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How long will Facebook restrict your account?

How long will Facebook restrict your account?

Getting your Facebook account restricted can be frustrating and confusing. You may wonder why it happened, how long it will last, and what you can do about it. This article will provide answers to common questions about Facebook account restrictions.

Why Would Facebook Restrict My Account?

There are several reasons why Facebook may restrict access to your account:

  • You violated Facebook’s Community Standards or Terms of Service
  • Someone reported your account, post, or message as abusive, spam, or containing false information
  • Unusual or suspicious activity was detected, like an unusual login location
  • You have multiple account violations or repeat offenses

Some of the most common reasons for restrictions include sharing spam or fake news, harassment and bullying, hate speech, nudity or sexual content, and security violations like compromised accounts. Even honest mistakes can sometimes lead to restrictions.

How Long Do Facebook Restrictions Last?

The length of Facebook restrictions can vary quite a bit depending on the severity and type of violation. Here are some general guidelines on restriction durations:

  • 24 hours: Minor first-time violations like inadvertent nudity, harassment, or false information.
  • 3 days: More serious violations or second offenses.
  • 7 days: Severe or repeated violations of policies.
  • 14-30 days: Very severe or ongoing policy breaches.
  • 60+ days: Extremely serious or intentional violations like hate speech, bullying, nudity, or security issues.
  • Indefinite: For severe repeat offenders, compromised accounts, or illegal activities.

Keep in mind these are just general ranges – Facebook reviews each case individually. The length of the restriction depends on factors like:

  • Type and severity of violation
  • Intent and context
  • Your history of violations
  • Impact on others

For minor one-off violations, 24 hours is common. But for severe or repeated issues, restrictions can last months or even be permanent.

What Features Are Restricted?

When your account is restricted, some key features and functions will be limited. Here are some things you may not be able to do:

  • Post content – status updates, photos, videos, links, etc.
  • Comment or react on posts
  • Use Facebook Messenger
  • Go Live or post Stories
  • Create ads or use other monetization features
  • Create events, pages, groups or apps

You can still log into your account and view your profile and notifications. But all posting capabilities and some features will be disabled during the restriction period.

Can I Use Facebook While Restricted?

You can still log into your Facebook account during a restriction, but your access is limited:

  • You can view your profile, settings, and notifications
  • You can read posts and messages
  • You can respond to messages but not initiate new ones
  • You cannot like, comment, share, or react to posts
  • You cannot post content or go live
  • Pages and ad accounts may be inaccessible

So you have read-only access during restrictions. Posting, commenting, messaging capabilities are revoked temporarily.

Will My Friends Know My Account is Restricted?

In most cases, your Facebook friends will not be notified that your account is restricted. The restrictions happen privately and invisibly to other users. However, some signs your friends may notice include:

  • Lack of new posts from you during the restriction period
  • You are not commenting on or liking their posts
  • Delays responding to their messages

But there will be no public notice or warning shown to your friends list. The restrictions are only visible to you when logged into your account.

What Happens When the Restriction Ends?

Once the time period for the restriction ends, the limitations on your account will be automatically lifted. You will be able to use Facebook normally again. Some things that will be restored:

  • Post text updates, photos, videos, links, Stories, and go Live
  • Like, comment on, and react to posts
  • Use Messenger to contact friends
  • Create events, groups, pages, and ads

It may take up to 24 hours after the scheduled end of the restriction for full access to be restored. But your account should return to normal once the duration has passed.

Can I Get the Restriction Lifted Early?

In most cases, you will need to wait out the full restriction period. But there are a couple things you can try to get your account restored sooner:

  • Appeal the violation – You can submit an appeal explaining why you think the restriction was a mistake or asking for early reinstatement.
  • Request review – If it was an accidental violation or honest mistake, you can request another review of the issue to lift the restriction.

To appeal, go to the Help Center and find the option for “Appeal Restriction.” Explain clearly why your account should be restored. Or you may need to accept the duration and wait it out.

How Do I Prevent Future Restrictions?

To avoid getting your account restricted again in the future, be mindful of Facebook’s rules:

  • Carefully review posts and messages before sharing to ensure they comply with policies.
  • Avoid spam, fake news, hate speech, harassment, nudity, and other violations.
  • Set up login alerts and use strong passwords to secure your account.
  • Be respectful and thoughtful in your interactions with others.
  • Provide accurate information in your profile and when posting.

Also keep in mind that restrictions get longer if you are a repeat offender. So learning from mistakes can help avoid future issues.

Can My Account Get Permanently Disabled?

In severe cases, Facebook may permanently disable accounts for very serious or repeat violations. Some examples of policy violations that can lead to permanent disabling include:

  • Hate speech, threats, bullying, or harassment targeting protected groups
  • Terrorism or organized criminal activity
  • Sexual exploitation such as nonconsensual intimate imagery
  • Human trafficking or exploitation
  • Mass or targeted misinformation campaigns
  • Malicious hacking or compromising accounts

If your account is permanently disabled, you will not be able to reinstate it. You can appeal the decision, but Facebook reserves the right to disable accounts at their discretion.


Getting restricted on Facebook can be inconvenient, but knowing what to expect can help. Minor first-time violations typically lead to 24-hour restrictions. More serious or repeat offenses can bring restrictions of a week or longer. Stay mindful of Facebook’s rules and be patient during the restriction period. With a more careful presence on the platform going forward, you can avoid further issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Facebook account restricted from commenting?

The most common reasons for restrictions on commenting are violations of Facebook’s Community Standards around harassment, bullying, hate speech, or sharing false or misleading information.

Can I delete my account while it is restricted?

No, you cannot delete your Facebook account while it is in a restricted state. You have to wait for the restrictions to be lifted before deleting the account.

How do I contact Facebook about a restricted account?

You can contact Facebook to ask about or appeal an account restriction through the Help Center. Find the option for “Appeal Restriction” and submit a request.

Can I use Messenger if my Facebook account is restricted?

No, Messenger will be disabled along with restrictions on posting, commenting, and other features. You cannot use Messenger until the restrictions are lifted.

Will restricting my account affect my Facebook business pages?

It depends. Personal account restrictions may also restrict access to associated business pages you administer. But page restrictions happen separately from personal accounts.

Account Restriction Duration Examples

Here are some examples of account restrictions showing the type of violation and duration of the restriction:

Violation Duration
Harassment in messages 24 hours
Nudity in profile photo 3 days
Hate speech in comments 30 days
Compromised account 7 days
Repeated sharing of false news 60 days

Comparing Major Social Media Account Restrictions

Platform Minor Violation Severe Violation
Facebook 24 hours 14-30 days
Instagram 1 week Permanent
Twitter 12 hours Permanent
YouTube 1 week Permanent

As this table shows, restriction durations vary by platform. Facebook generally has shorter restrictions for minor violations, while severe violations can lead to permanent account termination across multiple platforms.

Appealing a Facebook Account Restriction

If your account has been restricted, you can appeal the decision through the Facebook Help Center using these steps:

  1. Click “Appeal Restriction” in the Help Center
  2. Select the reason your account was restricted
  3. Provide details explaining why you think the restriction was a mistake
  4. Include any evidence that supports your appeal
  5. Carefully review Facebook’s standards to avoid future violations
  6. Be patient as appeals may take several days for review

Keep in mind appeals should explain in detail why the restriction was unwarranted or request early reinstatement. Frivolous appeals are unlikely to lead to restored access.

Avoiding Facebook Account Restrictions

You can help prevent future restrictions by:

  • Reading and following Facebook’s Community Standards and Terms of Service
  • Being respectful and avoiding harassment in your posts and messages
  • Not sharing nudity, violence, hate speech, or misinformation
  • Securing your account with strong passwords and login approvals
  • Reporting fake or compromised accounts
  • Apologizing and removing any content that was reported

Regularly reviewing Facebook’s guidelines and being thoughtful in your interactions can help avoid restrictions.