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How long does it take for Facebook to review your identity & reinstate the account?

How long does it take for Facebook to review your identity & reinstate the account?

Getting locked out of your Facebook account can be very frustrating. You may find yourself locked out if Facebook’s automated systems suspect your account has been compromised or is being used for spam/abusive purposes. To get back into a locked account, you need to go through Facebook’s account review process to prove your identity. But how long does this review process take? Let’s take a deeper look.

Why Facebook Locks Accounts

There are a few main reasons why Facebook may lock your account:

Suspicious activity

If Facebook detects suspicious activity like an unusual login location, it may lock the account until you can prove you are the legitimate owner.

Reports of spam/abuse

If other Facebook users report your account for spamming or abusive behavior, Facebook may lock your account pending review.

Violations of Facebook policies

Posting prohibited content or violating Facebook’s terms of service can also trigger an account lockdown.

How to Submit an Account Review Request

If your account gets locked by Facebook, here are the steps to submit a review request:

  1. Go to the Facebook login page and try to log in to your account. You’ll see a message that your account has been disabled.
  2. Click on the “Find out why” link which will take you to the Account Disabled page.
  3. Select “My personal account is disabled” and click Next.
  4. You’ll now see the Account Review form. Fill out your name, email/mobile number for the account, and any other details requested.
  5. Upload a photo of your valid government ID to confirm your identity.
  6. Click Send. This submits your account review request to Facebook.

How Long Does Account Review Take?

Once you’ve submitted your account review request, how long does it take to get a response from Facebook? Unfortunately there is no exact timeframe, but here are some estimates based on different factors:

1-3 days

If you’re lucky, Facebook may reinstate your account within 1-3 days of submitting your review request. However this is relatively rare.

1-2 weeks

For most cases, expect the review process to take 1-2 weeks before hearing back from Facebook. This gives their team time to thoroughly investigate your account.

1 month+

For more complex cases where Facebook’s team needs to do deeper research, the review can drag on over a month. If it goes longer than that, you may need to follow up.

Permanent disablement

In some instances, Facebook may decide to permanently disable accounts that have severely violated policies. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen to you!

Factors That Impact Review Times

What factors can make Facebook’s review go faster or slower? Here are some key elements:

Reason for disablement

Reason Typical Review Time
Suspicious activity 1-2 weeks
Spam/abuse reports 2-4 weeks
Policy violations 1 month+

As you can see, policy violations often take the longest to thoroughly investigate.

Account history

Length of time you’ve had your Facebook account also plays a role. If you’re a long-time user with a mostly clean track record, Facebook may reinstate faster than accounts with a history of issues.

ID verification

Submitting a clearly identifiable photo ID speeds up the process. Unclear/incomplete ID verification causes delays.

Following up

Politely following up with Facebook Support after 2-3 weeks can help nudge your review along. But don’t pester them!

Tips to Avoid Account Lockouts

Here are some tips to reduce your risk of getting locked out of Facebook:

  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication
  • Don’t click sketchy third-party links in messages/posts
  • Report spammy behavior you see from others
  • Avoid violating Facebook’s terms of service
  • Be selective about third-party apps you give account access to

What to Do While Waiting

Here are some things you can do while waiting for your Facebook account review:

Check other connected accounts

See if you’re still logged into Facebook on any other devices or services using your account. Change those passwords to be safe.

Reach out to friends/family

Let close contacts know your Facebook is disabled and to be wary of any unusual messages from your account.

Strengthen account security

Once reinstated, make sure to turn on two-factor authentication via SMS or authenticator app for extra protection.

Reflect on what triggered it

Think about what behavior may have gotten your account disabled, and how to prevent that issue going forward.

Appealing If Account Remains Disabled

If your account remains disabled after repeated review requests, you can try the following appeal options:

Facebook Support

Reach out to Facebook Support through this form explaining your situation. Be polite yet firm.

Oversight Board

Facebook has an Oversight Board comprised of independent experts who review content decisions. You can submit an appeal to them.

Legal action

As a last resort, you may consult a lawyer about sending Facebook a formal legal appeal letter. But this route can be expensive with no guarantees.

Creating a New Account

If your appeals are unsuccessful, you may need to just start a brand new Facebook account. Here are some tips:

  • Use a fresh email/phone number not associated with your old account
  • Do not try to contact old friends immediately, look “organic”
  • Build up your profile gradually with new posts/photos
  • Limit past information you reveal about yourself
  • Avoid behavior that got your old account disabled!


In summary, Facebook’s identity review process to reinstate disabled accounts can take anywhere from 1-3 days up to 1 month or longer in complex cases. Factors like your account history and reason for disablement impact review times. While waiting, strengthen account security, reach out to connections, and reflect on what triggered the lockout. With patience and persistence, many users are able to regain access to disabled accounts. Just be careful not to get yourself locked out again down the road!