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How long until a Facebook page username becomes available?

How long until a Facebook page username becomes available?

When a Facebook page is deleted or unpublished, the username for that page eventually becomes available for reuse. However, there is no set timeframe for when a Facebook page username is released. Facebook does not provide specific details on their username recycling policy, so it’s impossible to predict exactly when a desired username will become available again.

Why Facebook page usernames matter

The username, which comes after, is an important part of a Facebook page’s identity and branding. It’s often used in marketing materials, ads, and website URLs. Securing a short, memorable username can give a page an advantage in terms of branding and discoverability.

For example, a business named “Cool Sunglasses Shop” would greatly benefit from securing the username coolglassesshop rather than a longer, generic name. A customized username makes the page URL easier to remember and type. It also enables vanity URLs like that reinforce branding.

When Facebook page usernames become available

When a Facebook page is permanently deleted, Facebook eventually recycles and makes the associated username available. However, the exact timing is quite variable and could take weeks, months, or even years. Some key factors that influence when a Facebook username is released include:

  • How long the original page was active
  • How many followers/likes the page had
  • How recently the page was deleted
  • If the page violated Facebook policies prior to deletion

In general, Facebook seems to hold onto usernames from popular pages with lots of followers for longer periods. Usernames from newer pages or those with minimal activity are usually recycled more quickly.

How to find available Facebook page usernames

Since Facebook does not publish a list of usernames that have been newly released, the only way to find available usernames is through trial and error searches.

The easiest method is to simply brainstorm desired usernames and try creating pages with those names. If you receive an error that says “Sorry, this username isn’t available”, then it’s still in use. If the page creation process continues, then the name is available.

Here are some tips for brainstorming username options:

  • Search for pages similar to yours – what usernames are they using?
  • Try variations on your brand name – shorten it, abbreviate it, etc.
  • Think of related keywords that fit your business.
  • Try different formats like camel case, hyphens, etc.

It’s wise to have a few backup username options in case your first choice is not available. Be prepared to try different variations.

Should you reserve a Facebook page username?

Facebook does allow users to reserve one username at a time via the “Reserve a New Username” option. This prevents anyone else from using it until you create a page. However, most experts recommend against reserving usernames very far in advance.

Here are some downsides to reserving a username well before creating your page:

  • The name remains dormant and unused, providing no value.
  • Your business plans may change.
  • Facebook could delete reserved but unused usernames.
  • Someone else could create a similar brand in the meantime.

It’s best to reserve user names only when you are committed to launching your Facebook page very soon. The ideal timeframe is one week or less. Reserve the name when you’re ready to start building your page and establishing your brand.

What to do if your desired username is taken

If you search for your preferred username and find it’s already taken by an active page, you have a few options:

  1. Try different variations until you find one available.
  2. Add your business location or a descriptive word.
  3. Use dashes or underscores instead of spaces.
  4. Abbreviate words or shorten phrases.
  5. Use your full business name.

While your first choice may be ideal, it’s likely you can find an acceptable alternative that achieves your goals. Get creative with variations!

You can also try directly reaching out to the owner of the existing page, but they are unlikely to hand over a username they are already using.

Tips for claiming a newly available username

Timing and persistence are key when trying to claim a Facebook page username after it is released. Here are some tips:

  • Start checking frequently once you suspect a name will become available soon.
  • Try variations to increase your chances of claiming a similar name.
  • Enlist friends/colleagues to search as well and notify you.
  • Act fast when you find the name – don’t delay creating a page.
  • Develop your page quickly to establish your brand claim.

You may have to regularly search for days or weeks before a desired username is finally released. Stay vigilant so you can act as soon as it becomes available.

Mistakes to avoid when claiming a username

Be careful not to make these common mistakes when trying to claim a newly freed up Facebook page username:

  • Reserving too far in advance – only reserve when ready to launch page.
  • Waiting too long to create a page – claim the name fast.
  • Creating a fake placeholder page – could get your page banned.
  • Cyber-squatting on names you don’t intend to use.
  • Using names that infringe on others’ intellectual property.

Make sure to create a legitimate, properly branded page using any name you claim. Avoid tactics that violate Facebook’s policies or could be considered cybersquatting.


Obtaining a specific Facebook page username takes patience and effort. You’ll need to search repeatedly for your desired name and be ready to claim it quickly when available. Consider alternative username options as well. With persistence and good timing, you can eventually secure a great username that helps reinforce your brand on Facebook.