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How long does it take to recover a stolen Facebook account?

How long does it take to recover a stolen Facebook account?

What to do if your Facebook account is hacked or stolen

If you suspect your Facebook account has been hacked or stolen, here are some immediate steps to take:

  • Log out of Facebook on all devices. This will log the hacker out if they are currently logged in.
  • Change your Facebook password. Use a strong, unique password that you don’t use on any other sites.
  • Turn on login approvals. This adds an extra step to logging in from unrecognized devices.
  • Check the security settings on your account. Make sure no unknown devices or apps have access.
  • Scan your computer for malware. Hacked accounts are sometimes due to keylogger viruses.

You’ll also want to report the issue to Facebook right away. This can be done through the Help Center. Choose “My Account Was Hacked” and follow the steps to secure and recover your account.

Facebook’s automated systems will attempt to detect suspicious activity and restore your access. But the overall timeline depends on several factors, detailed below.

How long account recovery takes

The amount of time it takes to recover a hacked Facebook account can vary quite a bit. Here are some of the factors that come into play:

  • How quickly you detect the hack and report it
  • If the hacker changed critical account info like the email/phone number
  • Whether the hacker is actively using the account after taking it over
  • How much engagement your account typically gets
  • The level of manual verification required

Facebook’s automated systems attempt to detect suspicious activity and undo changes made without your consent. This can resolve some hacking cases in just a few hours.

However, if critical account details like the associated email and phone number have been altered by the hacker, the automated recovery process may not be effective. Additional verification will be necessary to prove you’re the rightful account owner.

In straightforward cases where unusual activity is quickly spotted, account access may be restored within a day. On the other hand, complex cases involving ID verification can sometimes take a week or longer.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key timeline factors:

How quickly the hack is detected

The sooner you notice something is wrong with your account, the better. If a hacker has only recently gained access, there is less opportunity for them to make major changes to your profile and privacy settings.

Facebook’s automated systems are more likely to detect the unusual activity and lock down the account. Time is of the essence.

Many hacking victims realize what happened because they get locked out of their account. But it’s best to continually monitor your profile and security settings for unauthorized changes.

Proactively reporting unauthorized access within hours gives you the best chance for a speedy recovery. If a hack goes unnoticed for days or weeks, more damage may be done.

Changes made to account contact info

One common tactic used by hackers is to change the email address and/or phone number associated with your Facebook account. This prevents you from resetting your password or enabling other security measures.

If your contact info has been changed, automated account recovery is unlikely to work. You’ll have to go through a manual ID verification process conducted by a Facebook employee.

This involves submitting copies of your ID and other identifying details. The Facebook team will compare your information to the account details when it was originally created.

If you can prove you are the legitimate owner, the changes made by the hacker will be reverted. But this extra layer of security understandably takes more time.

Depending on the volume of cases, it can take Facebook’s review team up to a week to verify your identity and restore access.

Ongoing account usage by the hacker

If a hacker has taken over your account and is actively using it, this can prolong the recovery timeline. It becomes harder for Facebook to automatically detect suspicious activity.

Active usage by the hacker makes it appear that everything is fine from an account security standpoint. However, as soon as you report the unauthorized access, Facebook will be able to confirm the valid account holder based on past usage patterns.

But if the hacker accumulates weeks or months of typical looking activity, it clouds the digital forensics used by Facebook’s security systems. Greater manual verification is needed to confirm the real account owner.

That’s why it’s critical to spot a hacking attempt early, before the imposter establishes a usage pattern that matches your own legitimate activity.

Level of account engagement

How much you typically post, comment, and interact with friends on Facebook is another factor in the recovery timeline.

If your account sits dormant for long periods, unauthorized logins are easier to spot. But if you have daily engagement, a hack may go unnoticed longer.

Facebook looks for sudden deviations from normal behavior patterns to detect possible hacking. But your “normal” habits can vary widely based on how actively you participate on the platform.

For heavy Facebook users who post and comment frequently, disruptive changes due to a hack take longer to identify. There are more behavioral patterns for Facebook’s algorithms to analyze.

Whereas light activity from an infrequent user quickly raises red flags if someone else starts posting. In general, Facebook can restore accounts with less usage more swiftly.

Degree of manual verification needed

Facebook’s automated systems do a good job detecting and reversing unauthorized changes in many hacking instances. But sometimes human intervention is required.

The more Facebook support personnel who must get involved to manually verify account ownership, the longer the resolution timeline becomes.

Simple cases typically only require entering your credentials to reset a password if you get locked out. But more advanced hacking scenarios could necessitate:

  • Submitting government ID
  • Providing account history details
  • Answering security questions
  • Reviewing previous posts and photos

This in-depth identity verification takes time. The average turnaround time is estimated to be 1-2 days. But if Facebook’s support team is experiencing heavy demand, the process could exceed a week.

Being unable to access your account for an extended period can certainly be an inconvenience. That’s why it’s critical to implement strong login protections before any potential hacking occurs.

Preventing your Facebook account from getting hacked

While Facebook offers solutions to reclaim a stolen account, prevention is the best medicine. There are several recommended ways to guard against hackers in the first place:

  • Unique password – Don’t reuse passwords across multiple sites.
  • Password manager – Use a program that stores strong, randomized passwords.
  • Login approvals – Add secondary verification via text, authentication app, security key, etc.
  • Login notifications – Get alerts about unrecognized logins.
  • Trusted contacts – Designate 3-5 friends to assist with account recovery if you’re locked out.
  • Updated recovery info – Maintain current backup email, phone number, etc.
  • Account privacy – Adjust settings so only friends can see your posts, info, photos.
  • Malware protection – Install anti-virus software and keep apps/OS up-to-date.

Adopting even a few of these measures will go a long way in protecting your account. Multi-factor authentication using login approvals is perhaps the most crucial.

This adds a secondary check to verify your identity beyond just entering a password. Even if a hacker figures out your password, they can’t access your account without also passing the additional login approval.

Facebook offers several convenient options for login approvals:

  • Text message code to your registered mobile number
  • Confirmation prompt sent to your authentication app
  • Insert your physical security key into your computer’s USB port

Activating one of these methods prevents unauthorized logins from unrecognized browsers and devices. It creates an extra barrier for hackers to overcome.

If your account does wind up getting hacked despite preventative measures, enabling login approvals and updating your password immediately can control the damage.

This at least prevents the hacker from making further changes or accessing your profile from that point on. You can then work to fully regain access through Facebook’s recovery process.

How to speed up account recovery

While Facebook strives to restore hacked accounts as quickly as possible, there are a few things you can do to potentially expedite the process:

  • Provide as much detail as possible when reporting the unauthorized access, including when/how you first noticed the account compromise.
  • Check back frequently on the reported case status and update with any new information.
  • If contacted by Facebook’s support team for verification, respond promptly to their inquiries and submit requested materials fast.
  • Be proactive about resetting your password if you regain temporary access, enabling login approvals, removing unauthorized apps, updating recovery contact info, etc.
  • Follow tips to prevent future hacking attempts after your account is restored.

The more information you can furnish to demonstrate you’re the legitimate account owner, the faster Facebook can authenticate your identity and undo unauthorized changes.

Since hacking can originate from malware on the device where you access Facebook, it’s also a smart idea to run antivirus scans and reset your device to factory settings after your account is recovered.

This helps eliminate any lingering vulnerabilities that could lead to repeated compromise. You may even consider switching to new devices not previously used to log in to the hacked account.

Being patient is also advised, as constant badgering of Facebook’s support team is unlikely to expedite resolution. But politely following up on the status of your open case can nudge it along, especially if new verification materials are needed.

And remember that while an individual account matters greatly to you personally, Facebook fields countless hacking reports daily. They prioritize cases based on severity, so resolution timeframes are variable.

FAQs about recovering a hacked Facebook account

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about regaining access to a compromised Facebook account:

How can I recover my Facebook account without email and phone number?

If the email and phone number associated with your account have been changed by a hacker, you’ll need to submit ID verification through Facebook’s hacked account process. This allows you to prove you’re the original account owner.

Does Facebook automatically lock a hacked account?

Facebook employs automated systems to detect suspicious login patterns that may indicate hacking. But accounts aren’t immediately frozen. You need to report unauthorized access to trigger account lock while investigating.

Can you recover a permanently disabled Facebook account?

Accounts disabled by Facebook for policy violations are harder to recover. But you can appeal a permanent disable and submit ID if you believe it was due to hacking and not real violations.

How long does Facebook take to respond to hacked account?

Facebook’s automated systems attempt to revert unauthorized changes within hours. But if extended identity verification is needed, it can take up to a week to research a complex hacked account case.

What happens if I enter wrong password too many times Facebook?

Entering an incorrect password several times triggers a temporary login block for security reasons. You can request a password reset email or restart login approvals to regain account access.

Does Facebook notify you if someone is trying to log into your account?

If you have login approvals or notifications enabled, Facebook will alert you about login attempts from unrecognized browsers and devices. This serves as a warning about potential hacking.

Key takeaways

– Monitor your account closely and report hacking attempts right away to limit damage.
– Changing contact info often complicates automated recovery, requiring extra ID verification.
– Ongoing account usage by hackers makes their activity harder to detect.
– Heavy social engagement patterns take longer to analyze for unusual security events.
– Simple cases may be resolved in under a day, while complex cases involving manual review can take a week or longer.
– Prevent future hacking by using strong unique passwords, multi-factor login approvals, account privacy settings, and updated recovery contact info.

Recovering from a hacked Facebook account can be frustrating. But following Facebook’s process and providing detailed verification materials will eventually allow you to reclaim access. Being vigilant about account security is the best way to avoid lengthy downtime.


In summary, the amount of time needed to recover a stolen or hacked Facebook account can range from hours to weeks depending on the circumstances. Acting quickly after unauthorized access is detected gives you the best chance for a speedy resolution. Use Facebook’s security tools to lock down and monitor your account. Enable multi-factor login approvals to prevent future hacking attempts after your account is restored. With vigilance and patience, you can reclaim control of your Facebook profile even in the face of compromise.