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How long does a Facebook community standards review take?

How long does a Facebook community standards review take?

Facebook’s community standards outline what is and isn’t allowed on Facebook. When content is reported or detected that goes against these standards, Facebook will review the content to determine if it violates their policies. If you have posted content that is under review, you may be wondering how long the review process takes. Here is an overview of the Facebook community standards review process and timelines.

What triggers a community standards review

There are a few key ways content ends up undergoing a community standards review on Facebook:

  • A user reports the content for violating Facebook’s policies
  • Facebook’s automated systems detect the content as potentially policy-violating
  • A Facebook content moderator identifies the content for review

Content that is reported or flagged gets queued up for Facebook’s content review teams to evaluate. The most common policy violations that prompt reviews include hate speech, bullying, graphic violence, adult nudity, sexual activity, and more.

How long does an initial review take?

When content is first reported or detected, the initial review happens quickly. According to Facebook, their global review teams work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to review reported content.

For content that requires more nuanced review, such as harassment claims or hate speech violations, the process may take longer. On average, straightforward policy violations are addressed within 24 hours.

Review process and timelines

When your content goes under review, it goes through the following process:

  1. Your content is reported/detected as a potential violation.
  2. The content gets queued up for Facebook’s review teams.
  3. A content reviewer makes an initial assessment, often within 24 hours.
  4. If the reviewer confirms a policy violation, the content will be removed.
  5. In some cases, reviewers may need more time or context to make a decision.

Here are the general time frames for community standards reviews on Facebook:

Review stage Time frame
Initial review Typically within 24 hours
Additional content review Can take 1-3 days
Appeals process Usually 1-2 weeks

The initial review is the fastest, while more complex reviews or appeals take longer. Most reviews are completed within 72 hours according to Facebook, unless additional context is needed.

What happens if content is removed

If reviewers determine your content violated Facebook’s community standards, it will be removed from Facebook. You will get a notification explaining which policy was violated.

When content gets removed, the following restrictions are usually put in place by Facebook:

  • You cannot post from your account for a set period of time (typically 24 hours).
  • You may be banned from using Facebook Live for a period of time.
  • Your posts and comments will need approval before going public.

These restrictions give Facebook time to see if further policy violations occur after content removal, before fully reinstating account privileges.

Can you appeal if content gets removed?

If you feel Facebook made a mistake in removing your content, you can initiate an appeals process. This involves submitting an appeal to Facebook explaining why you feel the content removal was an error.

Facebook states that they have a team dedicated to evaluating appeals. The appeals team will take another look at your content and the violation cited. Appeals reviews typically take 1-2 weeks to receive a response from Facebook.

To submit an appeal:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Search for “appeal disabled account”
  3. Follow the instructions to fill out an appeal form

Include as much detail as possible on why the content removal was unwarranted in your view. Providing additional context can help with the appeals process.

How to avoid community standards violations

To prevent your content from being removed from Facebook, be mindful of their detailed community standards when posting. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid hate speech, bullying, and harassment directed at protected groups.
  • Do not post graphic, sexual, or violent content.
  • Make sure any shared news links come from reputable sources.
  • Do not spread misinformation or hoaxes.
  • Abide by Facebook’s rules around selling regulated goods.
  • Do not use fake accounts or unfairly mass-report content.

Keeping your posts and comments in line with Facebook’s standards is the best way to avoid lengthy reviews or content removal. Understand what types of content are deemed unacceptable, and post cautiously.


Facebook’s community standards review process generally takes 24-72 hours for initial decisions. Straightforward policy violations are addressed quickly, while more complex reviews may take several days. If content gets removed and you want to appeal, the appeals process typically takes 1-2 weeks to get a response from Facebook.

The best way to avoid issues is being familiar with Facebook’s rules and posting carefully. With billions of users, Facebook relies heavily on automated systems and global teams to handle content reviews at scale. Understanding the review timelines can help manage expectations if your content ends up violating a policy.