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How long is review request on Facebook?

How long is review request on Facebook?

Facebook’s review request feature allows users to ask for a second look if they think content was removed from Facebook in error. When you submit a review request, Facebook’s content reviewers will take another look at the content to ensure it was reviewed properly. So how long does it take to get a response after submitting a review request?

The Review Request Process

When you submit a review request on Facebook, here is the general process:

  1. You submit the review request through the Facebook Help Center.
  2. The request goes into Facebook’s queue to be re-reviewed.
  3. A content reviewer takes a second look at your content.
  4. You receive a notification from Facebook on whether the content is restored or the removal is upheld.

The amount of time it takes to receive a response depends on how many other requests are currently in Facebook’s queue. The company notes that due to high volume, it may take up to several weeks to review requests.

Average Response Time

While Facebook does not provide exact estimates for review request response times, data from users indicates it can take anywhere from one day up to several weeks to receive a response. Here are some general timeframes reported:

  • 1-7 days – Some users report getting a response within a week of submitting their request.
  • 1-2 weeks – For many users, responses have taken 1-2 weeks after submitting a request.
  • 3-4 weeks – It’s not uncommon for the process to take 3-4 weeks before a decision is made.
  • 1-2 months – In some cases, users have reported waiting up to 2 months before hearing back.

Keep in mind these are rough estimates based on user anecdotal evidence. Response times can vary a lot depending on how backed up Facebook is with requests.

Factors That May Increase Wait Times

Certain factors may potentially contribute to having a longer wait time for a review request decision:

  • Holiday seasons – Request volume tends to increase around major holidays, events, and news cycles. This can back up the queues.
  • Complex cases – Reviewing certain content, like nudity or harassment claims, may require more nuanced analysis which takes more time.
  • Multiple requests – If you submit frequent or repeated requests, Facebook notes they may require additional processing time.
  • Bug reports – Reporting unrelated platform bugs through the review process may delay response times.

Follow Up If No Response

If it has been over 4 weeks since you submitted your review request with no response:

  • Check your email spam folder – sometimes responses get flagged as spam.
  • Double check you provided accurate info – like correct links or dates of removal.
  • Try submitting the request again after a month.
  • Contact Facebook support if it’s been 2+ months with no reply.

You can also check the Facebook Help Community forums to see if other users are experiencing similar delays.

Speeding Up The Review Process

There are a few tips that may help expedite Facebook’s review of your request:

  • Provide as much context and detail as possible in your request to make reviewing easier.
  • Only submit requests for content you have a legitimate case for restoring.
  • Be patient and avoid resubmitting duplicate requests frequently.
  • If you need urgent help, try using the live chat support option on Facebook when available.

However, there are no guarantees these will make the process move significantly faster. Facebook’s review queues and resources limit how quickly they can respond.

Check Review Request Status

Currently there is no way to check the status of your review request within Facebook. The company does not provide tracking or estimated timelines.

Your only option is waiting to receive a notification by email once a decision has been made on your review request. This notification will let you know if your content has been restored or the removal upheld.

Options If Content Remains Removed

If you go through the review request process and Facebook upholds the decision to keep your content removed, you have a few options:

  • Review and edit – Read through Facebook’s Community Standards again to see if you can edit the content to comply.
  • Appeal decision – You can submit one appeal per piece of content removed.
  • Give up – If you’ve exhausted appeals, you may have to accept the content will remain removed.
  • Try alternate platforms – See if the content could be posted on other social media sites instead.
  • Request data – You can request a copy of your data from Facebook to view content that’s been removed.

However, keep in mind that Facebook has discretion over what stays on their platform. Continued attempts to repost removed content could result in account restrictions.

Mistaken Removals

If content was removed from Facebook by mistake and the review upheld the incorrect decision, here are some additional steps you can take:

  • Ask Facebook for clarification on why the content violated policy.
  • Check if the content removal was a platform bug – sometimes glitches cause takedowns.
  • Contact Facebook support and explain precisely why your content should not have been removed.
  • Submit an updated review request with evidence supporting your case.
  • Share feedback through Facebook’s bug reporting form if it seems to be an error.

Continuing to push for review of mistaken removals can sometimes lead to content being restored after appeal. However, there’s still no guarantee as Facebook has the final say.

Preventing Future Removals

To help prevent content from being removed unfairly in the future:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Community Standards to understand what is and isn’t allowed.
  • Avoid posting content that could be perceived as violating policies, even if unintentionally.
  • Enable enhanced content monitoring tools and notifications in your Facebook settings.
  • If something was mistakenly removed, change settings to exclude it from automated scans.
  • Pre-screen any questionable content with friends before posting publicly.
  • Appeal removals you feel were incorrect right away to prevent permanent deletion.

Being cautious about what you share and using all available tools to understand Facebook’s guidelines can help reduce the likelihood of unfair future removals.


In summary, review request response times on Facebook can vary substantially based on how backed up they are. While some users may get a response within a week, it’s not uncommon for the process to take a month or longer in many cases. If you’ve been waiting over 4 weeks with no reply, try following up or submitting again. With no way to check status, being patient is currently your only option. If content remains removed after the full appeals process, you may have to post it elsewhere or simply accept Facebook’s decision. Being careful about Facebook’s rules can help avoid mistaken takedowns in the future.