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How long does it take Facebook to verify ID to unlock my account?

How long does it take Facebook to verify ID to unlock my account?

Getting locked out of your Facebook account can be frustrating. Many users find themselves locked out after entering the wrong password too many times or if Facebook detects suspicious activity.

The good news is that in most cases, you can regain access to your account by verifying your identity. Facebook’s ID verification process involves submitting a copy of your government-issued ID. This allows Facebook to confirm you are the legitimate account holder.

So how long does the ID verification process take? There is no exact timeframe, but most users get back into their accounts within 1-3 days. However, it can sometimes take up to a week or longer in more complex cases.

In this article, we’ll provide an in-depth look at Facebook’s ID verification process, including steps you can take to speed it up. We’ll also share tips to avoid getting locked out in the first place.

Why Does Facebook Lock Accounts?

Facebook locks accounts for security reasons – to protect users from unauthorized access. The main reasons Facebook might lock your account include:

  • You entered an incorrect password too many times.
  • Facebook detected suspicious or unusual activity.
  • You violated Facebook’s terms of service or community standards.
  • Someone reported your account for impersonation, bullying, or other policy violations.
  • Facebook requires ID verification due to suspicious activity or changing certain account settings like your name.

In most cases, getting locked out is just a precautionary measure while Facebook reviews your account. If everything checks out, you’ll be able to regain access once you provide ID verification.

However, in serious policy violation cases, Facebook may permanently disable accounts. But typically you’ll receive warnings first and a chance to appeal any decision.

How to Unlock a Disabled Facebook Account

Here are the steps to take when your Facebook account is locked or disabled:

  1. Try logging in – If you can’t access your account, try resetting your password. On the login page click “Forgot Password?” to reset it.
  2. Check for messages from Facebook – Log into your email account associated with Facebook. Look for any messages from [email protected] related to suspicious activity or disabled accounts.
  3. Submit ID for verification – Most locked accounts require ID confirmation. On the login page, look for the option to submit your photo ID. Take a clear picture or scan of your government ID.
  4. Complete the confirmation process – Submit your document as prompted. Facebook will let you know once confirmed, or if they need additional information.
  5. Wait for Facebook’s review – The review process typically takes 1-3 days. For complex cases, it can take up to a week. Be patient during this time.
  6. Check back regularly – Log back into your account periodically to see if access has been restored after submitting your ID.
  7. Use the appeals process – If your account remains locked after a week or is permanently disabled, you can appeal the decision through Facebook.

Following this process closely is key to getting a quick resolution. Ensure you are providing valid IDs and responding to all communication from Facebook.

How Long Does ID Verification Take?

The amount of time ID verification takes depends on several factors:

  • Reason for locked account – Security risks can take longer to verify.
  • Quality of documentation – Clear scans or photos speed up the process.
  • Prior violations – Repeat offenses lead to lengthier reviews.
  • Volume of requests – More requests can lengthen turnaround times.
  • Responsiveness – Quickly providing additional info helps.

Here are the average ID confirmation times based on typical scenarios:

Scenario Turnaround Time
Straightforward cases like wrong password attempts 24-48 hours
Suspicious activity prompts ID check 2-3 days
Policy violations under review 4-7 days
Extreme violations or repeat offenses 1-2 weeks

As you can see, most accounts get restored quickly within 1-3 days. But more complex cases take 4-7 days on average.

Understand that Facebook aims to verify IDs and restore access as soon as possible. Lengthy waits over a week are less common if you provide complete information upfront.

Tips to Speed Up ID Verification

Here are some tips to help expedite Facebook’s ID confirmation process:

  • Provide high-quality scans – Blurry photos can delay verification. Send clear, well-lit images showing all text and corners.
  • Double check information matches – Ensure your scan matches the name, photo, and details on your Facebook account exactly.
  • Use a passport if possible – Passports provide the most authoritative ID proof for international users.
  • Confirm receipt – Make sure Facebook received your information by watching for a confirmation notice.
  • Be responsive – Reply promptly if Facebook requests additional information or clarification.
  • Check back daily – Log in to see if your account is restored after submitting ID documents.

Giving Facebook’s automated systems clear identifying data speeds the process. Following up and complying with additional requests also helps.

Being patient is still key though, especially for cases requiring human review. But following these tips will help confirm your identity much quicker.

Preventing Facebook Lockouts

Avoiding lockouts in the first place is ideal. Here are some tips to improve security and prevent Facebook disabling your account:

  • Strengthen your password – Use a complex, unique password you don’t reuse elsewhere.
  • Add two-factor authentication – Require a code from your phone at each login for extra protection.
  • Review privacy settings – Adjust who can see your posts and profile information.
  • Watch out for scams – Don’t click suspicious links that could compromise your account.
  • Secure your computer and wifi – Use antivirus software and a firewall to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Avoid questionable activities – Don’t violate Facebook’s terms of service or community standards.
  • Report impersonators – Notify Facebook if someone is pretending to be you.

Strengthening your overall security makes your account less vulnerable. Be wary of anything that seems suspicious or “too good to be true” as it may be a scam.

Also, carefully review Facebook’s rules against hate speech, bullying, nudity, and other policy violations. Breaking these can get accounts disabled quickly, especially for repeat offenders.

Can You Speed Up a Permanently Disabled Account?

If Facebook permanently disables your account, the process to appeal or reverse the decision can be lengthy. Here are some tips that may help:

  • Make your case – Politely explain why you believe the account was disabled unfairly in your appeal.
  • Provide context – Share any extenuating circumstances behind rule violations.
  • Suggest remedies – Offer steps you’ve taken to fix any issues, like removing posts.
  • Wait patiently – Permament disabling appeals take significant time to review.
  • Try reaching out – Communicate with Facebook support if you don’t receive a response.
  • Consider legal recourse – Consult a lawyer about options if unfairly targeted.

But keep in mind there is no guaranteed way to speed up reactivating a permanently disabled Facebook account. Success depends on the nature of any violations and strength of your appeal.

In some cases, Facebook may simply refuse to reinstate accounts after repeat or major infractions of their rules. It’s important to use caution and good judgment when using Facebook to avoid permanent disabling.

Other Facebook Account Troubleshooting Tips

Beyond getting locked out, there are a few other common Facebook account issues and how to resolve them:

Can’t access email for password reset:

  • Recover access to your email account first if you don’t have another way to reset your password.
  • Submit ID to Facebook through the login flow to confirm your identity.
  • As a last resort, create a new account and notify family and friends.

Account hacked or compromised:

  • Run antivirus scans to check for malware or keyloggers on your devices.
  • Change passwords for all accounts, not just Facebook.
  • Submit ID for verification and explain the hack to Facebook for help recovering your account.

Posts or photos missing:

  • Check your activity log to see if you accidentally deleted anything.
  • See if a Facebook bug or glitch affected your account.
  • Notify Facebook through a report of any unexplained missing content.

Can’t post or share content:

  • Make sure you haven’t been temporarily restricted from posting.
  • Confirm your internet is working properly.
  • Try posting from a different device or web browser.
  • Contact Facebook support if the issue persists.


Getting locked out of Facebook can be annoying, but ID verification provides the key to regaining access in most cases. While there’s no definite timeframe, allow 1-3 days for standard cases and up to a week for more complex account reviews.

Speed up the process by providing quality ID scans, maintaining clear communication, and following all instructions from Facebook. With some patience and perseverance, you can get your account unlocked quickly.

Prevention is also critical. Bolster your password security, enable two-factor authentication, and avoid actions that violate Facebook’s terms and standards. With proper precautions, you can avoid lockouts altogether and exercise caution if accounts end up disabled.