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How long does it take Facebook to review monetization?

How long does it take Facebook to review monetization?

Facebook’s monetization review process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. The exact timeframe depends on a variety of factors, including how complex your content is and how responsive you are to any follow-up questions from Facebook’s review team.

What is Facebook monetization?

Facebook monetization allows creators and publishers to earn money from their Facebook content. There are a few main ways to monetize on Facebook:

  • In-stream ads – Video ads play before, during or after your video content. You earn a portion of the revenue these ads generate.
  • Instant Articles – You can place ads within your Instant Articles. Revenue is shared between you and Facebook.
  • Branded content – You can get paid by brands to create sponsored posts and videos.
  • The Facebook Audience Network – Place Facebook ads within your off-Facebook content and earn money when ads are clicked or viewed.
  • Facebook Pay – Users can send you money as tips, subscriptions, or payments for products/services.

To start monetizing with any of these options, you need to first get your Facebook page or content reviewed and approved for monetization.

Why does Facebook review pages for monetization?

Facebook wants to ensure any pages or content earning money on their platform meets their monetization policies and content guidelines. This review checks for things like:

  • Copyright violations
  • Violent, dangerous or illegal content
  • Misleading or false information
  • Impersonation of others
  • Hate speech, bullying, harassment or discrimination
  • Sexually suggestive content
  • Sensitive topics like politics or tragedies

Meeting Facebook’s content policies is important not just for monetization approval, but for staying in good standing on the platform overall.

What is the Facebook monetization review process?

Here are the main steps to getting reviewed for Facebook monetization:

  1. Apply for monetization in Facebook Monetization Manager. You’ll select the types of monetization you want to use.
  2. Facebook will review your content to confirm you meet their policies. This can take a few days to a few weeks.
  3. If flagged for further review, you may get follow-up questions or requests from Facebook’s team.
  4. Once approved, you can enable monetization through Monetization Manager.
  5. As you post new content, Facebook continues to review it to ensure compliance.

Facebook also has an expedited review option for pages with at least 10,000 followers that have been posting consistently for 4 weeks. The expedited process aims to review within 3 business days.

What content does Facebook review?

Facebook will review your overall Facebook page or profile to start. This includes reviewing:

  • Page name and bio info
  • Page profile and cover photos
  • Page posting history and engagement

They will also review a sampling of your posted content including:

  • Video content
  • Photos
  • Written posts and articles
  • Shared links
  • Ads

For Facebook Live videos, they review your most recent broadcasts. For IGTV, they review your 5 most recent videos.

What happens after you apply for monetization?

Once you submit your monetization request in Monetization Manager, here’s what happens next:

  1. Facebook starts reviewing your page and content sample. They will email you if they need more info.
  2. The review takes 1-7 days on average. It can take 14-21 days if you don’t meet expedited review criteria.
  3. If your request is rejected, Facebook emails you the reason. You can edit content and reapply.
  4. If approved, Facebook emails you. You can now enable monetization in Manager.
  5. Facebook will continue reviewing new posts. Follow their content policies to maintain monetization.

How long does the standard review take?

For the standard review process, Facebook lists the timeframe as:

  • 1-7 business days for most applications
  • 14-21 business days for complex reviews

However, based on reports from Facebook page owners, it often takes 7-14 days to get approved, sometimes longer. The full process can take anywhere from 1 week to a few weeks in many cases.

Factors that affect review time

Here are some key factors that can influence how quickly Facebook reviews your application:

  • Content complexity – Pages with a lot of videos, text posts, photos, ads and links take longer to review.
  • Responsiveness – Facebook may email you questions during review. Responding quickly helps move the process along.
  • Content concerns – If Facebook flags any content concerns, the review takes longer as they investigate.
  • Application errors – Mistakes in your application can add delays.

Tips to expedite review

Here are some tips that may help speed up Facebook’s review:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s content policies and make sure your page complies before applying.
  • Delete any old content that could be questionable or rule-breaking.
  • Double check your application for accuracy before submitting.
  • Respond quickly if you get emails from Facebook with questions.
  • Consider using the expedited review option if you qualify.

How long does expedited review take?

Facebook offers an expedited review option that aims to review eligible pages within 3 business days. To qualify for expedited review:

  • Your Facebook page must have at least 10,000 followers.
  • Your page needs consistent posting over the past 4 weeks.

If you meet these criteria, you can select expedited review when submitting your monetization request. Even with expedited review, however, it can sometimes take up to 5 business days in some cases.

Why is Facebook taking so long to review my page?

If your Facebook monetization review is taking longer than expected, here are some potential reasons why:

  • Your content is complex with a lot of videos, text posts, etc. Complex pages take longer to thoroughly review.
  • You may have some old content that raises flags. Facebook needs to investigate this fully.
  • An application error is delaying the process. Double check for accuracy and typos.
  • You haven’t responded to a follow-up question from Facebook. This stalls the review.
  • Your page was recently deactivated for violations. Facebook is being extra thorough in the review.

How to check the status of your review

To check where things stand on your monetization application, you can:

  • Log in to Facebook Monetization Manager and view your application status.
  • Check the email associated with your Facebook account for any messages from Facebook.
  • Visit the Facebook Publisher Support Community forum to ask about delays.

If your review seems to be taking significantly longer than Facebook’s stated timeframes, try reaching out to Facebook Publisher Support. They may be able to look into the status and potentially expedite the process if there are no pending issues.

What happens if Facebook rejects your monetization request?

If Facebook rejects your request for monetization, they will email you with the reason for the rejection. Common rejection reasons include:

  • Content that goes against Facebook’s Community Standards or monetization policies
  • Insufficient content volume on your page
  • Low engagement rate on your page and posts
  • Suspicious or fake engagement activity on your page
  • External websites linked from your page violate policies

If you get rejected, you can request further details from Facebook on what content caused issues. You can then make edits to your page and content to address any policy violations. After you’ve made changes, you can reapply for monetization.

Appealing rejected requests

If you feel Facebook wrongly rejected your monetization request, you can appeal the decision by:

  • Going through Facebook’s formal appeals process
  • Reaching out to Facebook’s Publisher Support team for assistance
  • Checking if any of your content was incorrectly flagged

However, appeals are typically only successful if Facebook’s review made a clear error in evaluating your eligibility. If you do violate their policies, appeals are rarely overturned.

Maintaining monetization once approved

Once you get approved for Facebook monetization, it doesn’t stop there. To maintain your monetization access, you’ll need to ensure all your new content continually complies with Facebook’s rules. Here are some tips:

  • Closely follow Facebook’s content policies for any content you share.
  • Review their advertising policies if you plan to run ads.
  • Promptly delete any content Facebook flags as inappropriate.
  • Don’t try to circumvent any policy enforcement actions Facebook takes.
  • Avoid posting content about controversial social issues.
  • Respond promptly if you receive any policy violation notifications.

Ongoing policy violations can lead Facebook to revoke your monetization access, so compliance is key. If you have any questions on what content is allowed, it’s best to reach out to Facebook for guidance.


Getting approved for Facebook monetization involves passing the platform’s content review, which generally takes 1-3 weeks. Expedited review can approve eligible pages in 3-5 days. If rejected initially, creators can edit content and reapply. Once approved, following Facebook’s guidelines for monetized content is essential to maintaining access. With some preparation and patience, creators can successfully get their content monetized on Facebook.