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How long do FB reels last?

How long do FB reels last?

Facebook reels are a new video format introduced by Facebook in 2020. Reels allow users to record and edit 15-second multi-clip videos with audio, effects, and creative tools. Reels can be shared to Facebook and Instagram. But how long do Facebook reels last before they expire or are deleted?

The Lifespan of Facebook Reels

When a user posts a reel, it will remain visible on their profile indefinitely, just like regular Facebook videos. There is no expiration date for reels on a user’s own profile.

However, reels shared to the Facebook News Feed operate differently. Reels in the News Feed have a limited lifespan:

  • Reels are prioritized in the News Feed for approximately 3 days after posting.
  • After 3 days, engagement on the reel will determine if it continues appearing in the News Feed.
  • If engagement remains high, the reel may continue appearing for up to 7 days total.
  • After 7 days, the reel essentially expires from the News Feed unless it goes viral and gets very high engagement.

So in summary, reels last indefinitely on a user’s own profile, but have a 7 day lifespan in the News Feed unless they continue getting high engagement.

Why Reels Expire from the News Feed

There are a few reasons why Facebook limits the News Feed lifespan of reels:

  • To keep the News Feed fresh and prevent old, irrelevant content from lingering.
  • To encourage users to continue engaging with and producing new reels.
  • To give newer reels a chance to be seen in the limited News Feed space.

Facebook has stated that expired reels may resurface in the News Feed if they start generating renewed engagement. So reels aren’t necessarily deleted forever once they expire.

Maximizing Reel Lifespan

Here are some tips creators can use to maximize the lifespan of their Facebook reels in the News Feed:

  • Post at optimal times when your audience is most active.
  • Use relevant and captivating captions to draw viewers in.
  • Use hashtags and location tags to increase discoverability.
  • Interact and reply to comments to drive engagement.
  • Run ads to boost views and engagement.
  • Repurpose evergreen reels that continue performing well.

With the right strategy, creators can keep their quality reels circulating in the News Feed past the initial 7 day period.

Reel Analytics

Facebook provides creators with analytics so they can track the performance of their reels. In the Facebook Reels Manager, you can view:

  • Number of plays
  • Total watch time
  • Average watch time per viewer
  • Likes, comments, shares, saves
  • Audience demographics

Analyzing this data over time can reveal when your audience is most active and what types of reels perform best. Creators can use these insights to make data-driven decisions about when to post reels and what content resonates most. Optimizing reel strategy based on performance analytics can extend the lifespan of reels in the News Feed.

Reel vs Regular Video Lifespans

Standard Facebook videos follow the same basic News Feed lifespan as reels. However, there are a few key differences:

Reels Regular Videos
15 second multi-clip videos Up to 240 minutes single video
Prioritized for ~3 days No initial prioritization period
Lifespan up to 7 days Lifespan depends on engagement

So reels have a defined 7 day lifespan in the News Feed, while regular videos remain visible until engagement drops off. However, strong engagement can extend both reel and video lifespans past initial limits.

Reels vs TikTok and Instagram Reels

Facebook adopted the short-form vertical video reel format to compete with other platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Here is how the lifespan of Facebook Reels compares:

Facebook Reels TikTok Videos Instagram Reels
Up to 7 days in News Feed No set expiration Up to 7 days in Feed

TikTok has no defined video expiration timeline. Instagram Reels also operate on a 7 day lifespan just like Facebook. All platforms rely on engagement to keep videos circulating past initial limits.

Pros of Short Reel Lifespans

While some creators may be frustrated by short reel expiration timelines, there are benefits to the 7 day limit:

  • Motivates creators to consistently produce fresh content
  • Gives more users a chance to have their content seen
  • Surfaces timely, relevant videos based on current interests
  • Reduces stale content buildup in the News Feed

The fast-paced nature of short form video encourages participation and creativity across a wide range of users on social platforms.

Cons of Short Reel Lifespans

However, short reel lifespans also come with downsides:

  • Puts pressure on creators to constantly churn out new content
  • Makes it hard for some creators to build a backlog of evergreen content
  • Causes temporary dips in visibility and engagement for established creators
  • Rewards quantity over quality in some cases

For these reasons, some creators prefer platforms like YouTube where videos have indefinite lifespans. There are valid pros and cons to both approaches.

Paying to Promote Expired Reels

Once a reel expires from the Facebook News Feed after 7 days, you still have options to gain additional views. Creators can pay to promote expired reels through:

  • Facebook Ad Campaigns – Run ads targeting your audience
  • Facebook Reels Play Bonuses – Pay to add extra views
  • Instagram Reels Promotion – Cross-post and promote on Instagram

Promoting successful evergreen reels can help continue driving value from quality content, even after the initial News Feed lifespan.

Archiving Expired Reels

Even after reels expire from the News Feed, creators can still archive them on their profile or download the original video file. This preserves the content while clearing it from the News Feed.

Archived reels can be reused in future videos or compilations. And if a reel becomes relevant again, creators can re-share it to potentially restart News Feed circulation.

Alternatives to Extend Value

Beyond directly promoting reels, creators have alternatives to extend value from short-lived content:

  • Compile into longer-form video content
  • Repurpose snippets into other formats like still images
  • Use clips in a live stream or YouTube video
  • Turn into bite-sized carousels for social posts

Repackaging short form videos into new formats allows creators to continue surfacing old content in new ways.

Engagement is Key

While Facebook Reels have defined short lifespans in the News Feed, strong engagement is the ultimate factor that extends their reach over time. Creators who consistently post quality reels that resonate with their audience will see greater lifespan for each piece of content.

Monitoring performance data and optimizing content strategies based on learning will help maximize reel longevity. Paying close attention to feedback from the algorithm and viewers is the best path to keeping reels circulating beyond 7 days.

The Future of Reel Lifespans

As reels continue gaining popularity on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, it will be interesting to see if short form video lifespans are extended over time. There are arguments on both sides for lengthening or keeping the 7 day standard. Ultimately platforms will make decisions that balance creator desires with an optimal user experience.

One advantage of short lifespans is encouraging consistent creativity and participation. But networks must also provide enough time for content to find its audience and for creators to establish themselves.

As the short form video space evolves, best practices will emerge around content strategies and requirements for long-term viability. But for now, producing high-quality reels and maximizing engagement are creators’ best hedges against the 7 day limit.


Facebook Reels currently operate on a 7 day lifespan in the News Feed, but have no expiration on a user’s own profile. Strong viewer interaction can extend the window past 7 days. While some find short lifespans limiting, they do motivate participation and fresh content across the platform. Ultimately, producing engaging reels optimized for target audiences will give creators the best shot at longevity.