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How long does FB download information take?

How long does FB download information take?

The amount of time it takes to download your Facebook information can vary depending on several factors. In this article, we will look at what’s included in a Facebook data download, what affects download speeds, and how long it typically takes to download your Facebook data.

What’s Included in a Facebook Data Download

When you request your Facebook data, you get a copy of the information you’ve shared on Facebook, such as:

  • Your posts and photos
  • Your messages
  • Your profile information
  • Your lists of friends and followers
  • Pages, groups and events you follow or are a member of
  • Your searches and other activity on Facebook

Facebook packages all this data into an HTML file that can be unzipped and explored on your computer. The amount of data included can be substantial if you’ve used Facebook for many years and are actively engaged on the platform.

Factors That Affect Download Speeds

There are several key factors that determine how fast or slow your Facebook data will download:

  • Your connection speed – The faster your internet connection, the quicker the download. Slow DSL or mobile connections can prolong download times.
  • Facebook’s servers – During periods of high traffic, Facebook’s servers may respond slower, delaying download speeds.
  • Size of your data – The more years you’ve been on Facebook and the more active you are, the more data there is to download.
  • Device storage – Downloading to an older device with limited storage can bottleneck the download process.
  • WiFi vs cellular – WiFi offers faster and more reliable speeds compared to cellular data networks.

Average Download Times

It’s difficult to predict exactly how long your Facebook download will take due to the variables involved. However, based on reports from Facebook users, we can establish some general timelines:

Data Size Download Time
Under 1 GB 30 minutes to 1 hour
1-3 GB 1-3 hours
3-5 GB 3-5 hours
Over 5 GB 5+ hours or overnight

As you can see from the table, download times under one hour are only common for very small data sets under 1 GB in size. For most active Facebook users, a download time between 1-5 hours is typical.

Speed Up Your Facebook Data Download

Here are some tips to potentially decrease the time it takes to download your Facebook data:

  • Use a computer instead of mobile device – Computers are better equipped for large downloads.
  • Connect via Ethernet rather than WiFi – Wired connections are faster and more stable.
  • Close other programs – This devotes more bandwidth and processing power to the download.
  • Download overnight – Scheduling the download for when you’re sleeping allows it to complete uninterrupted.
  • Use a utility to accelerate download – Download managers can optimize bandwidth usage.
  • Request less data – You can choose to exclude videos and other large files.

Troubleshooting Slow Facebook Data Downloads

If your Facebook data is taking much longer than expected to download, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

  • Check your internet connection – Make sure you have a strong signal and are connected to the fastest available network.
  • Restart your device – Power cycling can clear up temporary glitches.
  • Free up storage space – Low storage on your device can slow the download.
  • Try a different browser – Some browsers manage large files better than others.
  • Contact your ISP – Your ISP may be having network issues slowing your connection.
  • Reach out to Facebook – If all else fails, contact Facebook support for assistance.

Pausing and Resuming a Download

If you need to pause your Facebook data download, it’s as simple as cancelling it on your browser. To resume:

  1. Go back to your Facebook settings.
  2. Re-request your Facebook data download.
  3. When prompted, choose to download the unfinished archive.
  4. The download will resume from where it left off.

Just keep in mind your original download link will only remain active for a few days. Make sure to resume your download within that window.

Downloading Your Data Again

You are able to request a fresh copy of your Facebook data once per day. When you download your data again, a few things happen:

  • It includes all data up until the time of the new request.
  • It captures any old data that may have been missed in the original download.
  • The download time will be longer if your data size has substantially increased.

Downloading a second copy can be useful if your initial download was interrupted or incomplete. Just be aware that you’ll have to set aside time for the entire process over again.

Alternative Ways to Transfer Facebook Data

If downloading your Facebook data directly from Facebook is too time consuming or difficult, there are alternative methods you can explore:

  • Social media export tools – Services like Social Book Archiver can scrape and export your data.
  • Manual export – You can manually save copies of photos, videos, messages, etc.
  • Google Takeout – If connected to Google services, Takeout can capture some Facebook data.
  • Paid services – Some companies offer expedited Facebook data transfers for a fee.

While the native Facebook download tool is still the most comprehensive way to get your data, the methods above can supplement it or potentially work faster in some cases.


Downloading your Facebook data is a process that generally takes from 30 minutes up to 5 hours or more, depending on your specific circumstances. While it’s not instant, following the tips in this article can help maximize your download speed. Be patient, plan your download in advance, and take measures to optimize bandwidth and storage. With some care taken ahead of time, you’ll be able to successfully retrieve years of memories from Facebook.