s specific audience and purpose.
  • Have separate admin teams and assets (logos, images) for more unique pages.
  • Link pages together via cross-posting if helpful for users.
  • Monitor page performance individually and consolidate if goals overlap.

Limits on Page Creation

While there are no defined limits, Facebook does have systems to prevent excessive page creation:

  • Accounts may be blocked from creating additional pages if too many are made in a short window of time.
  • New pages from blocked accounts are more closely reviewed before publishing.
  • Pages violating policies may be removed at any time.

It’s a good idea to carefully evaluate the need for each new page and consolidate existing pages when possible.

Best Practices for Multiple Business Pages

Here are some best practices when managing multiple Facebook business pages:

1. Create a Facebook Business Manager Account

Business Manager allows you to easily manage multiple pages (as well as ad accounts, apps, and more) from a central dashboard. You can control page roles, permissions, and publishing tools across all pages.

2. Clarify Your Purpose and Goals

Be clear about the unique goal and audience for each page. This helps inform content strategy and community management for that page. Track metrics separately for each page.

3. Customize Branding and Assets

Make sure each page has a distinct profile and cover image, logo, bio, content themes, and messaging tailored to its brand and audience.

4. Assign Page Roles

Designate separate administrators and editors for each page if managing extensive unique content across pages.

5. Cross-Promote Thougtfully

Link between pages by sharing updates or cross-posting content when genuinely useful for your audience. Don’t over-promote.

6. Consolidate When Appropriate

Evaluate periodically whether pages have redundancy or overlap. Consolidate pages focusing on similar goals, content, or locations when possible.

Managing Multiple Business Pages

Coordinating multiple Facebook pages takes work, but the flexibility allows businesses to better engage distinct audiences. Here are some tips for effective ongoing management:

Monitor Performance

Check page analytics regularly to see trends for followers, engagement, clicks, reach, and more for each page. Identify successes and shortfalls.

Share Best Practices

Encourage collaborations and idea-sharing across page admin teams. Brainstorm content strategies and discuss what performs best.

Promote Other Pages Strategically

Cross-promote other pages, events, or deals to appropriate audiences. But don’t overdo self-promotion.

Watch for Overlap

If pages start to share audiences and content themes, redirect focus to have more distinct purposes.

Centralize Assets

Use cloud platforms to store images, videos, and brand files that admins for various pages can access.

Automate and Schedule Posts

Use social media management tools to efficiently schedule unique content across multiple pages.

Review Quarterly

Analyze all pages each quarter to spot any that have shifted focus or audience. Redirect or consolidate pages as needed.

Facebook Page Limits Summary

Here are the key takeaways on Facebook business page limits:

  • There is no defined limit for the number of pages a user can have.
  • Each page should have a distinct purpose and audience.
  • Creating too many similar pages quickly can lead to blocks.
  • Monitor performance and consolidate redundant pages when possible.
  • Use Business Manager to easily control multiple pages in one dashboard.


Having multiple Facebook business pages can be valuable for segmenting audiences, localizing content, separating brands, and more. Take advantage of the flexibility while ensuring each page stays focused and adds value. Consolidate pages when goals start to overlap to avoid dilution of purpose. With strategic management and governance, businesses can benefit from the expanded reach multiple Facebook pages provide.