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How long do I have to wait to confirm my identity on Facebook?

How long do I have to wait to confirm my identity on Facebook?

Facebook requires users to confirm their identity if their account appears suspicious or is reported for violating Facebook’s policies. This is done to protect the Facebook community and prevent fake accounts. The identity confirmation process involves submitting a government-issued ID to prove you are who you say you are.

Many users get frustrated when their account is locked and they are prompted to confirm their identity. A common question is: how long do I have to wait before my identity confirmation request is reviewed? Unfortunately, Facebook does not provide an exact timeframe. However, based on reports from users who have gone through the process, it can take anywhere from 1 day to 1 week+ for Facebook to review your confirmation documents and restore access to your account.

In this article, we’ll provide more details on how the identity confirmation process works, what causes accounts to be locked, how to submit your ID, and tips on speeding up the review process.

Why Facebook Requires Identity Confirmation

There are a few common triggers that will prompt Facebook to lock your account and request ID confirmation:

  • Your account was reported for violating Facebook policies, such as impersonation, fake name use, harassment, etc.
  • Your account shows suspicious activity patterns, such as an unusual login location.
  • Too many security checks have been triggered when logging into your account.
  • You suddenly change your name, birthday, profile picture or other details.
  • You create multiple Facebook accounts with similar names/info.

Essentially, if Facebook’s automated systems detect your account looks fake, compromised or is being used suspiciously, they will lock it down until you can prove you are the legitimate account holder.

This is understandably inconvenient for real users who get caught up in the identity checks, but it’s Facebook’s way of reducing harmful fake accounts and activity on the platform.

How to Submit Your Photo ID for Review

If your account is locked, you’ll see a screen asking you to confirm your identity. Here are the steps to complete the ID submission process:

  1. Click on the “Need help confirming my identity” button.
  2. Select the ID type you want to submit – driver’s license, passport or national ID card.
  3. Enter your full name exactly as it appears on your ID document.
  4. Enter your date of birth.
  5. Upload a photo or scan of the front and back of your ID document.
  6. Enter the security code shown.
  7. Click Submit.

Facebook provides tips on taking a clear, well-lit photo of your entire ID document so all details are visible. Make sure to follow their guidelines to avoid delays in the review.

You cannot bypass this process – there is no way to remove the identity check until you successfully complete ID submission and have it approved by Facebook.

How Long Does Identity Confirmation Take?

Once you submit your documents, you’ll see a notice that your review request is “In Progress.” So when will your account access actually be restored?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not provide a specific timeframe or expected date of completion. Based on reports, identity confirmation reviews can take anywhere from:

  • 12-24 hours
  • 2-3 days
  • 1 week
  • 2+ weeks in some cases

The exact time likely depends on how backlogged Facebook is with ID reviews. During busy periods, such as major holidays, it may take longer.

Here are some timeline reports from users who went through the process:

User Timeline Reported
Michelle 12 hours
David 3 days
Lisa 1 week
Chris 9 days

As you can see, it can vary quite a bit, even for standard cases with no complications. The best you can do is submit your ID promptly and then wait patiently.

Speeding Up the Identity Confirmation Process

While there are no guarantees, here are some tips that may help expedite Facebook’s review:

  • Provide a clear, high-quality scan or photo of your government ID showing all text and details.
  • Make sure your name, birthday, and other info matches exactly what’s listed on your Facebook account.
  • If errors or typos occur in your initial submission, re-submit new ID photos ASAP.
  • Respond promptly if Facebook requests additional information or clarification.
  • Avoid constantly contacting Facebook asking for status updates, as this can slow down the process.

Essentially, submit complete, accurate ID documents and then wait patiently. Following up 2-3 times per week for a status update is reasonable. But bombarding Facebook with daily requests is counterproductive.

Using a Selfie Video for Faster Review

In some cases, Facebook may give you the option to submit a selfie video instead of scans/photos of your ID. This video records you turning your head left and right to capture your likeness.

According to user reports, when the selfie video option is available, it can cut down the identity confirmation timeline to just hours in some cases. However, Facebook only provides this faster video review option to a limited number of users.

What to Do If Your ID is Rejected

In some cases, Facebook may reject the ID you submitted and ask for additional verification – or keep your account locked despite your best efforts.

If your confirmation gets rejected or stuck in limbo, here are some tips:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s ID document guidelines and ensure you are sending high quality images/scans that meet all requirements.
  • Double check that your personal details match your Facebook profile exactly.
  • Try submitting an alternative ID document type, such as your passport instead of driver’s license.
  • Include a note explaining any discrepancies between your documents and Facebook profile.
  • Contact Facebook support and select the Identity Verification option to explain your situation.

With persistence, most users are eventually able to get their IDs approved and accounts restored. But the process can be lengthy and frustrating in difficult cases.

Preventing Identity Lockouts in the Future

To avoid going through the identity confirmation process again in the future, be sure to:

  • Maintain an accurate profile with your real identity.
  • Don’t violate Facebook’s policies or terms of service.
  • Secure your account with two-factor authentication.
  • Watch for suspicious logins or password reset emails.
  • Don’t share your account or add suspicious contacts.

Keeping your account legitimate, secure and in good standing will minimize risks of another lockout.

Waiting Patiently is Key

The identity confirmation process can be frustrating when your Facebook access is restricted. But try to be patient, as the review team needs time to thoroughly verify your documents.

Submit your best ID images, follow tips to speed up the process, and wait it out. In most cases, your access will be restored within 1 week once you provide proper verification.


To summarize, if your Facebook account is locked down for identity confirmation:

  • Carefully submit your official photo ID via the confirmation screens.
  • Allow 1 week before expecting your account to be restored.
  • The process can take 1-3 days in some cases or 2+ weeks in others.
  • Follow tips to submit proper ID docs and expedite the process.
  • Wait patiently and avoid bombarding Facebook for constant status updates.
  • Confirming your identity protects the Facebook community. So cooperate fully with their process, even if it takes some time. With perseverance, you can successfully verify your account and regain access. Just be patient and persistent.