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How long does Facebook keep deactivated accounts?

How long does Facebook keep deactivated accounts?

Facebook gives users the option to deactivate their accounts rather than deleting them. When you deactivate your Facebook account, it is hidden from other users on the platform but not permanently deleted. Your information, photos, posts, and messages remain stored on Facebook’s servers even though your profile is no longer visible. So how long does Facebook actually keep deactivated accounts before deleting them for good?

Can You Reactivate a Deactivated Facebook Account?

Yes, you can reactivate a deactivated Facebook account. When you deactivate your account, Facebook gives you the option to log back in and reactivate your profile within 14 days. After 14 days, the account cannot be reactivated just by logging back in.

Instead, you have to go through the process of opening a new Facebook account with your name and information. However, your old account may still be restored if you contact Facebook support and request reactivation. So Facebook does still have your deactivated account stored in their system beyond 14 days.

Does Facebook Delete Deactivated Accounts?

Facebook does eventually delete deactivated accounts, but the exact timing is unclear. According to Facebook’s Data Policy, they will delete your account after it has been deactivated for a certain period of time. However, Facebook does not specify exactly how long that time period is.

Some sources claim that Facebook will permanently delete a deactivated account after 14 days. Others report 30 days or 90 days. However, these shorter time periods do not seem accurate based on users’ experiences reactivating accounts and Facebook’s policies.

How Long Does Facebook Keep Deactivated Accounts?

While the exact timeframe is uncertain, the general consensus based on Facebook’s policies and user reports suggests that deactivated accounts are kept for at least 1-2 years before being permanently deleted. Here are some key points that support this estimate:

  • Facebook’s Data Policy states they will retain data from deactivated accounts for “a reasonable period of time.” This implies at least several months to a year or more.
  • Facebook allows you to download all your account data for a limited time after deactivating. This data would not be available if your account was already deleted.
  • Users report being able to successfully reactivate accounts 6 months, 1 year, or longer after deactivating.
  • Facebook terms and conditions state they may retain certain data from deleted accounts for safety and legal purposes.

Based on these factors, the consensus view is that complete deletion of a deactivated Facebook account takes around 1 year or longer – up to 2 years in some cases.

What Data Does Facebook Keep?

When you deactivate your Facebook account, all of your information remains stored in Facebook’s system for the duration of time before permanent deletion. This includes:

  • Your profile information
  • Your photos and videos
  • Your posts and timeline information
  • Your friends/followers lists
  • Your messages
  • Your group memberships

Although your information remains stored, other users can no longer search for or view your deactivated profile. Your name no longer appears in friends’ lists or notifications. You also cannot log into Facebook or use it to sign into other services while deactivated.

Can You Regain Access After Deactivation?

For up to 14 days after deactivating your account, you can simply log back into Facebook with your email and password to reactivate your profile. After 14 days, you will have to go through the process of creating a new account.

However, even after 14 days, it may be possible to regain access to your old account by contacting Facebook support. You would need to provide proof of identity such as a copy of your photo ID. There are no guarantees, but users have reported regaining access to accounts 6 months or longer after deactivation through this process.

Does Facebook Notify You Before Deleting?

Facebook does not directly notify former users when a deactivated account is about to be permanently deleted. However, you may still be able to find out if your account is scheduled for deletion in the following ways:

  • Try to reactivate your account. If the reactivation fails, your account may already be deleted.
  • Use a friend’s account to try and search for your old profile. If it can’t be found, this suggests your account is gone.
  • Check if you can still download your account data. If not, your account has likely been deleted.

You can also contact Facebook support directly and inquire about whether your deactivated account is still in their system or scheduled for deletion.

Can You Delete Your Deactivated Account?

There is no way to manually delete your Facebook account while it is deactivated. You can only permanently delete your account while it is active. However, you can request for Facebook to go ahead and delete your deactivated account sooner by contacting their support team.

To do this, you would need to submit a request via Facebook’s eletion request form. You may need to provide proof of identity. Facebook reviews these requests on a case-by-case basis, but will sometimes agree to go ahead with deletion sooner than their normal timeframe for deactivated accounts.

Is a Deactivated Account Gone Forever?

Once your deactivated Facebook account is permanently deleted by Facebook, it is gone forever with no option for recovery. Facebook states that any account that has been successfully deleted cannot later be restored.

However, as mentioned above, the timeframe before permanent deletion gives you a window where you may be able to reactive your account by contacting Facebook support. If you do not take any action, your deactivated account will eventually be permanently deleted and irreversibly gone from Facebook’s systems.

Can You Tell if Someone Deactivated Their Account?

If someone you are friends with or follow has deactivated their Facebook account, you will notice some signs from your end:

  • Their profile will disappear from any friends lists and your News Feed.
  • Any posts, photos or profile information will also disappear.
  • You will stop seeing updates and notifications about that person.
  • Searching for their name will not bring up a profile.

So while you won’t get a specific notice that they deactivated, their profile and activity essentially disappearing from your view is a clear sign. However, unlike when someone blocks you, you cannot tell for certain if someone deactivated their account or just removed you as a friend.

Can You Tell if Someone Deleted Their Account?

Similarly, when someone permanently deletes their Facebook account, it will seem as if they simply removed you as a friend. Some signs that a Facebook account may be fully deleted include:

  • The profile vanishes without the person first deactivating.
  • You are suddenly removed from their friends list without explanation.
  • Their profile and posts do not show up even in search results.
  • Mutual friends have also lost access to the person’s profile.

However, you have no way to confirm if an account was deleted versus just you being unfriended or blocked. Facebook does not notify users when their friends delete accounts. Only the account holder would receive any confirmation from Facebook that their account was permanently removed.


In summary, the timeframe for Facebook’s permanent deletion of deactivated accounts appears to be around 1-2 years based on current data. Within 14 days of deactivation a profile can simply be reactivated. After that window, the account can only be restored through contacting Facebook support until the eventual deletion date.

Facebook does not directly notify former users when or if their deactivated account will be deleted. However, by trying to download data or reactivate the account, users may be able to check if the account is still present within Facebook’s systems.

Once Facebook fully deletes a deactivated account after their set time period, there is no method for recovery. While deactivated, an account remains inaccessible to other users but with all data still stored by Facebook. Only when permanently deleted is the account and all associated data gone from Facebook forever.