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How long does a friend request block last on Facebook?

How long does a friend request block last on Facebook?

Facebook’s friend request block feature allows users to prevent specific people from sending them friend requests. This can be useful for blocking harassers, exes, or anyone else you don’t want to interact with on Facebook.

What is a friend request block?

A Facebook friend request block prevents the blocked person from being able to send you a friend request. They will not see an option to add you as a friend or send you a friend request.

How to block someone from sending a friend request

To block someone from sending you a friend request on Facebook:

  1. Go to the profile of the person you want to block.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile.
  3. Select ‘Block’ from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm that you want to block this person from sending you friend requests.

Once blocked, they will no longer have the option to send you a friend request.

How long does a Facebook friend request block last?

Facebook friend request blocks do not expire. Once you block someone, they will be permanently blocked from sending you friend requests unless you decide to unblock them.

There is no time limit or expiration date on a Facebook friend request block. The block will remain in place indefinitely until you decide to lift it.

Even if you delete your Facebook account and start a new one, any friend request blocks you placed will remain intact. The blocked person will not be able to send a request to your new account.

The only way for the block to be removed is if you proactively go and unblock the person.

How to unblock someone from sending you a friend request

If you change your mind and want to allow a blocked person to send you friend requests again, you can easily unblock them:

  1. Go to your Blocked List by clicking on the shield icon in the upper right of your Facebook page.
  2. Locate the person you want to unblock and click ‘Unblock’.
  3. Confirm that you want to remove the block.

Once unblocked, they will again have the option to send you a friend request if they choose.

Other effects of blocking someone

Blocking someone from sending you friend requests also has some other effects on your interactions with that person on Facebook:

  • You will not be suggested as a potential friend to the blocked person in “People You May Know” recommendations.
  • The blocked person will not be able to start a conversation with you on Messenger.
  • You will not receive notifications about their activities or content they share.

So in summary, the block prevents any unwelcome contact or interactions initiated by the blocked person. You will have significantly limited contact with them on Facebook.

Who can see that you’ve blocked someone?

The friend request block happens privately. The blocked person will not be notified that you have blocked them from sending a friend request.

To them, it will simply appear that you have no Add Friend button available on your profile.

Your Facebook friends will also not know that you have blocked someone. It occurs in the background without any public notification.

The only way someone would know you’ve blocked them is if they try to send you a friend request and find they don’t have the option. But Facebook does not alert users when they are blocked.

Other blocking options

In addition to blocking someone from sending you friend requests, you also have a few other blocking options on Facebook:

  • Restrict – This limits the blocked person’s access to your posts and prevents them from starting conversations with you or adding you as a friend. You can still visit each other’s profiles.
  • Unfollow – This simply stops posts from the person from appearing in your News Feed. You remain connected as friends.
  • Block Messages – This prevents them from being able to message you on Facebook Messenger.

Using these options in conjunction with a friend request block can help minimize unwanted contact from someone on Facebook.

Does blocking someone delete your messages with them?

Blocking someone will not automatically delete or erase any previous messages between you and that person on Facebook Messenger.

Your existing message history remains intact even after you block someone.

To delete conversations on Messenger:

  1. Open the conversation with the person you want to block.
  2. Click on the name or photo at the top of the chat window.
  3. Select ‘Delete Conversation’.
  4. Confirm that you want to permanently delete the entire chat history.

This will wipe the conversation so it is no longer accessible by either party. You can delete chats before or after blocking someone.

Can a blocked person see your Facebook profile?

In most cases, someone who is blocked from sending you friend requests will still be able to access and view your Facebook profile.

Your profile and posts will usually remain visible to a blocked person as long as your privacy settings allow content to be seen by the general public.

However, if you have stricter privacy settings, a blocked person may find your profile is hidden or that certain information is unavailable to them.

Here are some ways you can further limit a blocked person’s access to your profile:

  • Adjust your privacy settings to limit access to posts to Friends only
  • Restrict access to your profile photos and background photos
  • Turn off the ability for search engines to link to your profile

Using these settings can help prevent unwanted snooping or interactions from someone you have blocked.

Can you get in trouble for blocking someone on Facebook?

For the most part, you cannot get in trouble or face any penalties for blocking someone on Facebook. Facebook gives users the ability to block others as a safety and moderation tool.

Here are some key things to keep in mind:

  • You have the right to block anyone for any reason. Facebook does not require justification for blocking.
  • Blocking someone you are friends with will unfriend them.
  • Blocking does not allow you to view the blocked person’s hidden or private content.
  • Blocking should not be used to prevent someone from seeing certain public posts or information.

As long as you use blocking properly as a way to prevent unwanted interactions, and not as a way to gain access to non-public information, you are unlikely to face negative consequences.

If someone is harassing you or making threats, make sure to also report them to Facebook in addition to blocking them. Continued harassment from a blocked person should be documented and submitted to Facebook.

Can a blocked person tell if you’ve deleted them as a friend?

When you block someone who you are currently friends with on Facebook, it will automatically unfriend them as well.

They will receive a notification that you are no longer friends. However, they will not get a specific alert that you blocked them.

It will simply appear to them that you removed them as a friend, without knowing that a block was also put in place.

So while they will know you deleted them as a friend, they won’t conclusively know whether you also blocked them. The lack of a friend request button on your profile is the only clear indicator.

Can you get blocked by someone else for blocking too many people?

There is no rule or limit on how many other users you can block on Facebook. You will not get penalized or blocked yourself for blocking “too many” people.

Facebook understands that for safety and privacy reasons, some users may need to block dozens or even hundreds of other accounts. Mass blocking will not cause your account to be restricted.

However, if you are indiscriminately blocking hundreds or thousands of random people in a short period of time, your activity may be flagged as abusive by Facebook’s systems.

The key is that blocks should be targeted and limited to specific individuals that you have justification for blocking. Mass blocking campaigns could potentially trigger automated abuse detection processes.

Can a Facebook block be reversed or overridden?

Once you block someone on Facebook, there are only two ways the block can be removed:

  1. You choose to unblock the person.
  2. The person creates a new Facebook account.

There is no way for the blocked person to override, reverse, or remove the block themselves. Even reporting the block to Facebook will not lead to its removal (unless there is justification, such as targeted harassment).

Creating a new Facebook account is the only way around a block. However, if the previously blocked person contacts you from a new account, you can identify and block them again.

Reiterating blocks on alternate accounts they create may be considered harassment by Facebook if done persistently.

Does blocking last after deleting Facebook?

If you decide to delete your Facebook account, any blocks you have placed on other users will continue to apply if you join Facebook again.

Once an account is blocked, that block will persist across any new accounts you create. So you cannot get around a block by deleting and reactivating your profile.

The block prevention is linked to your devices and activity history. As long as the same devices are used, the block will remain intact.

So in summary, any current blocks will still apply if you delete and recreate your Facebook profile.


Facebook friend request blocks are permanent and do not expire. The only way to undo a block is for you to proactively unblock the person.

Blocks prevent friend requests, interactions, and certain profile views. But they do not necessarily make your full profile invisible.

Blocks are private and the blocked person is not notified. But those you’ve blocked as friends will know you unfriended them.

Blocks can be a useful way to manage boundaries and minimize unwanted contact on Facebook.