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How long does it take for Facebook username to become available?

How long does it take for Facebook username to become available?

Choosing the perfect username on Facebook can be a challenge, especially if your preferred name is already taken. So how long do you have to wait before a Facebook username becomes available again if someone else is using it? Here’s a look at how Facebook’s username policies work and how long it typically takes for an inactive username to be released.

How Facebook Recycles Usernames

Facebook user names are recycled and made available again if an account remains inactive for a certain period of time. This allows new users to sign up and claim username profiles that have been abandoned or are no longer in use.

According to Facebook’s policies, they will release a username after the account has been inactive for at least 1 year. This means the user has not logged in, posted content, or made any other engagement with their profile for a minimum of 12 months. However, there are a few caveats:

  • Facebook does not automatically delete accounts, even if they are inactive. The user has to specifically request account deletion.
  • Deleted accounts also go through a two-week “grace period” before being permanently removed from the system.
  • Usernames belonging to deactivated accounts can be claimed immediately, as these profiles are essentially inaccessible.

So in summary, if you find a username that belongs to an inactive account, you may have to wait up to 14 months for Facebook to recycle and release that name.

How to Check if a Username is Available

There are a couple ways to search for a username on Facebook and check its availability:

Method 1: Check Availability When Creating An Account

When you are signing up for a new Facebook account, you can simply enter your desired username in the designated field during the registration process. If the name is taken, Facebook will alert you that the username is unavailable.

Method 2: Search for the Username Profile

You can also search for a specific username using Facebook’s search bar. Try entering the full username including the “@” symbol (e.g. @johnson1234). If the profile appears in search results, then it is currently in use. If no account shows up, then the username may be available to claim.

Method 3: Visit the Username URL

Every Facebook username profile has its own URL in this format:

You can check the availability of a username by manually entering this URL into your browser address bar. If the profile page loads, the name is taken. If it shows an error page, then the username may be up for grabs.

Tips for Choosing an Available Username

Here are some tips to increase your chances of claiming an unused Facebook username for your account:

  • Try variations by adding numbers, dashes, periods or other characters to common names that are likely taken – like johnsmith123 instead of johnsmith.
  • Consider unique username ideas based on your name, nickname, interests, occupation, favorite sports team, city, etc.
  • Use a username generator tool to help brainstorm and combine keyword ideas.
  • Aim for shorter usernames (under 20 characters) without spaces, symbols or special characters.
  • Search for username ideas that are showing up as “Page Not Found” on Facebook.

What to Do if You Want a Username That’s Taken

If your ideal username on Facebook is currently unavailable, here are some options:

Wait for the Username to Be Recycled

As mentioned earlier, you may be able to claim the username eventually if the current account remains inactive long enough. Check back periodically to see if the name has been released.

Request the Username from the Current Owner

You can try reaching out respectfully to the person who owns the username and ask if they would consider releasing it. There’s a chance they may not be using that account anymore and will be willing to let it go.

Buy the Username

There are forums and third-party services where people offer to sell or transfer coveted social media usernames. Use caution as there are scammers, but you may be able to acquire a desired username this way if you are willing to pay.

Choose a Different Username

At the end of the day, coming up with an alternative username that is still memorable and representative of you is better than not having a profile at all. Get creative with variations, prefixes, suffixes or abbreviations.

Does Facebook Ever Free Up Usernames?

Facebook performs regular clean-up of inactive and abandoned accounts. Each day, thousands of usernames become available again after being released from profiles that were deleted or deactivated.

They tend to perform more comprehensive clean-ups and free up a greater number of usernames around the new year. This may be a good time to watch for coveted names becoming available.

If there are usernames violating Facebook’s policies that get reported, these may also get freed up quickly through forced removal. So you might get lucky finding some currently banned or inappropriate names get released sooner.

Do Celebrity Usernames Become Available?

Usernames belonging to celebrities and public figures will not become available if they actively use their accounts. Even if they don’t post frequently, having a verified profile means Facebook will not remove or release the username.

However, lesser known people who happen to have grabbed a username matching a celebrity’s name could lose that name if it’s requested by the celebrity. Facebook’s username policy states they may reclaim usernames to “resolve confusion.”

Can a Username Be Changed or Reset?

Facebook does not allow users to change or reset their username once selected. The only way to get a new username is to create a whole new account.

You can change your display name that appears on your profile as many times as you want. But your distinct username (the one with the @ symbol) is permanent and cannot be altered or customized further.

Does Facebook Delete Inactive Profiles?

Facebook removes accounts that have been consistently inactive after about 1 year. They will send emails warning the user before disabling or preparing to delete the profile. But inactive accounts are not normally automatically deleted.

The user has to specifically request account deletion from Facebook, or report their own profile asking for permanent removal. Then after 14 days in a “grace period”, the account will be wiped from Facebook’s systems and the username freed up.

How to Delete a Facebook Account

To completely delete your Facebook profile, you need to:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar
  4. Select “Deactivation and Deletion”
  5. Choose “Permanently Delete Account”
  6. Click “Continue to Account Deletion”
  7. Enter your password to confirm the deletion

Facebook provides an option to simply deactivate your account instead, which hides your profile but doesn’t permanently erase it. So be sure to fully delete if you want the username released.

Can a Deleted Username Be Reclaimed?

Once a Facebook account has been deleted, there is unfortunately no way to reclaim or reinstate the same username profile. When a username gets freed up after deletion, it’s gone for good.

Even if you regret deleting your account, you cannot undo it or recover the username. You would have to sign up for a brand new account with a different name.

This is why it’s recommended you deactivate first instead of deleting right away, in case you want a break but think you may return. Deactivation pauses your profile and preserves the username.


In summary, expect to wait around 12 months for an inactive Facebook username to be released for reuse. Facebook recycles and makes available usernames that have not been used for an extended period of time.

Check for username availability by searching on Facebook or typing the custom URL. Try variations and combinations if your ideal name is taken. Or request an inactive user relinquish their name.

Celebrity names will stay taken, but lesser known people may lose a coveted handle. Facebook cannot be petitioned to reset usernames, so choose wisely when creating your account.

Knowing how their username policies work can help you strategize to claim the perfect Facebook handle you want.