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How long does someone stay blocked on FB?

How long does someone stay blocked on FB?

When someone blocks you on Facebook, it can be frustrating not knowing how long you’ll be blocked or when you’ll regain access to communicate with that person. The length of a Facebook block can vary quite a bit depending on the situation. In this article, we’ll break down the details around how long someone stays blocked on Facebook and what impacts the block duration.

What Does it Mean to Be Blocked on Facebook?

Being blocked on Facebook prevents you from viewing a person’s profile, seeing posts they make, or communicating with them in any way. When you are blocked, you won’t get notifications about their activity and your messages won’t go through. Essentially it severs contact and cuts you off from interacting with or viewing their Facebook presence.

On your end, the person who blocked you will still appear in your friends list. However, you will be unable to access their profile or any of their content. Any comments you make on mutual friends’ posts that the blocking user is tagged in may also be hidden from their view.

Blocking someone on Facebook is a privacy feature that gives users control over who can contact and interact with them. It prevents unwanted communication from specific individuals.

How Long Does a Facebook Block Last?

There is no definite or set amount of time that a Facebook block lasts. The duration depends entirely on when or if the blocking user decides to unblock you. Some blocks may last only hours or days while others can remain in effect indefinitely.

A few key factors impact how long you may remain blocked:

  • Reason for the block – If there was a major issue, conflict or circumstances prompting the block, it may remain in place much longer than a casual or spur of the moment block.
  • Your relationship with the person – The closer the relationship, the more chance the block may be temporary. Casual acquaintances or strangers may be less inclined to ever reverse the block.
  • Length of time blocked so far – The longer you remain blocked, the less likely the person may be to abruptly change their mind and unblock you.
  • Need for contact – If either party has an urgent need to communicate, it increases the chances of the block being removed.
  • Efforts to reconcile – If you or mutual friends reach out to resolve any issues, the block may be retracted faster.

As you can see, the circumstances around each specific block can impact how long it remains in effect. There’s no guaranteed duration or time frame.

Does Facebook Notify When You’re Unblocked?

No, Facebook does not directly notify users if and when they are unblocked. However, there are some signs that can indicate if a block has been lifted:

  • You can suddenly view the person’s profile again
  • Posts and activity from that person become visible
  • You are able to message the person with no error messages
  • The user shows up in your search results again

Actively trying to view the profile or send messages are the main ways to verify if you’ve been unblocked. The lack of direct notification means you won’t know exactly when the block was removed unless you proactively check.

Can You Tell if You’re Still Blocked on Facebook?

Wondering if you’re still blocked by someone on Facebook? There are a few clear indicators:

  • Search for the person’s profile – If no results come up, you are likely still blocked
  • Visit the direct profile link – If you get a message that the content is unavailable, the block remains in effect
  • Try to message the person – An error indicates your messages cannot be delivered due to the block
  • Check posts and tags – If the person never appears in your feed, you are still blocked

Essentially if you cannot interact with or view the person on Facebook in any way, the block is still in place. Testing these access points is the only real way to confirm a block still remains active.

What Happens When You Get Unblocked on Facebook?

When someone removes their block against you, here is what changes from your perspective:

  • The person’s profile becomes viewable again
  • You can see all public posts and activity from that person
  • Messaging is restored and your messages will now go through
  • The person may start popping up in your feed again
  • You can search for and find the person’s profile

Essentially all access is restored as if you were never blocked in the first place. The major sign is being able to view their profile and message them again. Normal Facebook interaction capabilities are resumed.

How to Get Unblocked on Facebook

Looking to get unblocked by someone on Facebook? Here are some tips that may help convince them to reverse a block:

  • Reflect on why you were blocked – Understanding the reason can help you address it
  • Give it some time – Let a cooling off period pass before reaching out
  • Ask a mutual friend to intervene – They may talk to the person on your behalf
  • Send an apology or message taking responsibility – Owning your actions can go a long way
  • Provide reassurance it won’t happen again – Back up your words with changed actions

The key is showing the person you understand why they felt the need to block you and that you can interact in a more positive way going forward. Have patience and don’t bombard them or you may remain blocked indefinitely.

Can You Get Blocked on Facebook for No Reason?

It is possible to get blocked on Facebook even if you didn’t have any negative interactions with the person. Here are some reasons you may get blocked unexpectedly:

  • They blocked you by accident or meant to block someone else
  • They are blocking contacts as part of a “clean up”
  • Your views, political posts, or other content differed from theirs
  • Drama or issues totally unrelated to you
  • They suspected your account was fake or spam

In many cases, being blocked without any seeming cause may be temporary. Once the person realizes their mistake or calms down from whatever situation prompted a mass block, they may reverse it. Try not to take it personally if you get blocked out of the blue.

What to Do if You’re Wrongfully Blocked on Facebook

Believe you were wrongfully blocked by someone on Facebook? Here are some productive steps to take:

  • Analyze if you have any idea why it happened – Could it have been by mistake?
  • Ask any mutual friends if they know the reason
  • Send a message from another account explaining you don’t understand but wish to resolve any issues
  • Report the block as a bug if you believe it was done in error
  • Wait patiently and then try contacting again after some time passed

The main thing is keeping messages constructive and not aggressive or demanding. You’re more likely to get unblocked by taking the high road.

Can a Facebook Block Be Bypassed?

No, there is no way to bypass a Facebook block. Their blocking system is designed to prevent all interaction and access between users when one person blocks the other. Any type of workaround violation would go against Facebook’s policies.

Attempting to evade a block could even result in your account being disabled for abuse. It’s important to respect when someone blocks you on Facebook, even if you don’t agree with their reasons. Abiding by their decision to sever contact is the wisest choice.

Signs Someone Blocked You on Facebook

Wondering if you’ve been blocked by a Facebook friend? Here are the top signs to look for:

  • Their profile and posts disappear from your feed
  • You can’t view or access their profile
  • They don’t appear in searches done by name
  • Messages to them fail to send
  • You stop getting notifications about their activity

If one or more of these factors occurs suddenly, chances are you’ve been blocked. Testing these different access points are the only ways to truly verify a block.

How to Tell Who Blocked You on Facebook

Want to figure out who exactly blocked you on Facebook? Here are some tips:

  • Think about who you were recently in contact with who may have had an issue
  • Check which profiles and posts have suddenly disappeared from your feed
  • Try to visit the profile of any suspicious people and see if it’s restricted
  • Ask mutual friends if they know why you may have been blocked

By putting together the clues of who you can no longer interact with, you can typically deduce who implemented a block against you. There is no definitive way to confirm the blocker’s identity though.


Getting blocked on Facebook can be frustrating and leave you wondering how long it will last. The duration varies drastically based on the unique situation and individuals involved. Patience and understanding are often the best remedies. If the block was unjustified or a mistake, politely communicating that may help get it removed faster. Respecting the block is essential too. With time and changed behavior, many blocks do get reversed eventually.