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How long do posts stay on Facebook News Feed?

How long do posts stay on Facebook News Feed?

Facebook’s News Feed algorithm determines how long posts stay visible based on many factors. In general, newer posts are more likely to appear at the top of your News Feed. But certain types of engaging content can remain visible for longer periods of time.

What factors determine how long a post stays on Facebook?

There are several key factors that influence how long a post remains visible in your News Feed:

  • Engagement – Posts with lots of Likes, comments, and shares tend to stay near the top longer.
  • Post age – Newer posts generally appear higher than older posts.
  • Post type – Photos, videos, and life events tend to get more reach than regular status updates.
  • Author popularity – Posts from friends you interact with more often may stay visible longer.
  • Paid promotion – Sponsored and boosted posts remain pinned to the top of the News Feed.

Facebook’s ranking algorithm analyzes these signals and more to determine the relevance and quality of each post. Higher quality and more engaging posts have a better chance of appearing in your News Feed longer.

Do different post types stay longer than others?

Yes, certain types of posts typically remain visible in your News Feed longer on average:

  • Photos – Photo posts tend to get high engagement, so they often stay near the top of the News Feed longer than text-only posts.
  • Videos – Video posts have excellent visibility and reach, especially live videos which rank very highly.
  • Life events – Major life updates like engagements, marriages, new jobs, childbirths, etc. tend to remain visible for longer periods.
  • Posts you interact with – Any posts you Like, comment on, or share will be more likely to reappear at the top of your feed again later.

So if you want your posts to have maximum visibility and longevity in the News Feed, try incorporating photos, videos, or important life updates. And be sure to engage with your posts by liking and commenting on them periodically.

How long do regular status updates stay on Facebook?

For regular text-only status updates without photos, videos, or special occasions attached, the visibility period is much shorter:

  • Very high engagement – If a status update goes viral with many likes and comments, it may continue surfacing for several days or weeks.
  • Moderate engagement – With some likes/comments, a status update typically stays visible for 1-2 days.
  • Low engagement – A post with little interaction will likely disappear from the News Feed after several hours.

So for regular status updates, ongoing user engagement is the key factor driving longevity. Statuses with viral levels of likes and comments have the best chance of remaining visible over extended periods of time.

Do Facebook page posts work differently than personal profile posts?

Yes, there are some key differences in how long posts last on Facebook Pages compared to personal profiles:

  • Pages have access to post pinning – Page admins can manually pin 1-2 posts to the top of the Page indefinitely.
  • Pages can boost posts – Paid boosting pins promoted posts to the top of fans’ News Feeds.
  • Algorithm favors Pages – Posts from Pages tend to remain visible longer than personal profile posts on average.
  • More impressions – Pages have thousands of potential viewers versus a profile’s friend list.

So Page posts have some advantages in terms of visibility duration over regular user profile posts. Pinning, paid promotion, and sheer audience size help Page content stay in front of fans longer across Facebook.

Do deactivated or deleted posts remain on Facebook?

No, any posts that have been manually deleted or deactivated by the user are permanently removed from Facebook:

  • Deleted posts – No longer appear in your profile, Page, or News Feed at all.
  • Deactivated account posts – Become inaccessible to others once the account is disabled.
  • Expired posts – Video and live broadcasts only remain available for a limited time after posting.

So any user action to remove content also eliminates that content from ever resurfacing in the future. However, deleting a post does not prevent it from having been visible to others in the past.

Can you re-share an old post to make it reappear?

Yes, users can manually share an old post again to regain visibility for that post:

  • Share button – Pressing the Share button on a post republishes it as new.
  • Groups – Sharing a post to relevant Groups pushes it into those feeds.
  • Reshare to feed – Manually posting the same content again will make it reappear.

This technique works for both user profile posts and Page posts. Re-sharing old content can be an effective way to regain visibility, especially if the post was well-received the first time.

How often should you post to maintain visibility?

Posting frequency has an influence on overall visibility:

  • Daily posting – Ideal for Pages to stay atop the News Feed with 1-2 posts per day.
  • 2-3x per week – Good cadence for profiles to maintain visibility.
  • 1x per week – Minimum needed for consistent presence, at least weekly.
  • Less than weekly – Significantly reduces visibility for infrequent posters.

In general, posting daily is best for Pages, while personal profiles benefit from a few posts per week. Posting at least once a week is recommended as a minimum for staying visible.

What’s the ideal time to post on Facebook?

Analyzing user activity patterns reveals some ideal times for posting:

  • Early afternoons – More users scrolling during lunch breaks or mid-day. Aim for 11am to 2pm.
  • Evenings – People check Facebook after work and before bed. Best from 5pm to 9pm.
  • Midweek – Weekday posts tend to get more visibility than weekends.
  • Thurs/Fri – Highest post engagement is seen Thursdays and Fridays.

So according to the data, early afternoons and evenings during the middle of the work week are prime times to post. But it’s important to also test timing with your specific audience.

Do Facebook ads extend post visibility?

Yes, running Facebook ads gives you direct control to extend post visibility:

  • Boosted posts – Ads increase reach for posts beyond your normal audience.
  • Pinned posts – Ads can keep posts pinned to the top of the feed indefinitely.
  • Video views – Video views continue accumulating as ads run.
  • Budget and duration – You control exactly how long the posts remain promoted.

Facebook advertising is an investment, but often a worthwhile one to gain extra visibility, reach, and engagement on high-value posts.


To summarize key points on Facebook post visibility duration:

  • High engagement helps posts stay visible longer organically.
  • Photos, videos, and major life events last longer than text updates.
  • Pages have more visibility advantages than personal profiles.
  • Deleted or deactivated posts disappear permanently.
  • Re-sharing and posting frequently improves overall visibility.
  • Early afternoons and evenings tend to perform best.
  • Ads extend visibility through promoted reach and pinned posts.

Analyzing these factors can help maximize the lifespan of your Facebook content. Strive for engagement and quality over quantity. And don’t hesitate to put some promotional budget behind your best performing posts.

Post Type Average Visibility Duration
Viral status update Days to weeks
Photo post 2-3 days
Life event post 3-7 days
Regular status update 12-24 hours

This table summarizes estimated visibility durations for different types of Facebook posts, based on typical engagement levels. Photos, viral posts, and life events achieve the longest average visibility in the News Feed.

Tips to improve Facebook post visibility time

Here are some tips to help extend the lifespan of your Facebook posts:

  • Post eye-catching photos and videos – Visual content gets more engagement.
  • Write clear, compelling captions – Draw readers into commenting and sharing.
  • Ask questions to spark discussion – Questions can boost comments.
  • Post at optimal times – Early afternoons and evenings tend to work best.
  • Promote valuable evergreen posts – Keep important content pinned to the top.
  • Re-share older posts when relevant – Breathe new life into your best content.
  • Engage with your posts – Reply to comments and share posts to Groups.

Following these best practices for high-quality, engaging content will lead to posts staying visible for longer. Combine organic and paid promotion strategies for maximum visibility on Facebook.

Case Study: How a Viral Post Achieved Multi-Year Visibility

Here’s a real example of a viral Facebook post that attained extremely high visibility through massive engagement:

In 2016, a mom named Courtney Adam posted an embarrassing photo of her teenager lying on the floor next to piles of laundry. She asked if any other parents’ kids refused to fold clothes.

This single post received over 50,000 likes, 9,500 comments, and 30,000 shares. It struck a chord with parents everywhere.

Due to this astronomical engagement, Courtney’s post continued surfacing in Facebook News Feeds for over two years. Even today it still resurfaces and receives new likes/comments 5 years later.

This case study demonstrates the tremendous visibility 10x+ engagement can enable. Although nearly impossible to predict viral posts, the potential longevity remains impressive.

Research Statistics on Average Facebook Post Visibility

Facebook visibility research by Socialinsider analyzed over 1 million Facebook posts and found:

  • 80% of post impressions occur within the first 3 hours.
  • Posts received 75% of total engagement within 20 hours.
  • After 1 day, only 10% of impressions remained.
  • Engagement metrics declined steadily after initial spike.

These stats reveal most Facebook post activity happens very quickly. But ongoing engagement helps extend the tail of visibility much longer.

Another study by BuzzSumo analyzed 100 million Facebook posts and identified average performance benchmarks:

  • Median lifetime engagement: 71 reactions
  • Median lifetime comments: 4
  • Median lifetime shares: 2
  • Half of posts lost visibility after 3.5 hours.

These figures confirm that the median post sees significant drop-off after a few hours without further promotion. But posts generating well above-average reactions, comments, and shares can surface for days or weeks instead.

How Facebook’s Algorithm Curates Your News Feed Content

Facebook’s proprietary News Feed ranking algorithm controls post visibility using advanced machine learning techniques. Key signals used include:

  • User connections – Posts from closer friends rank higher.
  • Post engagement – Likes, comments, shares factor positively.
  • Click-through-rate – Posts users click on are considered higher quality.
  • Video watch time – Longer average view duration increases rank.
  • Account authority – Pages with more followers typically rank better.

In 2016, Facebook made engagement the primary ranking factor over post recency. This increased visibility timeframes for highly interactive posts.

The algorithm also incorporates personalized user preferences and histories to curate each person’s News Feed, avoiding one-size-fits-all rankings.

By understanding these ranking factors, Facebook Page owners and marketers can make strategic posting decisions to maximize visibility in target users’ feeds. High-quality, relevant content consistently engaging the target audience tends to achieve the greatest long-term visibility through algorithmic amplification.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many posts can you pin to the top of a Facebook Page?

Facebook currently allows Pages to pin a maximum of 2 posts to the top of the Page simultaneously. These pinned posts essentially act like permanent ads frozen at the top. Pages can alternate which 2 posts are pinned as desired over time.

Do Facebook post impressions get fixed eventually?

Post impressions, meaning the number of times a post was served in users’ feeds, do reach a fixed point over time. Unless a post goes viral or gets promoted indefinitely, its natural impressions will typically stop accumulating within several days or weeks as reach declines.

Can you see how many people viewed your Facebook post?

Unfortunately there is no direct metric for number of views per post. Facebook does not provide public data on how many specific users a post appeared to. However, the lifetime post reach, along with engagement metrics like reactions and comments, offer indications of relative visibility.

What happens to analytics when you delete a Facebook post?

When a post is deleted, all metrics and analytics associated with that post are permanently erased. Page owners can no longer access engagement, reach, or demographic data on deleted posts. So if you may wish to document records of performance data before removing any high-value posts.

Why aren’t my Facebook posts showing up in News Feeds suddenly?

There are a few possible causes if your Facebook posts stop surfacing to followers:

  • Recent low engagement – Consistently low likes, comments, shares lead to declining reach.
  • Over-posting – Flooding the feed with too many posts fatigues audiences.
  • Spam flags – Users marking your posts as spam or offensive hurts visibility.
  • Shadowbanning – Violating Facebook policies can restrict reach without warning.

Checking for notifications, reducing posting frequency, and focusing on value-adding content can help restore normal visibility rates.