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How long does a Facebook ban last?

How long does a Facebook ban last?

Getting banned from Facebook can be frustrating and confusing. Many users who get banned wonder how long their ban will last and what they can do to get their account reinstated. The length of a Facebook ban can vary significantly depending on the reason for the ban and other factors.

Why Do Facebook Bans Happen?

There are several reasons why a user might get banned from Facebook:

  • Violating Facebook’s Community Standards: This includes things like posting hate speech, harassing other users, posting sexually explicit or violent content, etc.
  • Spamming: Repeatedly posting duplicate content, sending unsolicited messages, posting clickbait, etc. can result in a ban.
  • Fake accounts: Creating multiple accounts under false pretenses or maintaining inauthentic accounts can prompt a ban.
  • Hacking/compromising accounts: Trying to access accounts that don’t belong to you or otherwise compromising the security of the site often leads to bans.
  • Affiliate/referral spam: Posting referral links solely for financial gain rather than genuine sharing with friends may be seen as spam.

Bans are typically imposed to maintain the integrity of the Facebook platform and community. However, sometimes bans are issued in error and get reversed after review.

How Long Do Facebook Bans Last?

The duration of Facebook bans can range from 24 hours all the way up to a permanent lifetime ban, depending on the severity and specifics of the violation. Some of the most common ban lengths include:

  • 24 hours: Issued for minor first-time offenses.
  • 3 days: Issued for slightly more serious violations or second offenses.
  • 7 days: Issued for more clear-cut or repeated violations of policies.
  • 30 days: Issued for significant violations or after multiple shorter bans.
  • 60 days: Issued for very serious or repeat offenses.
  • Permanent: Issued for extremely serious or ongoing abuse. Very difficult to get overturned.

In most cases, the length of the ban depends on:

  • Type of violation (i.e. spam vs harassment)
  • Severity and frequency of offenses
  • Any prior bans on the account
  • Number of posts/messages that violated policies
  • Whether you took any positive remedial actions

Minor temporary bans for first-time violations tend to be on the shorter side, while permanent bans are reserved only for the most severe abuses.

What Happens When You Get Banned?

When you get banned from Facebook, you typically receive an on-site notification explaining the ban. You may also get an email from Facebook’s automated systems detailing the ban. Some of what happens when an account gets banned includes:

  • You are immediately logged out of Facebook and unable to log back in
  • Your profile and posts are hidden from other users
  • You cannot post content, react, comment, or interact with other accounts
  • Pages and ad accounts you administer may also get banned
  • You see a message explaining the ban when trying to access Facebook

Banned accounts are essentially put in Facebook jail. They remain dormant and inaccessible until the ban period has elapsed. Permanently banned accounts never regain access.

Appealing a Facebook Ban

If you feel your Facebook ban was unjustified or excessive, you can try appealing the decision through Facebook’s appeals process. Here are some tips for successfully appealing a Facebook ban:

  • File your appeal within 30 days of getting banned. The option to appeal expires after that.
  • Be sincere and admit fault for any clear violations.
  • Explain why you should be given a second chance.
  • Highlight any remedial actions you’ve taken to follow policies moving forward.
  • Provide any evidence that the ban was an error if applicable.
  • Be patient as reviews can take weeks and are not always successful.

To submit an appeal:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Search for “My account is disabled” and select the article
  3. Click “Let us know” and fill out the form provided

Unfortunately, due to the volume of appeals, Facebook does not guarantee that any appeal will get reviewed. But in some cases, sincere well-reasoned appeals do result in bans getting overturned or shortened.

What Happens After a Facebook Ban?

Once your Facebook ban is over, your account is automatically reactivated. You need to log back in to regain full access. When logging back in after a ban, keep the following in mind:

  • Comply with Facebook’s rules moving forward
  • Unpublished content remains unpublished
  • Interactions during the ban period will not appear
  • Friends/followers may have unfollowed you
  • Repeat violations could lead to longer bans

Essentially, your account goes back to the state right before the ban. Be careful not to immediately jump back into the same activities that got you banned originally.

Steps to Avoid Getting Banned Again

Here are some tips to avoid getting banned again after your initial ban period is over:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Community Standards
  • Remove any old content that violated policies
  • Change account settings if necessary
  • Avoid spamming friends or groups
  • Don’t post duplicate or irrelevant content
  • Make sure page titles and descriptions are accurate
  • Block harassers instead of engaging
  • Report offensive content instead of sharing it
  • Build a positive community that follows the rules

Following Facebook’s guidelines closely and being cautious about account behavior after a ban can help minimize the chances of getting banned again. The more bans an account gets, the harsher the penalties tend to become.

Can You Use Facebook While Banned?

No, you cannot use Facebook as normal while banned – your account is essentially temporarily deactivated. However, there are couple limited things you can do while banned:

  • Appeal the ban within 30 days
  • Read notifications emailed to you
  • Respond to messages sent to your Page or Messenger

But you cannot post, comment, access your profile or newsfeed, or interact with friends through a banned account. Trying to create a new account to bypass the ban will likely lead to the new account also getting banned once detected.

Can You Get Banned Without Posting?

Yes, it is possible to get banned from Facebook without actively posting any violating content. Some ways this can happen include:

  • Having a compromised account send spam or malicious content
  • Getting reported by others for harassment/stalking
  • Connecting too many accounts that violate policies
  • Interacting with prohibited groups or content
  • Enabling banned users to keep using Facebook

Facebook screens much more than just the content you post – they analyze your connections, browsing history, and account activity as well. Suspicious or malicious behavior detected can still warrant bans even if you weren’t publicly posting.

Should You Delete Your Account When Banned?

There is no need to delete your Facebook account just because you got temporarily banned:

  • The account is automatically deactivated during the ban period anyway
  • Valuable data and connections will be lost if deleted
  • Appeals will no longer be possible if deleted
  • Friends may not reconnect with a new account
  • Starting over loses your established audience and history

For temporary bans, wait out the duration, appeal if possible, then learn from the experience when returning to Facebook. Permanent bans are the only situation where starting a new account becomes necessary.

Preventing Bans as a Facebook Admin

As a Facebook page or group admin, you can take the following steps to avoid your admin account and communities from getting banned:

  • Establish clear rules and moderation policies
  • Quickly remove any harassing or offensive content
  • Ban users who continually violate rules
  • Avoid spammy posts and clickbait content
  • Screen potential moderators carefully
  • Don’t entice members to break Facebook rules
  • Respond professionally to reports and warnings

Being a conscientious community leader focused on creating a safe, engaging environment can help prevent your communities from getting disabled due to policy violations.


In summary, Facebook bans can range from 24 hours up to permanent, depending on the severity and type of violation. Minor first-time offenses tend to earn shorter bans, while serious repeated abuse can lead to indefinite permanent bans. While banned, you cannot use your Facebook account normally, but you can appeal within 30 days. Once a ban is over, be cautious in following Facebook’s rules to avoid further issues. With some prudence and understanding of Facebook’s policies, most people can avoid getting banned.