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How long will Facebook limit my posts?

How long will Facebook limit my posts?

Facebook may temporarily limit how much you can post if you repeatedly share posts that others have reported as false information. This limit can last anywhere from a few hours to up to 30 days, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations. Here’s an overview of how Facebook’s post limiting works and what you can do if your posts get limited.

Why Does Facebook Limit Posts?

Facebook limits posts in order to reduce the spread of false news, misinformation, hate speech, harassment, and other content that violates its Community Standards. When posts are reported for violating these standards, Facebook reviews them to determine if they should be removed. If you repeatedly share content that gets flagged, you may face temporary posting limits to discourage this behavior.

Posting limits are one of the ways Facebook enforces its rules. Other enforcement actions include removing specific posts, disabling accounts either temporarily or permanently, or requiring violators to complete an education course on Facebook’s policies. Limits on posting abilities are generally used for minor first-time offenses, while disabling accounts is reserved for more serious or repeat violations.

How Do Post Limits Work?

If you share content that gets you close to violating Facebook’s policies, you may be prohibited from posting for 24 hours. If you continue to share problematic content after that, you could be blocked from posting for 3, 7, 14, or 30 days. Here are some key things to know about Facebook’s post blocking system:

  • You will receive a notification explaining the reason for the limit and how long it will last.
  • Restrictions apply to posts, comments, and reactions across Facebook and Messenger.
  • Page admins can still access Facebook ads while limited.
  • Others can still see your profile and old posts.
  • The count resets after you go 6 months without another limit.

The duration of the posting ban depends on your history of violations. For example, first-time offenders may only get 24 hours, while repeat violations within a short timeframe lead to longer restrictions. The limits steadily increase to discourage continuous policy breaking.

What Triggers Post Limits?

Facebook is intentionally vague about what exact content will trigger post restrictions, as they do not want people finding loopholes. However, some common reasons include:

  • Sharing false or misleading information
  • Spreading harmful conspiracy theories
  • Posts that incite violence or criminal behavior
  • Hate speech or bullying/harassment
  • Spamming or massive untargeted sharing
  • Coordination of harm either on or off Facebook

Essentially, if you share content that threatens harm, incites violence, or violates someone’s human rights, you risk getting your posting abilities limited without warning. Even if you did not author the content yourself but are spreading it to others, Facebook may crack down.

How to Get Posting Limits Removed

If your account gets limited, here are a few things you can try to get your full posting access back:

  • Wait patiently. Limits automatically lift after the specified time period.
  • Consider why you were limited and avoid that content going forward.
  • Request a review if you think the action was a mistake.
  • Appeal the decision if the review does not resolve it.

In some cases, you may be asked to verify your identity or confirm your account information before limits get removed. Make sure your profile and contact details are up to date.

If your account gets disabled completely, the appeals process is more complicated. You would need to submit government-issued ID and explain in detail why you should get reinstated. Avoid repeating violations so it does not come to that.

Steps to Appeal Facebook Post Limits

Here are the steps to go through the appeals process if you believe your posting limit was applied unfairly or incorrectly:

  1. Click appeal in the notification message about your limit.
  2. Select the content that you think was restricted in error.
  3. Explain why you think the content should not have been limited.
  4. Wait for Facebook’s review team to issue a decision.
  5. If the appeal is denied, you can request further review.

Keep in mind appeals do not instantly restore your posting abilities. You need to go through the full review process, which can take days or weeks depending on the severity. Avoid spamming appeals as that may extend your wait time.

Tips to Avoid Facebook Post Limits

Here are some tips to reduce the chances of getting your Facebook posts restricted:

  • Think carefully before sharing content from unfamiliar sites.
  • Fact check questionable claims before reposting them.
  • Avoid spreading content that could be construed as hate speech.
  • Do not repeatedly share material others have reported.
  • Review Facebook’s Community Standards so you know what kinds of posts are prohibited.
  • Post original content and thoughts instead of just sharing from third-party sites.
  • Maintain a mix of post types like updates, photos, events, and more.

Being thoughtful and posting high-quality content is the best way to maintain full access to Facebook. But keep in mind their rules are complex and limits can happen even if you did not intend to violate policies, so appeals may be needed.

What Are Some Common Post Violations?

To provide more insight, here are some examples of posts that frequently get reported and lead to restrictions:

Misinformation/Conspiracy Theories

Claiming COVID vaccines have tracking microchips, questioning school shooting victims, promoting QAnon theories, etc.

Exaggerated Health Claims

Promising miracle cures, promoting unproven supplements or weight loss products, anti-vaccine propaganda, etc.


Making threats or personal attacks against individuals, organizing trolling campaigns, revenge porn, etc.

regulated Goods

Attempting to sell pharmaceuticals, firearms, alcohol/tobacco to minors, other prohibited items locally.


Constantly posting the same content across groups, aggressive friend requesting, comment spamming, etc.


Get-rich-quick schemes, free gift card offers, impersonating celebrities or officials, phishing attempts, etc.

These provide a sampling of the content most likely to trigger restrictions. Use good judgment when posting, and you should be able to avoid most limits.


In summary, Facebook limits your ability to post as a way to enforce its community rules against misinformation, harassment, hate speech, and other problematic content. Limits range from 24 hours to 30 days based on the severity and repeat nature of violations. You can appeal if you feel your posts were restricted in error, but avoid posting rule-breaking content to prevent future issues. With responsible sharing habits, you should be able to maintain full access without disruptions.