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How long do you have to have a Facebook account before you can use Marketplace?

How long do you have to have a Facebook account before you can use Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a convenient feature that allows Facebook users to buy and sell items locally. However, Facebook does have some requirements regarding how long your account needs to be active before you can access Marketplace. In this article, we’ll take a look at the specifics of the Facebook Marketplace account age requirements.

The Basics of Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace was launched in 2016 as a way for Facebook users to easily buy and sell items with other users in their local area. It provides a simple platform to list items for sale, communicate with potential buyers, and complete transactions.

Marketplace has grown rapidly since its launch and is now used by over 1 billion people each month. Its popularity stems from the convenience of being able to access a digital flea market of sorts right within the Facebook platform, without having to visit separate sites or apps.

Overall, Facebook Marketplace provides an easy way for everyday Facebook users to become buyers and sellers. However, to maintain a safe community, Facebook does have some requirements regarding account age before accessing Marketplace.

Account Age Requirements for Sellers

If you want to use Facebook Marketplace to list items for sale, your account needs to meet certain age requirements. Here are the current requirements for sellers on Marketplace:

  • Your Facebook account must be at least 30 days old to sell items on Marketplace.
  • You must be 18 years or older to sell items.
  • Your account must be in “good standing” with no restrictions.

The 30-day minimum account age is designed to help prevent fraudulent activity and maintain a trustworthy buying/selling environment. Overall, Facebook wants to ensure sellers are established members of the community.

Why Facebook Requires a 30-Day Account Minimum

There are a few reasons why Facebook instituted a 30-day account age minimum for Marketplace sellers:

  • Prevent fake accounts – Requiring accounts to be 30 days old makes it harder for fake accounts to be created just to perpetrate scams.
  • Build community trust – Longer-standing accounts have had more interactions and involvement, building familiarity and trust.
  • Limit spam – Newer accounts are more likely to repeatedly list prohibited items or violate policies.

By instituting a 30-day waiting period, Facebook can reduce bad behavior and build a Marketplace environment with more trusted sellers.

Are There Any Exceptions?

Facebook does not make any official exceptions to the 30-day account minimum for selling on Marketplace. This policy is strictly enforced across all Facebook user accounts.

Potential sellers will have to wait the full 30 days after creating a new account before being able to list items for sale. There are no shortcuts to bypass this requirement.

Requirements for Buyers

In comparison to sellers, the requirements for buyers on Facebook Marketplace are minimal. Here is what’s required:

  • Your account must be at least 14 days old to access Marketplace as a buyer.
  • You must be 18 years or older to buy items.
  • Your account must be in “good standing” with no restrictions.

The 14-day minimum helps prevent brand new accounts that may be fraudulent from purchasing items. But otherwise, Facebook tries to limit barriers to Marketplace buying to encourage participation.

Changing Account Settings

One important note is that buyers who want to change their account settings to become a seller will then have to wait the full 30 days. So a 15-day-old account could shop Marketplace, but not sell items yet.

Facebook requires meeting all time and age requirements specific to sellers or buyers depending on how your account is configured.

Tips for Meeting Marketplace Requirements

Here are some tips to ensure your account meets the requirements to access Facebook Marketplace functions:

  • Know the rules – Understand the 14-day minimum for buyers and 30-day minimum for sellers.
  • Mark your calendar – Make note of when your account will hit the 14 or 30-day marks.
  • Set account birthday reminders – Use Facebook notifications to alert you when your account is ready.
  • Adjust settings ahead of time – Switch to a seller account before hitting 30 days.
  • Use your real birthday – Make sure your listed birthday shows you are 18 or older.

The main thing is just being aware of the Marketplace account age policies and planning accordingly. With a little forethought, you’ll be ready to buy and sell right at 14 and 30 days.

What If My Account Is Restricted or Banned?

In addition to the time requirements, Facebook also stipulates your account must be in “good standing” to use Marketplace. So what if your account has been banned or restricted?

If your account has been banned from Facebook, even temporarily, you will not have access to Marketplace during that time. Listings will be removed and buying/selling disabled.

Other restrictions, like being banned from creating listings or commenting, will similarly limit your Marketplace participation. Your access depends on your specific violation and length of restriction.

Appealing Facebook Ban or Restrictions

If you believe a ban or restriction was applied unfairly, you can submit an appeal to Facebook. The steps include:

  1. Click the “Appeal” button on your restriction notification.
  2. Select the reason you are appealing.
  3. Provide additional context about why the restriction was unfair.
  4. Wait for a response from Facebook on the status of your appeal.

However, appeals are not always granted. So the best option is avoiding violations that could get your account restricted in the first place.

Creating a New Facebook Account

If your account has been permanently disabled by Facebook, your only option for gaining Marketplace access is creating a new account. However, you’ll have to start the process over again:

  • Wait 30 days after creating your new account to sell items.
  • Wait 14 days after creating your new account to buy items.

Facebook’s system will detect if you are creating multiple accounts, so you cannot shortcut the waiting periods. Have patience and follow the rules with any new accounts.

Table of Account Age Requirements

Here is a helpful table summarizing the key Facebook Marketplace account age requirements:

Marketplace Activity Minimum Account Age
Selling Items 30 Days
Buying Items 14 Days
Changing from Buyer to Seller 30 Days

As you can see, sellers have longer account minimums than buyers. Be sure to plan your participation accordingly!

The Purpose of Minimum Age Requirements

Facebook’s Marketplace account age rules may seem strict, but they serve important purposes:

  • Reduce fraud – Making scammers wait 14-30 days makes it harder for them to profit.
  • Build trust – Longer account histories foster familiarity and reputation.
  • Limit spam – Waiting periods discourage frequent policy violations.
  • Ensure safety – Facebook wants to create a safe buying/selling environment.

At the end of the day, Facebook wants Marketplace to enable enjoyable commerce between real people who follow the rules. Minimum age requirements help achieve that goal. While you may have to wait a bit to get started, it’s for good reason.

Waiting Until Your Account Hits 30 Days

For new Facebook users who want to sell on Marketplace, the 30-day waiting period can feel long. Here are some tips for passing the time productively until your account meets the age requirement:

  • Research selling tips – Use the waiting period to learn best practices.
  • Prepare listings – Draft Marketplace posts so they are ready to publish.
  • Build community – Engage with Facebook Groups related to your items.
  • Network – Connect with buyers and sellers interested in what you’re offering.
  • Gather supplies – Buy packaging and other inventory materials.

Staying active on Facebook during those first 30 days helps build connections and get you ready to hit the ground running as a seller. The month will pass quickly if you lay the groundwork.

Avoid Violating Policies as a New User

It’s also very important not to violate any Facebook policies during your first 30 days. Activity like spamming or violating Community Standards could get your account restricted before you ever make a sale. Be on your best behavior.

Plus, any policy violations will likely extend your waiting period past 30 days, since the clock resets if your account has been banned or suspended at any point.


Facebook Marketplace provides an excellent platform for individuals to become casual sellers. However, to maintain a safe community, Facebook does require waiting periods before new accounts can access buying and selling capabilities.

As a new user, be sure to note the 14-day minimum for buying items, and 30-day minimum for selling items. Restricted or banned accounts also cannot use Marketplace during violation periods.

While the waiting periods may be tedious, Facebook has instituted account age requirements with good intentions. Take time to prepare and build your community presence, and the 30 days will pass quickly.

With a responsible selling approach, Marketplace’s age policies only ensure you are ready to provide an excellent buying/selling experience. So be patient, avoid policy violations, and get ready to leverage Marketplace’s commerce opportunities as soon as you hit that 30-day mark!