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How long does it take Facebook to investigate hacked account?

How long does it take Facebook to investigate hacked account?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a stressful and frustrating experience. With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is a frequent target for hackers looking to gain access to personal information. If you find that your account has been compromised, it’s important to act quickly to secure it and minimize potential damages. But how long does it actually take Facebook to investigate a hacked account and restore access to the rightful owner? Here’s an overview of what to expect if you submit a hacked account report to Facebook.

Submitting a Hacked Account Report

If you believe your Facebook account has been hacked, the first step is submitting a report through Facebook’s hacked account recovery process. You can do this by going to Facebook’s Hacked Accounts support page and following the instructions to fill out a form detailing the issue.

In the form, you’ll need to provide details like:

  • When you first noticed suspicious activity on your account
  • What types of unusual behavior you’ve observed, like unknown posts or messages
  • Whether you still have access to your account or are completely locked out

This information helps Facebook’s security team evaluate the severity of the hack and determine next steps. After submitting the form, you should receive an automated confirmation email from Facebook acknowledging receipt of your report.

Initial Response Time

So when should you expect to hear back after filing the hacked account report? According to Facebook, the initial response time is:

  • Within 1 hour for accounts with two-factor authentication enabled
  • Within 1 day for accounts without two-factor authentication

The quick response time for accounts with two-factor authentication reflects that these accounts are considered a high priority for Facebook. Two-factor provides an additional layer of security, so if a hacker circumvents it, Facebook wants to investigate right away.

Investigation Process

After those initial response times, Facebook will begin a more thorough investigation process to confirm whether your account was actually compromised. This involves steps like:

  • Checking for suspicious login locations or password changes
  • Reviewing account activity logs for unauthorized actions
  • Confirming whether any content was deleted without consent

Essentially, Facebook’s security team needs to analyze forensic details to verify that a genuine hack occurred before proceeding to restore account access.

Restoring Rightful Account Access

If Facebook’s investigation confirms your account was hacked, their security team will work to restore your full access while locking out the hacker. This is done by:

  • Resetting your password so the hacker can no longer login
  • Removing any content or changes made without authorization
  • Securing your account by requiring new login confirmation steps

You may also need to provide additional identity verification to Facebook at this stage to prove you are the legitimate account owner.

Timeline for Completing Investigation

So how long does the full investigation and resolution process typically take? According to Facebook, most cases are resolved within:

  • 1 week for accounts with two-factor authentication
  • 2-3 weeks for accounts without two-factor authentication

However, for more complex cases involving extensive unauthorized activity, the process could take longer. Facebook states some issues may take over a month to fully investigate and restore.

Following Up on Your Report

Throughout the investigation process, Facebook recommends periodically checking back on your report status. You can do this by logging into Facebook with alternative accounts you control and checking for updates.

Some tips for following up include:

  • If you don’t hear back after the initial response period, file a new report
  • Provide any additional details that could help expedite investigation
  • Clearly state in follow-ups if your issue is still unresolved

Thorough follow-up shows you are eager to regain access to your account, which can incentivize Facebook’s team to prioritize your case.

Using Account Recovery Options

If you’re completely locked out of your account during the investigation, Facebook recommends using backup recovery options to try regaining access. These include:

  • Requesting a password reset email if you still control your registered email
  • Entering any backup email addresses or phone numbers on file
  • Submitting photo ID through Facebook’s identity verification tool

Having multiple recovery options set up improves your chances of temporarily regaining control of your account while waiting for Facebook’s review.

Avoiding Future Hacks

Once Facebook restores your account, it’s crucial to implement enhanced security to avoid being hacked again in the future. Measures to consider include:

  • Changing your password to something strong and unique
  • Setting up two-factor authentication
  • Removing any suspicious alternative contacts or logins
  • Revoking account access from unknown third-party apps

Taking preventative measures greatly improves the long-term safety of your account after a hack occurs.


The full process of investigating and restoring a hacked Facebook account can take anywhere from 1 week to over 1 month, depending on your security setup and complexity of the hack. While waiting for Facebook to take action, submitting follow-ups and utilizing backup account recovery options can potentially help regain access more quickly. With vigilance and enhanced security, most victims of a Facebook hack can successfully recover their accounts and avoid similar issues in the future.