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How long do you have to wait for Facebook to unlock your account?

How long do you have to wait for Facebook to unlock your account?

Getting locked out of your Facebook account can be frustrating. You may find yourself unable to access your profile, photos, messages, and more. Facebook has automatic security features that can temporarily restrict access to accounts for various reasons. The good news is that in most cases, you won’t have to wait too long for your account to be restored.

Why Would Facebook Lock Your Account?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may restrict access to your account temporarily:

  • Too many login attempts – If there are multiple failed login attempts on your account, Facebook may lock it temporarily as a security precaution.
  • Suspicious activity – If Facebook detects suspicious or unusual activity from your account, such as an unexpected change in location, it may lock the account until you can confirm it’s really you trying to access it.
  • Security violations – Posting spam, harassing other users, or other violations of Facebook’s terms can prompt an account lockdown.
  • Accidental lockout – Sometimes glitches can cause accounts to get locked by mistake.

In most cases, getting locked out is just a temporary security measure, not a permanent disabling of your account. Once you resolve whatever triggered the lockdown, your access will be restored.

How Long Does a Facebook Account Lock Last?

The duration of a Facebook account lock can vary depending on the specific circumstances. Here are some general timelines you can expect:

1-24 Hours

For issues like too many login attempts or an accidental lockout, your account will usually be unlocked by Facebook automatically within a day or less. Just wait patiently and try logging in periodically until access is restored.

1-3 Days

If there was suspicious activity from an unfamiliar location, you may have to wait 1-3 days for the lock to lift while Facebook investigates. Make sure you have two-factor authentication enabled for extra security.

1-2 Weeks

More serious violations like spam or harassment can prompt a 1-2 week account lockdown. You may need to go through an appeals process to get it lifted sooner.

30 Days or More

In cases of very severe or repeated violations, Facebook may impose a long-term lock of 30+ days. You’ll likely need to demonstrate you have changed any problematic behavior before your access will be restored.

How to Get Back Into a Locked Facebook Account

If your account has been locked, here are the steps to follow to try and regain access as quickly as possible:

  1. Check any emails from Facebook – Facebook should send you an email notifying you that your account has been locked, and may provide instructions on next steps.
  2. Report the problem to Facebook – Use the “My Account Is Disabled” form to notify Facebook there has been an error and you need help restoring access.
  3. Verify your identity – Facebook may ask you to provide photo ID to confirm your identity and ownership of the locked account.
  4. Be patient – For short lockouts under 24 hours, patience may be all that’s needed for the block to lift automatically.
  5. Appeal the ban – If your account has been disabled for a terms violation, submit an appeal explaining why you should be reinstated.
  6. Wait for Facebook’s response – The security team will review your appeal and notify you if the account suspension has been lifted or shortened.
  7. Enhance security – Before trying to access your account again, strengthen security by adding two-factor authentication.

Ways to Get Locked Out of Facebook

To avoid getting your Facebook access disrupted in the future, it helps to be aware of some of the main ways users can get locked out of accounts:

Too Many Login Attempts

Entering an incorrect password too many times can trigger Facebook’s automatic safeguards, locking your account temporarily. Use a password manager so you have the right password on hand.

Unfamiliar Location

If your account shows login activity from a new or faraway location, Facebook may lock out access until you can confirm it’s really you trying to log in.

Suspicious Links

Posting questionable links can get your account restricted. Make sure to only share links from trusted sources.

Prohibited Content

Posting nude photos, violent threats, harassment, hate speech, and other violations of Facebook’s rules can prompt an account lockdown.

Fake Name

Using a fake name on your profile goes against Facebook’s terms and may get your access cut off.

Too Many Blocked Users

If you block too many fellow users in a short timeframe, Facebook may view this as abusive behavior and lock your privileges temporarily.

Tips to Avoid Getting Locked Out of Facebook

Here are some tips to help ensure you maintain continuous access to your Facebook account:

  • Add two-factor authentication – Enabling two-factor makes it much harder for anyone else to access your account.
  • Don’t use automated bots/scripts – Things like auto-commenting and auto-posting bots can look like spam to Facebook.
  • Avoid buying/selling accounts – This violates Facebook’s terms and may get an account locked if detected.
  • Be cautious about third-party apps – Granting extensive permissions to sketchy apps can compromise your account security.
  • Don’t share passwords – Letting others access your account often results in behavior that gets accounts locked.

Can a Locked Facebook Account Be Deleted?

Having your account locked does not lead to automatic deletion of your Facebook profile. However, there are a couple scenarios where a locked account could potentially get deleted:

  • You request account deletion during the lockout – Users can request their locked account be permanently deleted, which Facebook will do after a short waiting period.
  • The account stays locked too long – If an account remains locked for an extended time like one year or longer, Facebook may eventually just delete it.

In most cases, Facebook will simply restore your access once any security concerns are addressed. As long as you take steps to recover your account within a reasonable timeframe, permanent deletion is unlikely.

What Happens if Facebook Permanently Disables Your Account?

If Facebook disables your account due to very severe or repeat offenses, you may not be able to ever reactivate it. Here’s what happens when your account is permanently disabled:

  • Lose access – You will be logged out and unable to log back in to your disabled account.
  • Profile hidden – Your profile will no longer be visible to other users on Facebook.
  • Content remains – Photos, posts, videos, and other content you added will remain on Facebook’s servers.
  • Friends deleted – Your friend connections will be removed but you remain in their followers lists.
  • Messenger unavailable – You won’t be able to access Facebook Messenger associated with the disabled account.

If you think your account has been unfairly disabled, you can submit an appeal to Facebook, but success rates for getting access restored after a permanent disabling are not high.

Should You Just Create a New Facebook Account?

If your main Facebook account gets disabled, you may be eager to simply set up a new account. However, this is discouraged by Facebook and can just lead to more access problems. Consider these risks of starting a new Facebook profile after getting locked out:

  • Banned IP address – Facebook may recognize your device/IP and disable the new account right away.
  • Lost friend connections – You have to start rebuilding your friend list from scratch.
  • Missing photos – Any photos only posted on your previous account will be gone.
  • Violation of terms – Having multiple accounts is against Facebook’s rules.

For these reasons, it’s better to attempt regaining access to your existing account rather than creating a new profile as a workaround. Be patient and keep trying to appeal the ban.

How to Delete a Locked Facebook Account

If you are unable to get your locked Facebook account reactivated and decide you would rather just delete it altogether, here are the steps to permanently remove a locked account:

  1. Report the locked account via the Facebook Help Center.
  2. Select “I want to permanently delete my account.”
  3. Click “Continue to request account deletion.”
  4. Enter your account credentials if prompted.
  5. Confirm again that you want to delete the account permanently.

Facebook will initiate a short waiting period before deleting the account in case you change your mind. After it’s deleted, the account can’t be reactivated.

Getting Someone Else’s Locked Account Deleted

If your child or other family member has a locked Facebook account you want removed, you can request deletion by:

  1. Reporting the account via the Facebook Help Center.
  2. Filling out the account deletion form as the account holder would.
  3. Providing proof you are an authorized representative if Facebook requests it.

For accounts of someone who has passed away, submit a special request form to memorialize or delete the profile.


Having your Facebook access disrupted due to a locked account can certainly be stressful and inconvenient. However, in most cases these lockouts are temporary security measures rather than permanent bans. If you get notified that your account has been locked, stay calm and take steps to restore your access such as confirming your identity or appealing the ban. Within 24 hours to a few weeks, you should be able to log back in and resume using Facebook normally. Be patient and use secure practices going forward to avoid any further issues.